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Breeding with wild hemp



Wind can indeed explain expansion, but let's not forget birds and why not also hunters-gatherers who, we can imagine, would have collected and stored the seeds for food use during their nomadism, sometimes unwillingly (or not ?) sowing a few seeds here and there, migration after migration, generations after generations. This is only a supposition of mine, but I don't think it is eccentric.

Its possible especially birds, but so far as i know humans began to eat seeds when they started to grow crops.We do know that we gathered berries,mushrooms, caught fish and wild animals like mammoths, but no seeds.Archaeologists have found hemp seeds in graves in the Altai-mountains and not in graves in Europe.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



ICMag Donor
British Merchants bought the Gambia from the Spanish.

Goa >> Sri Lanka >> Durban >> Namibia >> Gambia >> Americas

This route of safe-ports was shared by Portuguese, Spanish,Dutch, British, and later Germans as a way of navigating their way around Africa c.1400 - 1800 ,, until the building of the Suez Canal. No doubt there were other stop offs / safe-ports along the way.

Cannabis was often planted at each safe-port as a way of maintaining supplies of rope needed for the ships sails, and other resources (like fattening pigs etc..). aka 'Indian Hemp'

Hope this helps,, Peace


Active member
What about the Chinese? They visited the Americas in the 1400s, possibly earlier and they would have had plenty of hemp seeds, being a staple of the Chinese diet.


Green Mujaheed
Archaeologists have found hemp seeds in graves in the Altai-mountains and not in graves in Europe. [/KOTE]

I suppose you are talking about Pazyryk here, which dates from 4th century BC. Although not in graves, seeds have been found in Southern France (vallée de l'Al poux, Fontanes, Lot) which, according to researcher would suggest cannabis cultivation in the Late Iron Age. A ritual brazier was also found in Romania, containing charred seeds, dating from 3000BC, much predating the Scythians.

but so far as i know humans began to eat seeds when they started to grow crops.

Sounds odd to me. I think that in order to grow a food crop, you need first to know it is food and for that you must eat it. Then comes the idea to grow it.

What about the Chinese? They visited the Americas in the 1400s, possibly earlier and they would have had plenty of hemp seeds, being a staple of the Chinese diet.

Indeed, I had read somewhere something about a possible link between US ditchweed in some areas, and China. Don't remember where...

Irie !


Dr. Narrowleaf
Indeed, I had read somewhere something about a possible link between US ditchweed in some areas, and China. Don't remember where...

Irie !

The hemp grown in the US partially originated from Chinese stock, which are basically hemp indicas. Indifferent was referring to precolombian introduction of cannabis to the Americas which can't be proven as of now. Most historians still think of it as fairytales. I for one am ready to believe the chinese we're there before the 15th century. The vikings did visit America before Columbus and just like the chinese, they would have had cannabis seeds with them. Unfortunately to my knowledge they haven't found hemp pollen in the sediments dating back to times before the European invasion.


Well-known member
I've recently grown a few RSC nepalese, I had a number of different phenotypes, there was the tall, wide leaflet sativa, the narrow leaflet sativa, the 1.7m wide leaflet indica ( you can see pictures posted by ngakpa in the nepalese and north indian thread, I've harvested it and posted pictures on another forum, we had a horrible summer but that plant is a winner )

another phenotype was the jungli... it grew to 1.5m, it started to flower in mid july at about 30cm and within two weeks it grew to 1.5m, aromas were very sweet and bubblegum and citrusy, later developing into sweet carrots. You can see the yield weren't very good, It was very tatty, it matured in mid september.

high wise it wasn't very potent, there is a buzz that is fairly long lasting but with little presence, you can feel it when you close your eyes and relax, it's calming, there's a little body relaxation to it but I'm sure many people wouldn't notice it's subtle effects.

I've hit the plant with the pollen of two purple chitrali males, 1 with a lemony piney skunky smell that reminds me of Sprite soft drink, another that smelled a little like citronella.

