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Broad Mites?

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Storm Shadow

Well-known member
The Death Squad Combo of Forbid/Avid mixed togethor is the best ... 2 applications of this combo within a couple of weeks and BM's will be gone...


Active member
Well the plants aren't showing any more stress signs after hitting them for a good while with temps of up to 129.4. New growth pointing straight up and no droopiness generally ;-)

Going to give them a good drink now, including the dose of Aspirin. The Aspirin here is 300mg per tab, I'm sure that'll be near enough to the recommended 325 per gal. Do you mean American or UK gallon though, I believe they're different?


It's good that they are looking better. They perk up after heat treatment in my experience.
Re: Aspirin-six of one, half a dozen of the other. Not a critical difference, and you can use more than that. That's just what I keep in my rez as adjunct/preventative. I have used higher dosages in the beginning with no ill effects. Just adjust for PH.
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Active member
Everyone knows you can use poisons in veg to control BMs. A simple Google search gives you the chems to use. The problem is they come back, and if they come back in flower, you cannot use toxins, so you must use alternative methods. Storm Shadow has never tried heat method, so has no idea what he is babbling about. Just a broken record who claims to be totally rid of them, but amazingly has to keep buying more toxins, because they always come back, no matter what method you use. Funny how my mentioning his neg repping flushed him out of the woodwork after he hasn't posted in months after his last meltdown. He even created a fake ID praising himself. That ID had 3 total posts and then disappeared. Too funny! I have nothing against anything that works, but in flower, chems can't be used, and personally, I'd rather not spray poisons, especially neurotoxins, if there are alternatives.
If you had them in veg, they are in your room/house, and will come back in flower. For me, heat is convenient once it's set up & dialed in. Just turn it on for an hour when necessary and you are good to go, even in flower.
Swirskis are also good, but you need a lot of them. Learning to breed your own would be helpful. I'm looking into how to do that now. I wouldn't hesitate to use them in late flower after doing heat treatment.
Between runs or in empty rooms, heat treatment for sure. Steam cleaning can also be used to clean empty rooms.
Lol, probably has used the heat, but won't admit it ;-)

I'd like to get some Forbid for hitting new clones and maybe to treat mothers, but I can't find it anywhere in UK when I search on google/ebay. Only see it in the states. Anyone know if its available over here?

Retro, so long as I keep on top of things, do you think there is a good chance of a respectable harvest. I have had runs where plants look super healthy, too healthy (green) only for flowers to stunt badly and bring disappointment due to off gassing. Of course I know you can't give a definite mate, just your opinion on the likelyhood.

Sorry in a bit of a rush, I'll be back later

Thanks, Trev

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Swirskis are also good, but you need a lot of them. Learning to breed your own would be helpful. I'm looking into how to do that now. I wouldn't hesitate to use them in late flower after doing heat treatment.
Between runs or in empty rooms, heat treatment for sure. Steam cleaning can also be used to clean empty rooms.
Swirskiis can survive on a diet of pollen. So if you can maintain a pollen producing plant in your space then you are sorted.

I haven't tried much easier to keep the sachets, as a preventative much fewer swirskiis are needed, curative you need to dump a huge amount on top of the broad mites!


You spray in veg ...no one said use it during flowering... It works pretty solid...

I said some strains will not be phased by the BM toxin and will bounce back fine....just wait and see ...some of your plants will dud...they will look healthy as fuck....and you'll notice later in flowering they're a shell of them former selves...ive grown quite a bit a ladies since I first had this problem...and it hasnt been a problem for years now

I have noticed this as well.Exactly as you say. Maybe someday we can breed resistant plant strains.And why has it not been a problem for years now...? Because you have selected resistant strains..? Or because you use a constant Forbid/Avid regime...? or both..? do you think your BM's and hidden eggs are totally gone from your grow or they would come back if you let them...? I am interested in what everyone has to say.


A "Resistant" strain wouldn't be able to avoid infestation entirely, they would simply be less prone towards the damage and mutations caused by BM toxin.


A "Resistant" strain wouldn't be able to avoid infestation entirely, they would simply be less prone towards the damage and mutations caused by BM toxin.
Ya, should of made myeslf a little clearer. Cause I have noticed over the years that some of the strains tend to get wiped out by the little btards and some get damaged but manage the attack way better.


