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Breaking Bad


large member
ICMag Donor
Was crazy that Walt did pull the double bluff with the posioning..pretty cold but very clever. I do feel for Jesse.

I didn't think Gus would die though, I thought there was still a lot to find out about his character/past.

Now, such along wait until next season :(


Did you miss the scene When Tyrus & Gus go to the old persons home to visit Hector Salamanca and Tyrus pulls the cigarette out with the ricin in it and they shoot it into Hectors arm?

Also -- loved when gus walked out after the explosion and they show his face.
What show did you watch?
Seen it three times now.
Tyrus had a little sunglasses looking case, in it are a syringe, and a vial. Tyrus withdraws some fluid from the vial into the syringe
and hands it to gus, gus goes to inject Salamonca, and salamonca meets his eyes, glares, and blows them up.

The scenes with Salamonca were brilliant for a guy with no speaking parts. The look on his face when he wants to write that first note, and the nurse is asking him if he has to go poopy, lmao.
And then, "finish your words, dea is not a word" LOL LOL LOL


Active member
What show did you watch?
Seen it three times now.
Tyrus had a little sunglasses looking case, in it are a syringe, and a vial. Tyrus withdraws some fluid from the vial into the syringe
and hands it to gus, gus goes to inject Salamonca, and salamonca meets his eyes, glares, and blows them up.

Correct. There was no cigarette packet lol

Great episode to end the season. The scene with Gus walking out was epic


From wikipedia, they changed it back.



It certainly seems that walt was behind the poisoning, hence his relief when jesse tells him the kid will make it. I imagine tyrus removed the ricin from jesse's pack simply as a precautionary measure as gus knew shit was getting crazy.

It also seems that mike was watching them from the parking garage in this scene. Just going by the camera work with the angle from under the parking deck when walt and jesse shake hands, also I swear you could hear mike grunt like he's still in pain during the shot.


Also, I like how Gus wears clip on ties haha. What's gillgan trying to tell us there? hmmmm hahaha
The clip on tie was part of his Pollo's uniform, he wore the same thing to work everyday, yellowish shirt, brown clip on tie, and brown pants.
In the end when he's in his normal clothes, he has a real tie on, evident by his last living act, which was to tighten it.

A small part of me thinks the series is over, I mean what a brilliant way to distract people by saying he sold 16 new episodes, and having a contest for a walk on role next season.
If you think about it, they wrapped up everything in that last episode, from this point life goes back to normal for them.

Remember the last sopranos episode, just a cut to black and over.
If this was the last episode, we got a lot more closure then we did with sopranos.

Gus is dead, they burned the lab, they crushed the RV, hank is fine, broc is fine, jesses is fine, walt is fine, etc....
What's left?


Active member
What's left?

Well, a huge pile of emotional shit between Walt and Jesse, for one. Walt has murdered (depraved indifference) Jesse's previous love and has also poisoned the child of his current love. The relationship between the two of them is the driving force of the show and it's not over yet. There's this dynamic where they are like father and son, but at the same time Walt will do some evil shit to this guy who he seems to love like a child in order to preserve their relationship.

Not to mention there will be some fallout from the whole DEA and Hank side of things -- a lot of "coincidental" stuff has just gone down that can still be played out.

Just to name a couple things -- easily 16 more episodes worth of content there. Plus, I doubt Walt will end up as winner as he described himself -- I would be surprised to see anybody a winner by the end.


Well, a huge pile of emotional shit between Walt and Jesse, for one. Walt has murdered (depraved indifference) Jesse's previous love and has also poisoned the child of his current love. The relationship between the two of them is the driving force of the show and it's not over yet. There's this dynamic where they are like father and son, but at the same time Walt will do some evil shit to this guy who he seems to love like a child in order to preserve their relationship.

Not to mention there will be some fallout from the whole DEA and Hank side of things -- a lot of "coincidental" stuff has just gone down that can still be played out.

Just to name a couple things -- easily 16 more episodes worth of content there. Plus, I doubt Walt will end up as winner as he described himself -- I would be surprised to see anybody a winner by the end.
Haha, I've had a couple people now (not you) completely lose their tempers by me insinuating that the show is over.

You think they can spend 16 episodes hashing out walt and jesses relationship? or 16 episodes of hank trying to pin a burnt lab and dead kingpin on walt?

I think it was supposed to end here, and AMC lured Gilligan in with huge money to do another season, I just hope its not lame as hell, because I'm having trouble seeing 16 episodes worth of content being left in this current story line.

