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British waiter faces two years in Dubai prison after testing positive for cannabis!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
British waiter faces two years in Dubai prison after testing positive for cannabis he says he smoked in UK before jetting out to the Gulf
Connor Clements left Liverpool for Dubai earlier this year hoping for a better life.

The 24-year-old got a job as a waiter but had to undergo a series of medical tests

They came back with cannabis in his system which led to him being arrested

He has been sentenced to two years in prison but is hoping to get out on appeal

A British waiter who moved to the Gulf to turn his life around is facing two years in a prison where he 'sleeps in a room with 25 people where no one speaks English' after officials found cannabis in his system.

Connor Clements, 24, upped and left Liverpool earlier this year after getting 'stuck in a rut' in the UK.

With his sister already living in Dubai he was hopeful things would get better and managed to land a job as a waiter.
But things took a 'horrific' turn when the results of a medical test carried out by his new employers came back with traces of cannabis.

The 24-year-old insists the drug was in his system from before he boarded his flight to the United Arab Emirates.
Connor Clements (pictured), 24, upped and left Liverpool earlier this year after getting 'stuck in a rut' in the UK. But things took a 'horrific' turn when the results of a medical test carried out by his new employers came back with traces of cannabis +3
Connor Clements (pictured), 24, upped and left Liverpool earlier this year after getting 'stuck in a rut' in the UK. But things took a 'horrific' turn when the results of a medical test carried out by his new employers came back with traces of cannabis
But he was sentenced to two years in prison during a court hearing he claims 'lasted less than a minute'.
He said: 'They are saying I smoked it here - but I did [it] back home, they have got no proof... I used to smoke a lot back home.

'I came here to stop everything. It was a chance for me to change my life. But it's been nothing but a nightmare.
'I was in a rut. My sister lives here and I had an opportunity to change my life and it's been nothing but a living nightmare... I haven't committed a crime in the UAE.

'I was coming over here to totally change my life around. I had a new job and met loads of nice people.'
The 24-year-old insists the drug was in his system from before he boarded his flight to the United Arab Emirates. Pictured: Dubai +

After several weeks in prison, he has now been bailed ahead of an appeal hearing just before Christmas.
He describes the experience as a 'living nightmare'.
He said: 'The prison is atrocious. I didn't even go outside once.
'It was a living nightmare. They put me in a room with 25 people, I was sleeping on the floor. I didn't know what to do. I can't speak Arabic.

'No-one spoke English. It was outrageous. I don't want to go back in prison.'
The Everton local tried to explain what happened to judges but was told he wasn't allowed.

His passport has now been confiscated and if he doesn't win the next appeal, will be locked up in the Dubai jail for the next two Christmases.

Mr Clements spoke out ahead of his appeal hearing in the hope of raising awareness of his plight, which the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is aware of.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: 'Our staff in the UAE are assisting a British man following his detention in Dubai.
'We have visited him on several occasions, made calls to the prosecutor's office to get updates on his case, and are in regular contact with his family.'

Over 200 UK citizens have been detained in the UAE in 2017 alone.
According to the FCO, the Emirati authorities have a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs and count the presence of illegal substances in the bloodstream as possession.

Jamie Harron, 27, from Stirling, Scotland was sentenced for public indecency in Dubai for brushing against a man's hip in a bar.
He was held there for three months before being allowed to fly home.

A charity called Detained in Dubai has been set up to 'assist people who have become victims of injustice in the United Arab Emirates'.
The non-profit organisation works with lawyers and the press to ensure the safe homecoming of non-UAE nationals detained there.


*How ridiculous, busting a job applicant for having traces of cannabis in their blood.

The Pheonix

Well-known member
its not a very cannabis friendly place

it surprises me anybody who has anything to do with canna goes there

its not even unlucky its careless

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
its not a very cannabis friendly place

it surprises me anybody who has anything to do with canna goes there

its not even unlucky its careless

Yep, I guess that in hindsight he should have done his homework and realized that cannabis can be detected months after last consumption in blood/hair.


The Tri Guy
Its time our govt started to stand up for our people wherever they are. A British passport guarantees safe passage across any land it is accepted by. So when safe passage is not given, they need to do their flaming jobs. Personally I'd order low level flights of military jets over the houses of the dress wearing retards. They've got oil and aren't Christian. You would have thought they'd tread on egg shell with the west given our history with such nations.


Well-known member
Some of them Arab countries are horrible with weed. I seen a documentary on Gaza once and possession of any amount of hash you get 1 year in jail just to pray then death.

2 years for just testing positive that's just madness won't catch me over there. In America you just won't get the job. Lol, In my state you just pay a fine for possession.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
This is ridiculous! Kinda sounds like they are targeting ppl from certain countries. How dafuq do you even find a speck of weed on the bottom of someone’s shoe? Do they look that intensely on everybody passing thru their airport?