Although supposedly there are GM versions of corn that produce neem-like substances that make it more difficult for insects to feed on them, so while it might be the work of the devil, eventually prevention might get built in.


Although supposedly there are GM versions of corn that produce neem-like substances that make it more difficult for insects to feed on them, so while it might be the work of the devil, eventually prevention might get built in.

Because of the Toxins they produce they could not have been designed or manufactured any better it always sparks my conspiracy mind. I have been at this a long time and I could not have designed a more perfect bug than this one. Why only now...? I have been growing indoor hydro starting in the very early years had about a thirty year run did not even ever get spider mites or pm just floated along fat and happy ...now a person even using poison has a horrible time...? just does not add up or make a lot of sense. The closest explanation I have heard is that everyone and there mother is doing it now so by process of quantum physics things are going to get spread around way more easily. I don't know , all I know is everything is a complete pain now with this hobby ,,,use to be fun. I suppose me getting old and grumpy. I remember surfing spots and places on the Colo River we use to call "The secret spot'...You should see those places now...LOL can't squeeze another drunk idiot in there now...All the best.


As said on the last page, how long have people been fighting and complaining about "Tobacco Mosaic Virus"? Many growers who thought they have chronic infections turned out to have chronic infestations of broad or cyclamen mites. The nasties just weren't identified properly until thorough investigations were conducted.

Supposedly these tiny mites tropical in origin, so it's not hard to imagine that they came in with massive bales of imported south / central american cannabis as far back as the roaring 20s or the golden years of cannabis during the 1800s, or even countless smuggled cuttings by more modern growers in different parts of the country resulting in infestations everywhere we have growers.

The government is less smart and more corrupt than you give them credit for. Do you really think they have the ability to create crack, HIV, AND broad mites? They don't even have the budget for it without giving up cash destined for slush funds.
We're probably going off topic a bit with this, but although I wouldn't put it past them, I doubt government intervention here, but, and its a big but, I think you're a bit off the mark Sooper smurph, no offence, but its not about whether the government are clever or not.

I knew someone working on a PHD, in marine life specialising in the way some under water creatures change colour chemically, and was picked up and was financed (very well!) by government for disguise techniques. The clever people come to be noticed and anything of interest is picked up. So its other clever people, not government ministers that do all the working out of these things, the gov just take the research and use it to their own ends.

I just don't think the government are that bothered about cannabis to go to the effort even if some science lab boffin did create a frankenstien bug. Who knows what plans are around the corner of powers at be for controlling the people, and we all know the killjoy attitude of many people in power. I think many countries would simply boil over if you took weed out of the equation, so I really doubt it would be in their interests.

I do find it strange that even in cold climates we have this tropical bug, I too agree with, I think it was Moses that globalisation is most likely, along with the fat that more and more people are selling and moving cuts around. I ant't believe that there is a living population outside my house as I don't think they'd survive it, certainly not for half of the year anyway.

I think there are, or at least have been, very few cases of BM's in the UK, the same goes for Mosaic tobacco virus (which, from what I read, could have been BM's all along). I don't know of anyone who's had this problem in my area, I seem to be the first, at least in my fairly extensive circle. My main thought for my own infestation is most likely using a bag I'd toted around SE Asia and India for many many months, eating fresh Mangos and all sorts of other exotic stuff, to collect my cuts in. (Bugger, should have toasted the bag when I did the room!)

Many Uk growers here with this problem confirmed? I'd be very interested to know ;-)

Back on topic though, I think its Some Old Dude who said just 4 or 5 mites living on a plant is enough to cause severe damage. I'm struggling to go with this mate, with the prolific breeding abilities (to the extent that a lone female will produce male eggs so that she an be mated and then male female mating reproduces, if memory serves me right, 2-1 male to female are produced.

Could it possibly be that although you can only see a handful of mites, that by then a fairly serious infestation is already underway, but not fully detected? If not how do you explain a population of mites to stay so small. I also wonder if Storm and others who had totally crappy results after having thought they'd got rid of the problem, still unbeknown to them, had a fair mite infestation.

I may be totally off the mark and my plants may well turn out to be strugglers, but I can say that the new growth coming now has no real deformity to it. Are some here saying the bad effects from the mites comes back without further infestation further into the grow?