Unless things are going to go in some whole new direction


Active member
It's certainly possible that they enticed more episodes for the cash -- wouldn't be the first time.

I think Walt's life and relationships unraveling around him could certainly be done over 16 episodes -- depending on how it's done, of course. There's a lot of shit Walt has hidden from his family and Jesse, so once those threads get tugged on there could be a lot going on as they pull apart.

Or, of course there could be a whole new dimension brought into the mix. Hard to see from here.


High Grade Specialist
holy shit. that was epic! when gustavo walked into the casa tranquila ... why was he trembling?? was he angry, sad, scared? i didnt get that.

walter in the end - totall epic. I WON!
that was awesome! and then he drives off in his tiny little car lolol.

and did walt really poison the kid? thats cold. i was so sure walt wasnt behind that.

this could be easily the end and a great one at that too. do they relly wanna do another season? i think thats gonna be walt against the dea and propably ending with him and jesse locked up and that would suck. or they will bring in a totally new element but theres a high risk of screwing it up IMO. the show could end right now and it would be a worthy ending. the risk is very high at this point that they drag it out and add unneccessary shit just to cash in more.


ICMag Donor
I can see next season starting out with Walt and Jesse trying to live normal lives, but can't. They find normal life boring, and crave the rush of breaking the bad. Walt tries to work at the carwash, but ends up hating the routine. Jesse tries his hand at family life, but that too is lacking. The car wash doesn't turn a profit, and since they never banked enough cake from the last round, they'll decide to cook again.

Def see a reunion with Mike...maybe as their "operations advisor". He was a well liked character, and to just leave his plot line hanging isn't in keeping with the character of the show. Maybe Mike has the connects for Gus' distribution network and they partner up.

Awesome episode and series!

Not awesome... having to wait another 10 months for the next season...


East Coast Grower
Definitely a pretty epic episode, glad it was Gus getting taken out. I'm thinking that Walt knew the lily poisoning wouldn't KILL the little kid, but would be enough to push Jesse over the edge in getting rid of Gus, definitely a fucking genius move, and love the end scene where they revealed it growing in his yard lol.

Anyone here watch Walking Dead, coming to replace BB on sunday night for a while?

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Here is an interview with Vince Gilligan, appeared yesterday in the NY Times, has some spoilers in it, so anyone who hasn't seen the season finale yet....you have been warned!

I have no doubt at all that Gilligan and his writer team will come up with a story line that will entice and shock all us fans of the show. But the interview in the Times makes clear that he has no idea, yet, where the story is going to go.

Here's a link to the NY Times interview:

Last edited:


You know, as long as the writing and directing stayed at the same level of quality that its been for the past 4 years, I would be just fine with another 4.

My idea for the opening scene episode one next season.
Walt goes to Saul's office and beats his hog of a secretary unconscious, and takes his 20K back.

WTF was that scene?
Why did that heifer extort 20K out of him just to say where Saul was? Going to get it nearly got him killed.
That bitch would be high on my list of people to straighten out in the future.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
The thing that surprised me the most about the finale was how consistently hilarious it was... The last few episodes have been insanely tense, and not without a bit of humor, but nothing like the constant LOLz from the episode last night.

I could posts these all day :D



gets some
I thought the gruesome ending for Gus was a hat tip to the new season of The Walking Dead starting next weekend on AMC, in the same time slot as BB. It looked like they borrowed the Dead's makeup and effects folks to do up Gus' little face problem and of course Gus was "walking dead" in that shot.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I thought the gruesome ending for Gus was a hat tip to the new season of The Walking Dead starting next weekend on AMC, in the same time slot as BB. It looked like they borrowed the Dead's makeup and effects folks to do up Gus' little face problem. Just a thought.

You're dead right man - I saw an interview with Gilligan just today and they mentioned they borrowed some of the effects dudes from the walking dead show to work on the Gus death scene.

"Q. Did the effects crew from “The Walking Dead” help out with the scene where Gus meets his demise?

A. Indeed we did have great help from the prosthetic effects folks at “The Walking Dead,” and I want to give a shout-out to Greg Nicotero and Howard Berger, and KNB EFX, those two gentlemen and their company, because their shop did that effect. And then that was augmented by the visual effects work of a guy named Bill Pulaski and his crew, who digitally married a three-dimensional sculpture that KNB EFX created with the reality of the film scene. So you can actually see into and through Gus’s head in that final reveal. It’s a combination of great makeup and great visual effects. And it took months to do."

From http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2...ing-the-season-and-the-series/?ref=television

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