He should have known better if the data is correct on the 200 ppl from uk being detained.
But >>WOW!!! He should figure a way out now.Might not make it out being the only English guy in there if he does go back. Humbles me to be so lucky.After over a decade of doing time..
All I can say is ;There is much more heart ache and pain out there that folks are going through than myself and they are in my thoughts and prayers..
Peace!! <ws>


Active member
It's a crazy world. My friend is Swedish. He said the police can randomly test anyone at anytime. If you look high in a club they can drag you out and blood test you on the spot.

And the legal DUI limit is only 0.2. I am Scottish and although I don't drink it is customary amongst my people to stay above 1.2 at all times!

So skip Dubai and Sweden for sure.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hmm. I must have mixed the grooverider case up with that other one.

Definitely true about Sweden. I know someone who was stopped in the street, taken for a test, then arrested and charged with posession of the metabolites in his bloodstream just like dubai. Tokers don't call Sweden the North Korea of Europe for nothing :D


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I'm quite sure North Korea are quite tolerant towards cannabis



Yes, I heard it grows everywhere there and people love it.

It is worth mentioning that this mong's sister lives there... So he has zero excuse for not knowing the situation, obviously thinks it is clever being a bit of a chancer, but now has a lot of time to pick up the soap in the showers.

soil margin

Active member
It bugs me that countries like the UK and USA don't stand up for their citizens more in these sorts of international cases. Obviously everyone knows that the punishments and charges are ridiculous but no one in the govt wants to say anything for fear of pissing off some middle eastern prince with a billion barrels of oil.

Green Squall

Well-known member
The banned drug list in that country is crazy. Even over the counter sleep aids can get you in trouble in customs.

Soil Margin with all due respect, when your in another country, your subject to their rules and laws, no matter how ridiculous. Many Westerners feel they are privileged and can't be arrested in another country. The Embassy will probably send you a lawyer and contact family for you, but that's about all they can do. No get out of jail free card, so know the laws and be responsible. I really don't think it has to do with offending anyone either. Thousands of Americans are arrested each year abroad, on all continents, rich and poor.

Has anyone seed the excellent movie Transsiberian with Woody Harrelson? There's a scene that is a good example of what I'm saying. When Woody and his wife are detained and beaten by the crooked cop, he looks up in bewilderment and says "But I'm American!" Pretty sure it was supposed to be funny because many in the Theater chuckled.


Why people are foolish enough to go to places like this to begin with is astonishing. It's like the tourist to North Korea that was sent home in a coma recently. It's hard mustering up sympathy for them when their sense of entitlement gets them in shit like this. Just like the shoplifting thieves on the ucla basketball team. Trump should have left them to the Chinese justice system. See how the boys daddy would have felt about having president Trump get him out then. But his momma say he be a good boy,,,


ICMag Donor

As of 2017, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Germany, India,Israel, Jamaica, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Uruguay, and some U.S. jurisdictions have the least restrictive cannabis laws, while China, France,[5] Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam have the strictest cannabis laws.[6][7]


Well-known member
Recently I saw an article about a British woman who was sitting in prison in Egypt because she brought a bottle of Naproxen to her boyfriend who had back issues. She tossed it in her suitcase with her other luggage.
She said the first lawyer she talked to at the airport told her 'if you don't give me 10,000 pounds you'll go to prison for 15 years.' Had her sign some papers, she thought she was going home. Instead she was sent to jail where another lawyer told her 'give me 20k pounds.' Another lawyer told her to lie and say the drugs were planted. Lots of recent articles about her, the name is Laura Plummer. She doesn't strike me as particularly smart, another naive westerner.
I'd research the drug laws when travelling anywhere abroad but if going to the Middle East, hell I'd probably stay home..

Green Squall

Well-known member
Recently I saw an article about a British woman who was sitting in prison in Egypt because she brought a bottle of Naproxen to her boyfriend who had back issues. She tossed it in her suitcase with her other luggage.
She said the first lawyer she talked to at the airport told her 'if you don't give me 10,000 pounds you'll go to prison for 15 years.' Had her sign some papers, she thought she was going home. Instead she was sent to jail where another lawyer told her 'give me 20k pounds.' Another lawyer told her to lie and say the drugs were planted. Lots of recent articles about her, the name is Laura Plummer. She doesn't strike me as particularly smart, another naive westerner.
I'd research the drug laws when travelling anywhere abroad but if going to the Middle East, hell I'd probably stay home..

Just looked it up. She had 300 Tramadol pills too. Even so, they should have just fined her heavily, deported her and banned her from entering the country in he future for the sake if international relations. I'm hoping they are just using her as an example and release her after the hearing.