I can relate to this from my previous struggles with off gassing, everything going great but then in week 3-4 of flower the plants would seriously stunt, despite staying very green in the leaf right to the end. (without the off gassing they'd start dying off in the final stages) In that set up, the amount of air flowing through the room made a difference to how the plants reacted. Its only when I totally sealed a room within the room that the many varying symptoms disappeared totally. I thought I'd sorted it many times before this with other methods, such as more air, less heat, less nutrients etc.

My plants were hit hard by these mites when at a small and vulnerable size, they've really struggled and were on their way out, dying. They don't look a picture of health now, but there is a definite spurt of good looking growth coming on now. After my many very poor off gassed grows some years ago, I can't say I'm brimming with confidence that these will do very well, but I live in hope of being a vigilant gardener and getting a decent harvest. They'll have a couple of weeks vegging and catching up to do, by then if my plants are appearing normal I'll be more hopeful.

I do feel that many who have continued problems with plants after exterminating the mite population, probably have some level of mites returning, thus doing the damage.

Storm, you seem to be advising everything horrible and dangerous as the route to success, that's not how aa lot of people like to do things, and there is no defined one way of handling things. I'm with Retro on this one, Avid and forbid used only on young vegging plants, then heat treatments and predators.

I can't find Forbid online in the UK, is there another name for it here does anybody know?

How long do the sachets of Swiriskii last on the shelf? I don't think I can afford, or use a hundred sachets, 16 biggish plants in a 2.4m by 3.5m room.

Thanks, Trev


Active member
As said on the last page, how long have people been fighting and complaining about "Tobacco Mosaic Virus"? Many growers who thought they have chronic infections turned out to have chronic infestations of broad or cyclamen mites. The nasties just weren't identified properly until thorough investigations were conducted.

Supposedly these tiny mites tropical in origin, so it's not hard to imagine that they came in with massive bales of imported south / central american cannabis as far back as the roaring 20s or the golden years of cannabis during the 1800s, or even countless smuggled cuttings by more modern growers in different parts of the country resulting in infestations everywhere we have growers.

The government is less smart and more corrupt than you give them credit for. Do you really think they have the ability to create crack, HIV, AND broad mites? They don't even have the budget for it without giving up cash destined for slush funds.

These mites live all over the world, not just in tropical areas, although they are more prevalent in the tropics, and they are nothing new, having been around for thousands of years, so they were not created by the government, but I would not put spreading them past the DEA. Remember, the DEA, under Nixon, sprayed cannabis with paraquat, a poison. They are the real criminals. and I wouldn't put anything past them. Having said that, they are obviously being spread by dispensaries/cuttings, and passed from one grower to another. You can get them on your clothing just by walking into a dispensary.


Active member
Back on topic though, I think its Some Old Dude who said just 4 or 5 mites living on a plant is enough to cause severe damage. I'm struggling to go with this mate, with the prolific breeding abilities (to the extent that a lone female will produce male eggs so that she an be mated and then male female mating reproduces, if memory serves me right, 2-1 male to female are produced.

Could it possibly be that although you can only see a handful of mites, that by then a fairly serious infestation is already underway, but not fully detected? If not how do you explain a population of mites to stay so small. I also wonder if Storm and others who had totally crappy results after having thought they'd got rid of the problem, still unbeknown to them, had a fair mite infestation.

I may be totally off the mark and my plants may well turn out to be strugglers, but I can say that the new growth coming now has no real deformity to it. Are some here saying the bad effects from the mites comes back without further infestation further into the grow?

I can relate to this from my previous struggles with off gassing, everything going great but then in week 3-4 of flower the plants would seriously stunt, despite staying very green in the leaf right to the end. (without the off gassing they'd start dying off in the final stages) In that set up, the amount of air flowing through the room made a difference to how the plants reacted. Its only when I totally sealed a room within the room that the many varying symptoms disappeared totally. I thought I'd sorted it many times before this with other methods, such as more air, less heat, less nutrients etc.

My plants were hit hard by these mites when at a small and vulnerable size, they've really struggled and were on their way out, dying. They don't look a picture of health now, but there is a definite spurt of good looking growth coming on now. After my many very poor off gassed grows some years ago, I can't say I'm brimming with confidence that these will do very well, but I live in hope of being a vigilant gardener and getting a decent harvest. They'll have a couple of weeks vegging and catching up to do, by then if my plants are appearing normal I'll be more hopeful.

I do feel that many who have continued problems with plants after exterminating the mite population, probably have some level of mites returning, thus doing the damage.

