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Boy Scouts of America on WEED!


Well-known member
Yeh that's right, logging trails leading to lowland forest fellings are the best.

I can sit there all morning in complete peace sowing my seeds and doing my stuff while knowing noone will be there but me.

If someone where to come in my direction it could only be done with heavy machinery that I can hear comming from far far away. > Wich would give me plenty of time to check out without anyone noticing me ever beeing there in the first place.

^That situation would be in fellings that are freshly planted in.

In other area's where trees are about 3 to 4 meters tall, you just take a hacksaw and start felling a couple of trees to provide clearance for your plot and you would be out of sight completely.

One love mate, for sake of feeling good and kick ass ^^ :D

No need thanking me sir, I'm doing this for fun.
Just imagine you getting a decent harvest already makes me happy enough.


I think that's a good way to go too Pn'P

Where I live it's easy as this is a rather sparsely populated area.

All kinds of forest industry in here, pretty much everywhere.

My personal opinion is that forestry should be outlawed & our country go bankrupt.^^

How can they provide those dirty disgusting pot growers with such an easy opportunity to get away with their criminal activity?

Maybe they are working together? a secret conspiracy between forestry & guerilla farmers?

Way to easy for them dirty hippies this way. We must eliminate them all together!

Without forestry, there would be no outdoor weed as abundant and as easy to produce as they do now!


But okay, up till 25 years ago I still lived in Germany, Holland & Belgium.

Rather densely populated area's so to say.

But also then was I able to find good spots almost right under ppls noses.

You got to think with other ppls brains and look for clues.

If I were to drive around in any of afore mentioned countrys, I'd just looked for places where ppl are not likely to go.
In holland I used to poach with windhounds a lot. I knew the area's of interest very well, and was always up and running at night with a spot light.

Where 2,3,or 4 properties come toghether, there's oft a 'neutral' zone that noone takes care of, or places that are just too wet for farming like your scout swamp.

Forest edges.

Around Industrial area's, either abandoned or active ones, or ones that are under constructrion. (they usually seem to be always under construction, so go to a part of the site that looks attractive but not endangered of sudden activity.)

There are always places where ppl have no interest to go, and there is always a different logic to it.
Contemplate the palet of different logic and pick the ones that makes most sense.

You can grow right next to a high way if need to, or on places where are cat tails, reefer, bramble or nettle.
On the banks of river beds, ditches and canals can be interesting too.

I once grew on a spot close to a colony of bees hives in Belgium.
I knew their owner would only be interested in his hives, and locals for sure would not have the guts to go near. ( But okay, you got a bee fobia/intolerance too right? damn man, it's only bees pfff ! ) lol :)

Close to that same place I had an other spot too... > Behind a prarie where there were walking about 20 Belgium Bulls looking like they were on streroids. lol
To make it to the spot I had to cross the prarie with bulls first. My dogs would distract them a bit so I could walk right trough them. Calm beast they were as a matter of fact.

Some pair of Clydesdales however would have killed me if it wasn't for my dogs that day. Damn, these beast like to play & show off hey^^, lol (along a river bed in Holland)
But okay, It doesn't necessarily always have to be thàt epic. PPl follow roads rather then to jump over a ditch and explore... > So that's what you got to do instead.^^

If you got time, maybe dig up the extended threads from 'Julian'. This guy had the same eye as I have for the right spots.
He's been a very 'famous' urban grower here on IC (or was he on OG back then? I don't remember.), who only had one spot ever ripped out of several hundereds.

NB. When I checked if I had his nick right, nothing popped up...
Maybe someone else who knows who I am talking about could be willing to fill in the blancs on 'Julian'?



For 40 yrs ive watched one peabrain after another act to deliberately bring the law and the anger of the entire community down upon themselves and give the rest of us decent folk just growing our stash a bad name and a hard time.

Arent you smart enought to know that when that weed is found ,(and that place doest offer any cover and is far too public to every harvest a crop),the story will be plastered all over the front page of your local newspaper showing the weed and screaming that you alquieda/ drug cartel agents are now moving into our schools and threatening our local boyscout troops. The local sherrif combined with the boyscouts and the entire community will mount a new effort to eracdicte the weed from the area and lock up those cartel .......... and on and on an on.

