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Breaking Bad

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
July 17th baby!!!! i was watching not last season but the season before lasts on AMC thursday night.... the show fucking blows me away.... the guy who plays walt does a great job. the show would not be what it is if it were not for him.... actually, all of the actors fit their rolls extremely well... from the lawyer, to the chicken restauraunt/meth investor man, to walts son, to walt, to the DEA dude (brother of walts wife if memory serves me correct?)...... the show is just very entertaining.... and the fact that it is an hour long is another reason why i like it... fuck all these half hour shows out there! i am not even a tv person at all but when i DO watch TV i like to watch something that is worth my time... this show is completely worth my time... cant wait to see shit hit the fan in 6 or so weeks..... wooohooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!


So....... I read back a few pages to before the last episode aired and noticed nobody's discussed it. So......

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think Jesse shot Gale? Walt really pissed me off in the last season. Jesse's such a fuckup, he shouldn't have fired Gale and brought Jesse on. Jesse causes nothing but problems. Very unprofessional. If Walt really wants to make some cash, he needs to be 100% professional about it.


Active member
Can't wait :D



hahaha but if he doesn't they'll kill Walt!!! the deed MUST be done. I can't see how Walt will get outta this one without offing Gale. But more so i get that he makes the best meth and all but he's been causing a bunch of bullshit so why not just kill walt and bring in another guy who's meth may not be as good but hey you really think the junkies would stop buying if they couldn't get the blue stuff? NO!!

PS you gotta love that Walt (Bryan Cranston) used to play the dad on malcom in the middle and the dentist on seinfeld, what a great actor!


ICMag Donor
A flaw in the Walt character's personality is that he doesn't listen to what the guys in the game tell him. He's gotten some good advice from Gus, and even Tuco, but chooses to ignore it... no doubt we'll see the consequences continue to unfold with the new season.

Supermanlives- I know what you're saying... this show is almost too real.

"Chemistry Must Be Respected" Walter White


East Coast Grower
Been catching the midnight showing a bunch lately. Can't wait! So many great moments I've forgotten, first and foremost Walt's speech about his cancer, and deciding not to go through chemo, very powerful to me. (and I don't know anyone really suffering or anything)


So in anticipation of the new season I though we could all share our favorite moments or episodes from the last few (I know kinda corny, but i think we can all admit there is some pretty epic past scenes and episodes)

So I'll start...............I forget exactly what the episode is called but it's the one where jesse and Walt start trying to do business with Tuco i believe. Jesse gets the shit kicked outta him trying to sell to Tuco and ends up in the hospital. The episode ends with Walt going to talk to Tuco himself. He makes Tuco an offer, and gets laughed at, except Walt is the one who will have the last laugh............"You have one thing wrong about that......thats not meth in front of you"..............BOOM!!! By far my favorite moment in the whole series:dance013:

If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth youtubing


damn they really have walt looking rough and aged here... theres no way that dude has that many wrinkles in real life...
He's old dude...look at those creases. Last season rocked!

A flaw in the Walt character's personality is that he doesn't listen to what the guys in the game tell him. He's gotten some good advice from Gus, and even Tuco, but chooses to ignore it... no doubt we'll see the consequences continue to unfold with the new season.
Walt is highly intelligent and adaptable. I'm looking forward to him running the whole country pretty soon :). The dude is dying and nothing to lose.


ICMag Donor
When Walt ran over the dealers in his Prius, then giving the one the head shot...
that was high fucking drama. And Walt telling Jesse "RUN!". Or the f/x when the back of the Mexi hitman's head exploded from the shredder bullet.

I think this season will be about the good vs. evil battle in Walt's head...with the Heisenberg personality getting ever stronger.

Skyler's curiosity will draw her into the game, possibly as the 3rd partner.

The lawyer Saul gets whacked for playing both sides against the middle.

Jesse probably gets severely beaten several more times but not killed.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
i liked the scene when the two twins chased down hank the DEA agent and hank put up a fight...

also i enjoyed the scene when mike the PI walked into the chinese factory that was being guarded by the armed cartel members and he just non chilontly, single handedly wiped out all of the cartel members and gets to the chinese husband and wife and has a talk with them after shooting the husband and letting her chinese husband run off.... that scene was quite bad ass yet also hilarious .....to me at least... i have a horrible memory but if it serves me correctly, i believe they were guarding a chemical that was required for the production of the meth?