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Breaking Bad


the shit spoon
Bogdan to Walt: 'A boss must be tough. He has to say no. Sometimes he has to make a cashier wipe down cars.'

So Walt sees the parallel between his former existence as Walter, and his current situation of Gus preoccupying Jesse and forcing Walt to do all the cleaning and grunt work. He is Walter all over again: Stuck, powerless, and death hanging over his head.

And Heisenberg rejects it totally, rearing his head with the outburst in front of Skylar, and getting the Honduran ladies to help him clean the lab. Notice as Heisenberg bubbles up, Walt immediately, almost compulsively, goes to the shower to shave his head as the Heisenberg identity reasserts itself.

As Walt stared at the dark car wash interior he just took over, it is Heisenberg who dreams of repeating the pattern and one day taking over Gus' business. It would be a satisfying checkmate, his turnabout with Bogdan was only a taste.

Think about it, Gus' strategy with Jesse kills like a half-dozen birds with one stone. They are well matched, and neither can tolerate not being in control of the other. Walt/Heisenberg for his angry dignity, Gus for his psychopathic OCD.


High Grade Specialist
wow its amazing the kind of eye for detail you guys have, i never notice that shit or put it into a context like you do. everytime i watch a new ep i come here to see what the fellow icmag dudes have to say about the small details i miss! nice job boys.


ICMag Donor
I understand the need to build up the drama for the climax, but the writer's current viewpoint is very narrow, and focused on too few characters. One of the main plotlines was to show the devastating effects of Walt's blue meth. There's constant drama and crazy shit happening with tweekers... and with all those delivery trucks spreading the blue far and wide an interesting plot twist would be to show the insanity Walt's product is causing beyond ALB.


I like the way Walter is just oblivious to what his product does to people. Did he not call the tweekers at Jesse's house hobos or bums or something like that? Instead of my loyal customers.


stone fool
That is the difference between us and them, we help our customers and bring laughter, smiles, and good times and healing, with our money tree farms. But we do not make for very exciting tv, thank goodness I think.

Perpetual Nooch

Active member

Funny how a couple eps ago Skyler was crying about Walt buying a bottle of champagne but now he buys "Flynn" a car and she doesn't say shit about it. I realize they own the carwash now but not enough time to get the cashflow going.

Also, about Flynn. The character has done absolutely nothing in 3 and half seasons so far. I wonder why he's even in the show. (Wait a minute...oh yeah...he's the one who got the website up and running. I guess that was important.)



Funny how a couple eps ago Skyler was crying about Walt buying a bottle of champagne but now he buys "Flynn" a car and she doesn't say shit about it. I realize they own the carwash now but not enough time to get the cashflow going.

Also, about Flynn. The character has done absolutely nothing in 3 and half seasons so far. I wonder why he's even in the show. (Wait a minute...oh yeah...he's the one who got the website up and running. I guess that was important.)

Of course she "said shit about it"- she said it had to go back in the morning, and she knew he'd hate her for it...
that was a short reunion for walt and skyler.
...go to the police and tell them what your doing...yeah, I'm sure they'll be completely understanding and not bust your ass.


Active member
why would you guys associate a show like weeds with breaking bad? the writing on weeds feels like its done by a bunch of 3rd graders, whereas the writing on breaking bad is absolutely phenomenal.

i would rather see omar from the wire comeback from the dead and start robbing the shit out of Gus and his crew, meanwhile Marlo Stanfield is on the other part of ABQ slowly making his way to the top and rebuilding his own empire.

The Greeks get Heisenburg and they have him manufacture drugs form them here in the USA so they no longer have to smuggle.

Weeds fucking sucks. The Wire and Breaking Bad are real shit.


I think the idea that Walt is a "family man" is important to the whole concept of his character, hence the need for a family.
Well, every couple of episodes, anyway...


the shit spoon
Look everybody that wants Walt Jr./Flynn to do something knowingly involved with the overall intrigue of the show, you must be a Weeds fan. Yeah they had that retarded shit of the kids getting into the bizz young, didnt the writers make the younger boy a killer. Dumbass writing.

Jr. provides motivation and keeps Walt human. If Walt lost Jr, the baby, the wife... Nothing of "Walt" would be left, and the Heisenberg would overwhelm him completely :)

Also due to Jr.'s handicap he connects better with people when they are ailing, like connecting to Walt more when he had cancer, and now that Hank is handicapped too they joke about it.. Jr. makes Hank act strong.

Walt's pride factors in here, because Jr. thinks Hank is cool as shit DEA agent, and idolizes him more than Walter. This is where Walt's pride fucks things up around Hank, it makes him do stupid things to impress his son, like overexplaining the purple coloring of a mineral, or say Gale was just a student and the true master is out there still.

But really what are y'all talking about when you say you want Flynn/Walt Jr. more involved in the story? You want him getting addicted to the blue meth or what exactly? The only part he could play in any of the nitty gritty is the victim role..


ICMag Donor
When Flynn takes the new wheels for "a ride around the block" (without a parent) his feet get tangled up and he floors the gas pedal. The out of control car runs thru a farmer's market killing several senior citizens...


the shit spoon
festivus its a common story when people give their boys fast cars at 16... usually ends up wrapped around a telephone pole and the kid dead or with brain damage.

If Flynn/WaltJr. ever gets killed off it will be for a reason, to show Walt losing that motivation and the effect it has on his personalities. Dunno if they want to do that + create a new motivation, like revenge... but yeah I guess something will happen to Flynn.

The cartel has Gus completely infiltrated. They know his shipment schedule, they know the trucks, they know the UV-ink marking the product.

They got (or had, hint hint) someone inside.

Then the cartel knows where the lab is.

They know who cooks.

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