They will hunt you down, set up a video trap on he site and fry your asss. Your pic will be big and bold on the front page.

Keep you head down and shut up and make sure that there isnt a school or boyscout camp within 10 miles.. Find somewhere in the boonies to hid a dozen plants, tend to them at 3;00 am after being dropped off so that no one ever sees you or you plant and leave the boy scouts alone.


I remember reading some story related to this a few months back... this could be your future!


South KC Boy Scouts do a good deed, bust up a marijuana farm
While exploring a park, troop finds a marijuana growing operation and summons authorities.
The Kansas City Star
A cellphone camera can be just as handy as a pocketknife for a fully prepared Boy Scout.

Case in point: The late September campout at Longview Lake by a south Kansas City Boy Scout troop that led to the arrest of two people and the destruction of a marijuana patch growing on Jackson County parkland.

Law enforcement, which has held details of the incident closely because the investigation is continuing, agreed to speak about it only if The Star agreed not to identify the troop to avoid any repercussions for the boys.

Still, they gave credit to the Scouts for reporting the field and to their leaders for assisting with arrests afterward. Jackson County Sheriff Mike Sharp recently awarded the troop a commendation, thanking it for contributing to the destruction of 40 mature marijuana plants worth about $40,000.

“They did the right thing,” said Dan Cummings, an Independence police captain who leads the Jackson County Drug Task Force.

The adventure began midafternoon on Sept. 29. The troop brought about 40 boys to the lake for an overnight event that really wasn’t planned as the camping highlight of the year, said Brent Parsons, a Kansas City police detective and Scout volunteer.

After setting up the tents, a couple of the older boys began exploring what appeared to be a wildlife trail leading into a wooded area about a half mile from camp.

There they found about three dozen marijuana plants, some standing 5 or 6 feet tall. The boys documented the find with photos on a cellphone camera and headed back to camp.

Parsons and a police commander in camp confirmed the find and summoned a park ranger who, in turn, called in a Jackson County sheriff’s deputy.

The deputy, the troop’s adult quartermaster and the Scouts who found the dope then headed back to take a look.

Things got dynamic pretty quickly.

As the group approached the site, they saw five people harvesting the pot. The deputy and the quartermaster corralled two of the farmers and called back to camp for more help.

Parsons ran to assist the quartermaster and cuff his suspect, while the appeal for help somehow went out over the law enforcement radio system as an emergency “officer needs assistance” call.

That always guarantees a robust response.

Soon 17 police cars, one from as far away as Lone Jack, screamed into the campsite, bringing dogs and ATVs to scour the woods for the remaining suspects.

“We had officers all over the place,” Parsons said. “It was insanely awesome for those kids. Wide eyes, jaws drop. Lots and lots of excitement. It was Christmas times 10.”

Officers never found the other three suspects, and the two they had weren’t that helpful. One said she was there to catch catfish, though police could find no fishing gear nearby, Cummings said. The other said he merely was scouting locations for an airsoft gun war games tournament.

Still, signs of cultivation were everywhere. As they cut down the stalks, authorities recovered five-gallon buckets filled with water and fertilizer and found fertilizer pellets in the ground near the plants.

“It was obvious this wasn’t wild ditch weed,” Cummings said.

After questioning the suspects, officers released them pending further investigation, which continues.

Confining the pumped-up boys to their tents that night, never an easy task even on routine campouts, was a little harder that evening, Parsons said. He and another officer kept watch through the night.

“We kept (the Scouts) a little closer to the vest in case any of those knuckleheads were still wandering around,” Parsons said.

As marijuana cultivation goes, the site uncovered by the Scouts was relatively small, Cummings said. His task force recently helped a nearby county destroy a marijuana crop 25 times larger than the patch at Longview Lake.

Still, Cummings said he liked what he saw in that Scout troop.

“There are some budding detectives there,” Cummings said. “Maybe I should offer them jobs.”


I remember reading some story related to this a few months back... this could be your future!


