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Breaking Bad


The cat that loves cannabis
July 25th AMC Mad Men season four, first episode, great show.
When I first read a description of what it's about, I thought "this doesn't sound like anything I'd like" but i was wrong, it's great!

I highly recommend it.


Active member
i don't watch that much tv so filling the void will be easy.

i just watch shows that are worth it. breaking bad, the wire, and a few others make the cut. everything else is complete shit.


Active member
Wow! Finally saw the latest ep. We all knew Heisenberg was a badass OG, but DAMMMMMNNNNN!!!!!!! Not since the Tuco explosion have I been *shocked* by this show. That was some amazing shit. Truly epic. Finale should be outstanding. Bring it on!!!!!


The J Man

It hasn't been confirmed. This is all I've read:
"I think it's going to be something like that. I really do," says Cranston, who mentions that season four won't begin filming until January of 2011 and may air during the summer. "

holy shit. i went to the imdb board to see if there were any spoilers and there were. don't be dumb like me!

now I don't wanna watch. :jawdrop:


Patient Grower
When the heck did 13 episodes become a 'season'? Back when I was a lad they had 40 episode seasons, and commercials featuring dancing laundry detergent boxes.


Ya'll have to understand that in hollywood for a series to produce 20, 25 episodes they have to have a budget that will allow for that. Secondly it has to be approved, and it will only be approved if the ratings & their profits have shown it's worth it, or sometimes they just plan on a low # of episodes because of the type or style of the series.

Shows that have easy plots such as NCIS will have 20+ episodes because it's the same characters with a new murder every episode. Breaking Bad is completely different in showing how the life of a meth manufacturer can change and mold depending on the character's actions...so it's a given that there won't be AS many episodes as most series....just like True Blood!


The cat that loves cannabis
When the heck did 13 episodes become a 'season'? Back when I was a lad they had 40 episode seasons, and commercials featuring dancing laundry detergent boxes.
That's what I'm saying.
Only 13, damn, I feel like the season just started and it's over already.

They better pack about 10 episodes worth of action into tonight then.


what the hell is that season ending. how the hell am i supposed to sleep tonight? i need a fricking time machine, so i can jump into the future and get to season 4.


New member
whats the fuck is this gay as rubicon shit. im pissed. i wanna know he killed him.

Im pretty sure he killed him, I read this on another website

Though the camera's movement right before Jesse pulls the trigger may have created the illusion that he aimed his gun elsewhere, Vince (who directed as well as wrote this one) says that was not his intention. Gale is not pining for the fjords; he is an ex-human.


That was an amazing finale tho, I love this show

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
yeah, i must admit, that scene with the PI gunning down all those china men was quite badass...

Jesse for sure shot gale... we wont know for sure for a LONNNGGGGGG time...