Big time Oliver, it looks like there is going to be some kind of hospitol showdown from the commercials I've been seeing
I've seen clips of the surviving ax bro dragging himself around the hospital with bloody bandaged stumps where his legs were, so somethings going to happen there.Oh damn I forgot it was tonight!!!!! Hospital showdown? What, the Bell Man is coming for vengeance?
You beat me to it. lol.Jessie- "Well, roll me furthur BITCH"
yeah gus is a gangster, that was a good episode
and, suspicions confirmed, mike is more than just a PI/cleanup guy...
Dancing around like a teletubby, lol.Jesse is getting more annoying each episode, but I did laugh when he used the compressed air in his suit
he is the one that went in and killed the mexicanator cousin.What else??? All I saw was cleanup!