South KC Boy Scouts do a good deed, bust up a marijuana farm
While exploring a park, troop finds a marijuana growing operation and summons authorities.
The Kansas City Star
A cellphone camera can be just as handy as a pocketknife for a fully prepared Boy Scout.

Case in point: The late September campout at Longview Lake by a south Kansas City Boy Scout troop that led to the arrest of two people and the destruction of a marijuana patch growing on Jackson County parkland.

Law enforcement, which has held details of the incident closely because the investigation is continuing, agreed to speak about it only if The Star agreed not to identify the troop to avoid any repercussions for the boys.

Still, they gave credit to the Scouts for reporting the field and to their leaders for assisting with arrests afterward. Jackson County Sheriff Mike Sharp recently awarded the troop a commendation, thanking it for contributing to the destruction of 40 mature marijuana plants worth about $40,000.

“They did the right thing,” said Dan Cummings, an Independence police captain who leads the Jackson County Drug Task Force.

The adventure began midafternoon on Sept. 29. The troop brought about 40 boys to the lake for an overnight event that really wasn’t planned as the camping highlight of the year, said Brent Parsons, a Kansas City police detective and Scout volunteer.

After setting up the tents, a couple of the older boys began exploring what appeared to be a wildlife trail leading into a wooded area about a half mile from camp.

There they found about three dozen marijuana plants, some standing 5 or 6 feet tall. The boys documented the find with photos on a cellphone camera and headed back to camp.

Parsons and a police commander in camp confirmed the find and summoned a park ranger who, in turn, called in a Jackson County sheriff’s deputy.

The deputy, the troop’s adult quartermaster and the Scouts who found the dope then headed back to take a look.

Things got dynamic pretty quickly.

As the group approached the site, they saw five people harvesting the pot. The deputy and the quartermaster corralled two of the farmers and called back to camp for more help.

Parsons ran to assist the quartermaster and cuff his suspect, while the appeal for help somehow went out over the law enforcement radio system as an emergency “officer needs assistance” call.

That always guarantees a robust response.

Soon 17 police cars, one from as far away as Lone Jack, screamed into the campsite, bringing dogs and ATVs to scour the woods for the remaining suspects.

“We had officers all over the place,” Parsons said. “It was insanely awesome for those kids. Wide eyes, jaws drop. Lots and lots of excitement. It was Christmas times 10.”

Officers never found the other three suspects, and the two they had weren’t that helpful. One said she was there to catch catfish, though police could find no fishing gear nearby, Cummings said. The other said he merely was scouting locations for an airsoft gun war games tournament.

Still, signs of cultivation were everywhere. As they cut down the stalks, authorities recovered five-gallon buckets filled with water and fertilizer and found fertilizer pellets in the ground near the plants.

“It was obvious this wasn’t wild ditch weed,” Cummings said.

After questioning the suspects, officers released them pending further investigation, which continues.

Confining the pumped-up boys to their tents that night, never an easy task even on routine campouts, was a little harder that evening, Parsons said. He and another officer kept watch through the night.

“We kept (the Scouts) a little closer to the vest in case any of those knuckleheads were still wandering around,” Parsons said.

As marijuana cultivation goes, the site uncovered by the Scouts was relatively small, Cummings said. His task force recently helped a nearby county destroy a marijuana crop 25 times larger than the patch at Longview Lake.

Still, Cummings said he liked what he saw in that Scout troop.

“There are some budding detectives there,” Cummings said. “Maybe I should offer them jobs.”

There is a enormous difference between Longview lake a heavily used recreational area just a few minutes from Kansas City and a forgotten bog.
In my neck of the woods this type of wet land, along with swamps and marshes are very common. Depending on point of entry I feel these areas are mostly very safe.


Well-known member
For 40 yrs ive watched one peabrain after another act to deliberately bring the law and the anger of the entire community down upon themselves and give the rest of us decent folk just growing our stash a bad name and a hard time.

Why should anyone give a flying fuck about the anger tantrums of these biased & opiniated assholes Moondawg ?

It's their problem, let em jump up and down as much as they wanna.

I honestly could not care less.

What makes you think all 'other growers' are 'decent folk' btw?

Provocateurs imho, do help to expose how mainstream our herb actually is.