Storm, you seem to be advising everything horrible and dangerous as the route to success, that's not how aa lot of people like to do things, and there is no defined one way of handling things. I'm with Retro on this one, Avid and forbid used only on young vegging plants, then heat treatments and predators.

I can't find Forbid online in the UK, is there another name for it here does anybody know?

How long do the sachets of Swiriskii last on the shelf? I don't think I can afford, or use a hundred sachets, 16 biggish plants in a 2.4m by 3.5m room.

Thanks, Trev

These mites are masters at hiding, so are difficult to see. Each female lays approximately 80-100 eggs, and 80% of those are female, so you can see how quickly they can multiply. They hide from light, making harder to see. The dead ones are easier to see after a treatment, as they can't move. Plants can recover after treatment, but it's impossible to quantify not knowing how bad the infestation was. You will have to extend your veg time to give them time to recover. If possible, give them an extra 3-4 weeks veg time, and the plants will thrive. Keep scoping and retreating as you see fit, and don't stop the aspirin.


Active member
I have noticed this as well.Exactly as you say. Maybe someday we can breed resistant plant strains.And why has it not been a problem for years now...? Because you have selected resistant strains..? Or because you use a constant Forbid/Avid regime...? or both..? do you think your BM's and hidden eggs are totally gone from your grow or they would come back if you let them...? I am interested in what everyone has to say.

Years ago, before I knew it was BMs, and thinking it was a virus, I noticed symptoms would come exactly @ two week mark on all strains. Aspirin treatment alone completely reversed these symptoms, and plants grew normally. However, some would turn out to be duds, and some would turn out fine. This doesn't necessarily mean that the ones that turned out well were resistant. It could be that the "duds" were more desirable by the BMs, so they congregated on those plants, leaving the others for later. My Critical+ came out fine with only aspirin treatment, while my AK47s, although looking fine, were duds. OTOH, in a subsequent grow, one Critical+ was the worst plant affected and had to be thrown out. So I really think it's more of a random thing. Plants that are more heavily infested for whatever reason are affected more adversely. I don't think it has anything to do with the strain, as I have had opposite results with identical strains.
By the way, this has all been mentioned before, but even if you kill 100% of BMs on your plants by spraying, they are still in the room and will come back, and since you can't (shouldn't) spray in flower, they will almost certainly return in flower to some extent.
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Funny you should say that, I'm growing Critical this grow. They were all badly affected, thought I was going to be left with skeletons, but they all seem to be growing now, so fingers crossed.

It depends how much they grow on how long they veg for Retro, I don't want them too tall, but want to have time to train them out, but I won't switch until they're back on form with much branching ;-)

Some very good news today, they've got their appetite back, pots that have taken 2-3 days to dry out ( I don't mean completely) have dried out over 24 hours after giving them an extra heavy run off feed, 4 of them far too dry, this is a very good sign me thinks ;-)

I'll keep up with feeding, no problem, it'll soon be time to re pot and set up the DTW rig, but I'm hoping they'll go another week and recover more before I do. To be honest I'd swap em all for a fresh batch and treat from the start to be on the safe side this grow, but there's nothing going around here at the moment so I'll be sticking with these ones to the finish.

Thanks, Trev
Grow stores

Grow stores

These mites live all over the world, not just in tropical areas, although they are more prevalent in the tropics, and they are nothing new, having been around for thousands of years, so they were not created by the government, but I would not put spreading them past the DEA. Remember, the DEA, under Nixon, sprayed cannabis with paraquat, a poison. They are the real criminals. and I wouldn't put anything past them. Having said that, they are obviously being spread by dispensaries/cuttings, and passed from one grower to another. You can get them on your clothing just by walking into a dispensary.

I carry a separate pair of shoes that I change after I exit my truck when I go to my local grow shop (about three miles from my house). I roll up my pants legs so they don't come in contact with the floor. I wash my hands at the bathroom when I leave and don;t touch anything on the way out like a surgeon. And wash down with bleach everything I buy. LOL i'm not even kidding.


Hi, my grow is infested by BM's, question regarding aspirin: in hydro, rock wool application, filters on drip line pumps, 15gal res, i'm using 15 uncoated aspirin 325. how often should I repeat??? 15 aspirin 1x/week? or with each nutrient feeding (3-4 days)? every two weeks???
how about in the ez cloner? add 1x only, or every so often?? thank you
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