I've got about 120 seeds.. this isn't a very serious breeding program, I'm just curious to see what kind of phenotypic expressions I'll get with these seeds and subsequent inbreeding selection.. the plan is to spend a few years developing a quick Landrace/Guerilla strain with great mold resistance and sativa structure, I might introduce south Indian genetics along the way.



Green Mujaheed
high wise it wasn't very potent, there is a buzz that is fairly long lasting but with little presence, you can feel it when you close your eyes and relax, it's calming, there's a little body relaxation to it but I'm sure many people wouldn't notice it's subtle effects.

Don't forget it's a landrace and as such it ideally needs a few months to reveal its potential. It should have improved by Christmas or so !

Irie !


Well-known member
Don't forget it's a landrace and as such it ideally needs a few months to reveal its potential. It should have improved by Christmas or so !

Irie !

yeah, I've had some in the jar for about 40 days. I'll have to smoke a bit and see how it stacks up now..

but the 'indica' pheno in the nepalese line is potent and very blissed out.. I'd put it up against many kush elites. very heady and happy, illuminating and relaxing and a nice head glow after the body relaxation subsides a bit. I can't post big pictures on icmag, but on the RSC forums on another website I've posted a bit.. the yields indoors could be massive but we had a piss poor growing season so it hasn't put on that much weight.


Don't forget it's a landrace and as such it ideally needs a few months to reveal its potential. It should have improved by Christmas or so !

The Nepali strains and this counts also for the North-Indian strains are fast flowering ones.They produce ripe seeds within 3-4 weeks and than fall of the plant.:D

Nice small bud, hows the smell??

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Well-known member
The Nepali strains and this counts also for the North-Indian strains are fast flowering ones.They produce ripe seeds within 3-4 weeks and than fall of the plant.:D

Nice small bud, hows the smell??

sweet carrots, but the bud in the jar has taken a sweet blackberry jam after the cure.


ditch weed hash is pretty good , nice high and free, i used a 75 and 100 micron screen, ill post some pics later


New member
As most of you will probably know, most hemp has a moderate level of CBD, and a very low level of THC.

Is anyone here growing or breeding with hemp for the CBD content ? Did you try smoking the bud for the CBD ? Has anyone tried smoking a mixture of hemp bud and typical high THC, low CBD bud ? What is the stone like with a good balance of THC and CBD ?

I'm just curious, because most modern strains contain little CBD, so probably me and a lot of us don't know what the stone is like with a good level of CBD.

I think it's great that people are getting interested in CBD and how to produce it, because I have read it has good medical potential.

Landraces are definitely the place to look for CBD chemotypes. Hempy ones that grow wild in particular. Indica, afghanica and wild plants that are not growing around "drug" strains for production of ganja. Himalayan weed is definitely a good place to look. Especially from more remote himalayan areas.

I have one mazar-i-sharif phenotype i tried which could be a CBD chemotype. It was quite "hempy" looking. Didn't produce as much resin as the other plants but the effect was clear and relaxing. I suffer anxiety attacks easy and i didn't get anxiety from this plant nor a hangover effect. It was like my body and mind were in a state of comfort and i could think quite clearly. maybe even more so than when i'm not smoking. I would not call the effect a stone but rather herbal bliss. Glad i saved a heap of seed from this plant. It was also my most purple looking mazar plant.


there such a huge range of plants outside, best way to choose i found was to just touch it and see how sticky it is


Dr. Narrowleaf
As most of you will probably know, most hemp has a moderate level of CBD, and a very low level of THC.

Is anyone here growing or breeding with hemp for the CBD content ? Did you try smoking the bud for the CBD ? Has anyone tried smoking a mixture of hemp bud and typical high THC, low CBD bud ? What is the stone like with a good balance of THC and CBD ?

I'm just curious, because most modern strains contain little CBD, so probably me and a lot of us don't know what the stone is like with a good level of CBD.

I think it's great that people are getting interested in CBD and how to produce it, because I have read it has good medical potential.