But Law enforcement as well as media don't discriminate & will go after all growers if they get the chance.

I once was a 'decent' basement grower myself, and the media depictured it like as if I was part of a criminal organisation.

Sorry to say, but I'd rather call that 'brown tongue boot licking' , moondawg.

It's their witch hunt. They 're the ones lacking an eductaion. They are the ones causing stigma to an innocent plant.^^

We are just 'plant protectors'.

Nothing wrong with that Mr. Moon

That plant has a right to be too, and I don't care on who's property it found refugee to live, or how it managed to get there in the first place.

I was watching 'pot cops' the other day, and the chief inspector found 2 arguments to go after an urban grow.

He said: Who would like to be this guy's neighbour with all that smell and chance to get a police raid right next to your home ?

So when the guy puts up a carbon filter then the only thing annoying about a grow op would be the potential threat of these cops presence ?

Kinda 'self inflicted, vicious & perpetual intimidation' if ya ask me.

Already early in life I learned not to put up with bullies. ^^


Why should anyone give a flying fuck about the anger tantrums of these opiniated basterds Moondawg ?
It's their problem, let em jump up and down as much as they wanna.
I honestly could not care less.
What makes you think all 'other growers' are 'decent folk' btw?
Provocateurs help to expose how mainstream our herb actually is.

But Law enforcement as well as media don't discriminate & will go after them all if they get the chance.

I once was a 'decent' basement grower myself, and the media depictured it like as if I was part of a criminal organisation.

Sorry to say, but I'd rather call that 'brown tongue boot licking' , moondawg.

It's their witch hunt. They 're the ones lacking an eductaion
We are just 'plant protectors'.
Nothing wrong with that Mr. Moon

That plant has a right to be too, and I don't care on who's property it found refugee to live, or how it managed to get there in the first place.


Well, Im an oldtimer and still hold with old ways. Around here, decent folk tend to their own affairs and dont bother others or bring grief to others..

There are about a dozen of us that have been growing here in the appalachians since the late 60's. Shatibaba wasnt a warm fart to his mama when i made my first afghan/mexi cross. We went unbothered until the 80's when mexican gangs tried to move in with huge grows. We burnt their cars when we found them parked and cut their patches down until they left
.... but not before they brought the forest service and the local law down on the rest of our grows. And then came the folks like you that felt like they had some right. They often boobytrapped their grows and once again, here comes the law. Nowdays we have UNITE and a dozen other agencies flying around making it nearly impossible to grow a crop.

I dont talk much to strangers other than here. Every real grower i know including myself has spent serious prison time and we all know the game and who holds the cards. Many newbs seem to think its a joke

I vist my best bud once a month at Eddieville for getting caugt with 50 plants and 12lbs of smoke.... for the 4th time since 1970 thanks to all of those who couldnt keep their head down and shut their mouth. We would still be growing away had they not screwed it up


Well-known member
Sounds like hill billy paradise to me Moon. :)

Maybe it was time to catch up with the rest of the world ?

The war on drugs was designed to go in one direction only > Perpetuation & Escalation...

I don't think anyone could have done anything to safe the situation.


Well-known member
You're a great intermediar P'nP. :)

And yes, I do get what Moon is trying to say too. It's not all black & white.

S' all good ma man Pn'P, lol. I did not mean to come bickering at the guests in your thread. My appologies if I appeared so.

It was just some 'defeatist mentality' from Moon that made me spin my guts and to wich I had to respond by nature. (just to show the other side of the coin)

No offence intended Moon. I'm sure you and your buddys are great guys that were just fed up having your great opportunitys seeing destroyed by undecent ppl.


Well-known member
Quote Pn'P: And my God - will that be a life-changing moment. All of these years spent hiding will make that day shine brighter than the fucking SUN my friend. Mark my words on this. Unquote.

I have been thinking this a lot.

I've seen ppl as dedicated as most of us here pass away before seeing victory.

But by now, I came to see that day as just another day on planet earth.

Kinda like: Job done, nothing to be proud of since we were all in the same boat... So now lets finally make myself usefull FFS & for if I'm still around. ^^

(futuristic setting)
