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Breaking Bad


I'm not really a fan of Skylar. What a ho. When Walt came clean, she should have been like "wow, you did all this for the family?" Instead she went and banged Ted.
Skylar is a complete P.O.S., and just when I thought she couldn't get anymore repulsive, I see the new pic, and she's cut all her hair off, plus she looks thicker then ever.

I just finished watching season 3 so I could get back up to speed after that 4 year break(felt like it), and I can't wait!


the shit spoon
Expecting Walt to die, Skylar had been hedging her bets to get with the rich guy after it was all said and done. Walt coming clean just accelerated her plans. She started the process of moving on as soon as she found out about the cancer. Bitches always be trifflin.


shut the fuck up Donny
Skylar is a complete P.O.S., and just when I thought she couldn't get anymore repulsive, I see the new pic, and she's cut all her hair off, plus she looks thicker then ever.

A sign of good writing. You are supposed to hate Skylar.

From a film making stand point, one of the aspects of this show that really impresses me (and countless other people in the film industry) is they make you EARN your action scenes.

I personally fucking hate shows like 24 where every 5 seconds someone gets shot, something blows up, someone is running away from someone/something.

Breaking Bad makes you earn it, and they are timed appropriately, and spaced appropriately. Because of this, when it happens your jaw drops to the ground. Multiple times I've found myself going HOLY SHIT after an action sequence, then immediately rewinding at the end of the episode to watch again.

The scene with Hank and the 2 mexicans in the parking lot, and the show down on the corner with the 2 drug dealers specifically stand out as just bomb ass scenes that seem super intense not just because of the amazing production value, but because it is the climax of a long story build up.

Can't wait for Sunday.


the shit spoon
Hmmm read the article. The writer/creator disappoints, he's angling ultimately for a morality play? bleh. Seems like Cranston is the only one in Walt's corner.

If this is the last season I bet the Heisenberg personality takes over full tilt, and Walt becomes an asskicking machine, like Bruce Lee with beakers. The endgame is obvious... to get out he's simply gotta killemall.

Hmm... but watch, Walt dies... Jesse lives (the writer likes Jesse, taking deep effort to show his humanity)



A sign of good writing. You are supposed to hate Skylar.
True, and they do a good job of it, because I can't stand that bitch.

If this is the last season I bet the Heisenberg personality takes over full tilt, and Walt becomes an asskicking machine, like Bruce Lee with beakers. The endgame is obvious... to get out he's simply gotta killemall.

I heard that from the start they had a plan for how long the series would run, and I hope that's true, I would hate to see it drag out for 10 years just because the ratings are good, and they want to keep making money off it.

I want to see it go out with a bang so big it will earn epic status forever.

I would love to find out that there is a third axe brother, and he comes to walts house.
He walks up, knocks on the door, and cocks his axe.
Skylar opens the door, you hear the sound of the axe whooshing through the air, and the next thing you see is skylars head bouncing across the floor, FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!


the shit spoon
LOL damn you hate Skylar. I just think she's a typical woman.

Thing is in the flashback scenes to Walt and Skylar buying a house together.. theres a lot of depth and subtext. Shit thats true for every scene.

In the house purchase scene you have a younger cockier Walt after the precipice of his potential, like looking at a diamond you can see several facets at once, Heisenberg and Walter.. and somewhere in the middle is Walt. Settling for a house that's too small, settling for the teaching job, its Heisenberg feeling like he's settling.

See Heisenberg isn't a new outgrowth personality in response to a nothing-to-lose terminal cancer situation. Heisenberg has always been a part of Walt, but not dominant.

Something happened, or was it Skylar slowly strangling his testicles, but Walter became dominant... And yadda yadda things happen, Heisenberg reemerges. There is a constant flux. But with Skylar fucking Ted, Walt has no reason to be Walter anymore. So the part of him that is Walter dies and withers away.

Its a duality of good/evil, weakness/strength, etc that all humanity juggles.

I think there will be less of that in the coming season.. because Walter is gone, and Walt needs Heisenberg to get through this.. We've seen glimpses then flashes of Heisenberg. The end of last season was just the start, this coming season is going to be Heisenberg full blast.

I think he's gunna intentionally blow up the lab at one point, as chicken man can always find a new cook, but the loss of the lab could crumble his organization at this critical moment..

Remember... Walt said never the police.. Walter is dead... Heisenberg badassery full on now..

Walt needs to pack some heat..


Honestly- it was my least favorite one.

I think Bryan Cranston is one of the most amazing physical comic actors ever- he can do more with his facial expressions than many actors with their whole body and voice. But it just felt weird seeing that side of him in Breaking Bad....


ICMag Donor
The fly episode was different...I thought the fly was Tuco, reincarnated as a lower life form, returned to take revenge on Walt..as much revenge as a fly could exert I guess.
But both Walt and Jesse could certainly have broken their necks trying to kill that little fucker.

Man, I'm catching a couple of re-runs just about every day. Too much B.B... starting to get the Heisenberg attitude! lol


the shit spoon
Hmm on the subject of Gale.

Its pretty obvious the dude appreciates the ganj from time to time.

Due to his fastidiousness, probably grew his own beautiful weed.

The stuff in his apt indicates international travel to sample thai and central/south american sativas. maybe nepalese.

Probably collected these indigenous strains and was a breeder.

Definitely own more than one vaporizer.

He posted on ICmag.

With a grow in the next room he was nervous when Gus showed up, the boss would more than disapprove.

He wondered if an associate of Mike's had cracked his WEP key and a monitored his web traffic with a packet sniffer.

He totally got high after Gus' stressful visit.

RIP Gale your were one of us
I can't stand waiting. This is one of my favorite shows, right up there with Sons of Anarchy. I'll be camped out by the TV tomorrow waiting. (but really by my computer, downloading it 2 hours early. :D )


the shit spoon
Man... Sons of Anarchy ... a good start ruined by bad bad bad writing.

But its sold a lot of motorcycles! All these suburbanites think they're in a biker gang now.


You may already know this - but I think the fly episode was about being bugged, the lab was bugged, and so was walts own home, car, etc. .

I want to see what happens w/ Walt Jr. I know he's going to be involved in the drama somehow - I like that kid, he hasn't had much action in any of the seasons yet really imo.

Watching the breaking bad episodes over again, you pick up allot more than the first time watching. So many great moments in all of the seasons, this one is going to be really good, can't wait, so stoked. I love how they blend dark, comedy, action, suspense, thriller, into one masterpiece. No other tv show can compare to this. I love the character arch of Walt, and of the other characters, tho walt's is the most extreme.

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