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Breaking News: Tony Bower (Mullaway)given twelve months jail!

Good to know that it's not going to end with the decision of some local magistrate.
The supreme court could certainly give him bail if it is sensible / sensitive..... cause it will surely take a while to hear an appeal

Lets hope so.


hard rain

I heard from Tony's wife that they have engaged a lawyer to handle the appeal in the Supreme Court. It was always in Tony's strategy that the final outcome would be finally decided in the court system. The real action begins with the appeal.
I think the fact that you have an indigenous man recognised as his tribe's medicine man, the "Clever Man", using an idigenous plant to save people's lives, will be a huge factor in the court.
Tony is prepared to take this all the way to the High Court if need be.
He is not arrogant. He is simply politely defiant.

Wishing Tony all the best in fight with the authorities.

Not wishing to pick an argument but cannabis is not indigenous to Australia, nor can it be considered a traditional medicine amongst Aboriginals.

Guest 26753

You are correct about cannabis being indigenous. My error. I think it better if I say one of the parents to his strain Clever Man was collected in the wild in SA many years ago - called Red Ron. At least to the best of my knowledge that is. :)


Sad news.
My condolences to Tony and family.

It seems unusual to me that this was dealt with at magistrates level, as opposed to being handed up to district, or even supreme court.
Any reason for that?

I'd be appealing on that alone....considering his background as a copper, how could he be unbiased?

Though, taking it higher costs money, and could backfire....depends how you present yourself, how well prepped you are, which Judge you go before, their attitude....at a district level, you're dealing more with the state than the local authority.

A word of caution though, when playing with these guys....it's fine to be unrepentant and defiant .....(in your head)...but, when you've got a staring roll in the theater of justice.....humble, comes to mind.


local court = lesser punishment generally. There is a crossover of the law here. Tony was prob done in the magistrates as he was giving it away etc. If he had been a bikie they might have thrown it up to district.

magistrate can say i dont think this matter is appropriate for this court and bump it up to district.

by appealing tony leaves himself open to much longer sentence.

I agree that ex copper magistrate should not be on a case like this however the local court is filled with ex copper/ police prosecutor magistrates so the next in line is prob the same .

and if you think this fella is a knob appeals court judges are fucking hardcore.

This is just what i think, and is prob not correct but comes from my very hazy memory in speaking with lawyer folks i have met while out on a saturday night.


Well-known member
Just heard on JJJ that Tony is now free....more details coming up on hack shortly.

great news for all...

Guest 26753

Today, the 4th of June 2013, Tony Bower on appeal was given a suspended sentence to be of good behaviour for 12 months.

Praise be.

Guest 26753

Tony Mullaway's Statement

There is Justice
Common Sense prevails.

I would like to thank all those who have given or shown support for my release.

It is good to be home with family and friends. I will be taking some time to consider the way forward from here. The Clinical Trials in Victoria will need to be worked through and applications made to NSW Ministry of Health to acquire a License to cultivate, possess and supply cannabis plants for the purposes of scientific research, analysis and study. This will allow Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd to legally grow a certain number of Cannabis plants to be made into Mullaways natural, low-dose, non-psychotropic Cannabinoid Tincture to be used in the Clinical Trials, so definitive research on Cannabis and Cannabinoids and there medical benefits may finally be done in Australia.

The NSW Upper House Inquiry recently found its not acceptable to criminalise people for simply trying to achieve pain relief and quality of life, through the legal conventional ways or otherwise. The recognition of cannabis as a medical right has now raised the need for trials and research so cannabis based medications can be developed and produced safely, cheaply and legally to be made readily available from licence Pharmacists and Hospitals.

I am looking forward to my meeting with Andrew Stoner in July so that we can move all of this along.

Tony Bower, Director
Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd

Anthony Bower
Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty. Ltd.

Michael Balderstone, President of the HEMP Embassy in Nimbin, long time Mullaway supporters, says...

“He may be out of jail but he now he has this horrid shadow of a suspended sentence over him for twelve months. One wrong move and he’s behind bars for a year. Tony really is a hero in this war on cannabis and make no mistake about it, it’s a war, with a lot of lives and money at stake. If only more Australians stood so tall in the face of such serious injustice, change could happy faster.”

“Its critical that the medical cannabis users of NSW put their paranoia aside and talk to their local members of parliament over the next months and inform them of the facts. They will be voting on the issue before the end of the year and it’s up to us to keep it at the top of their often very big in-tray. It’s fair to say they are probably out of touch with the illegal drug world and how it affects peoples lives accessing their medicine of choice. Phone up and make an appointment, or write your story to them.”

“And the HEMP Party will be targeting Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott from now on. They need to address the issue of medical cannabis as the JJJ Hack interview said. They need to get informed. For example, all this drama from synthetic cannabis is totally a consequence of prohibition. People want cannabis for medical reasons way more than the politicians realise.”

Alan Salt, HEMP Embassy Vice President says....

The Nimbin HEMP Embassy is very happy that Tony Mullaway, on appeal, has had his twelve month sentence commuted to a suspended sentence to be of good behaviour. This is the best news we’ve had for awhile. Hopefully the powers that be are beginning to see that cannabis is not the horror story that some elements would like to portray it as. The recent inquiry gave favourable findings, but failed to deal with the details. On the political and legislative level we are crawling. The Hemp Embassy looks forward to some baby steps and the day Medical Cannabis can actually start walking. We are far behind many countries in our thinking on this. Isn’t it about time we moved forward?
“Wait for the evidence”, you say.

There is already more than enough evidence, but Australia ignores it and pretends it doesn’t exist. Instead we cater to hearsay. Please Australia, take the time to honestly appraise the situation. Do you have a relative or loved one with cancer, aids, or spasticity? Can you deny them a helpful medication with less side effects than currently accepted but less effective medications? Rise above the fear tactics. Think about it, honestly.

Tony Bower 0265661525 HEMP Embassy 0266890326

Jim Moylan, National Campaign Manager of HEMP says...

'Time to celebrate,
but not too hard or for too long.
We have work to do.
We have to change Australia.

But all up: the 4th of June 2013 was a win for the movement.'


My thought are with all the other peeps doing time for running foul of the War on Drugs,sending good people,fellow Australians ,mothers, fathers ,brothers and sister's to gaol for possession of a plant seems incredulous to me while pedophile priest , thieving politicians and corrupt police seem to perfectly acceptable ...overgrow the fuckers:)
Good new about Tony though ,he should get an Aussie of the year nomination!


Absolutely fantastic news!
Sounds like there might be some common sense on the verge of happening...

Very happy for Tony, his family, his patients and all the future patients that his tenacity and persistence is setting foundations for.

Much love and respect.
My thought are with all the other peeps doing time for running foul of the War on Drugs,sending good people,fellow Australians ,mothers, fathers ,brothers and sister's to gaol for possession of a plant seems incredulous to me while pedophile priest , thieving politicians and corrupt police seem to perfectly acceptable

My thoughts exactly, thankyou for putting it so well.
Nobody in this day and age should be persecuted/prosecuted for growing a plant.

Praise be.


New member
Right on! Only wish Australia could move faster on these issues. Mr Bower is a pioneer who deserves respect and attention... not jail time.