I am. Pure cbd bud gives you a buzz that wears off prretty soon. You may feel tired and your eyelids get a bit droopy, definitely relaxing. Thinking isn't affected too much but cbd kind of freezes your frontal lobe, it's easy not to think anything at all. Smoke too much and it'll turn into a mild headache. Add a little thc and the paralyzing effect gets alot stronger. 50/50 thc cbd will make you stoned, but not high, the ceiling is very low and you (I) just feel like you need more thc for the bud to do it's thing. Mostly thc and a little cbd gives you a real high, but maybe not quite as intense as it would without the cbd. The difference isn't big but I need some more testing.

In a nutshell, cbd lowers the ceiling, it prevents thc from doing it's thing.

For stopping an anxiety attack I find pure thc much better than thc + cbd. Thc opens up the 3rd eye and let's you think your way out of the anxiety, cbd prevents you from getting that high and you just feel frustrated.

But if you smoke mostly cbd, and some thc it could help as well by calming your nerves. Good for inducing sleep and relaxing.


New member
Thanks guys, it's interesting to hear about the effects of CBD.

I also suffer from anxiety, it's very unpleasant sometimes. I take Valium which is alright but it has it's problems (tolerance, withdrawal etc.) So I would like to try pure CBD bud as an experiment, it would be great if it can help me, make me feel empowered by growing my own medication.

I also have low-level psychosis, which I take Risperidone for, works quite well, I have heard that CBD can help with psychosis as well so I would like to try it as an alternative, because I think the Risperidone can make me feel very depressed.

I think I will try to grow some hemp for the CBD content, should be good. I like THC sometimes, as Thule says it opens up the 3rd eye which can be refreshing for me, but I would like to try pure CBD bud as an experiment.

Thule, where did you get your hemp seeds from ? Are there any that you are pretty sure have CBD genetics ? Thanks.

Yeah i take xanax for my anxiety and its extremely addictive. If i could just find a CBD strain it might help me wean myself off the xanax. Also i have an inflammatory condition which would be best treated with CBD. I just want to get off all this addictive and side effect medication. I think a strain with 5+% CBD and maybe 1-2%THC would work ideal.
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Dr. Narrowleaf
Thanks guys, it's interesting to hear about the effects of CBD.

I also suffer from anxiety, it's very unpleasant sometimes. I take Valium which is alright but it has it's problems (tolerance, withdrawal etc.) So I would like to try pure CBD bud as an experiment, it would be great if it can help me, make me feel empowered by growing my own medication.

I also have low-level psychosis, which I take Risperidone for, works quite well, I have heard that CBD can help with psychosis as well so I would like to try it as an alternative, because I think the Risperidone can make me feel very depressed.

I think I will try to grow some hemp for the CBD content, should be good. I like THC sometimes, as Thule says it opens up the 3rd eye which can be refreshing for me, but I would like to try pure CBD bud as an experiment.

Thule, where did you get your hemp seeds from ? Are there any that you are pretty sure have CBD genetics ? Thanks.


Here in Europe most ecological shops sell hemp seeds, I also collect wild genetics. The average cbd contents can usually be found in the internet, depending on the strain. Most strains aren't that high in cbd, but I've got a few projects going on where the aim is to increase resing and cannabinoid production by gradully adding drug genetics into the genepool. I hope I'll have a decent protype by next summer. I did have a pretty high cbd strain, which was ornamental hemp, no thc there but still it gave a good buzz. Hard to explain the effect, but it's there!

Smoking hemp flowers might prove disappointing, but if you extract the cbd using asetone or what ever, you can end up with that brainfreezing effect I was talking about.

The funny thing is anyone can do this. Just purchase a pack of hemp tea, add some asetone, shake well, get rid of the green stuff and boil the asetone away. Now you should have a hash like substance very high in cbd. The effect can be heavy, especially if you add just a little thc, minute amounts will make a big difference.


wheni smoke some it takes like 5 minutes to kick in then my heart was beating out my chest and gave me some anxiety(i easly get anxiety from being hungry then getting high) and at first it sorta a get up and go do something high, but the thc must wear off faster than the other stuff(cdb, etc) i felt more relaxed and no urge to smoke anymore, good after feeling.

everyone likes the stuff and their friends want to know where to get some of the hash because they havnt seen hash for like 30 years, next year im doing it again with a tumbler, shaking it all by hand is a real chore.