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Active member
Hmmm.... how about k-bicarbonate as a treatment? And I gotta say, Serenade doesn't seem to work for me. I mean, maybe I would have bud rot WORSE if I didn't use it, but I've still got it, which just pisses me off to no end. Driest summer on record and still with the rot.

What is Pristine exactly? Chemical/organic?

As a treatment, it will have some killing power but will NOT prevent any reinfection.... which will be quick.

I don't know why you can't goggle "Pristine fungicide" yourself?



Active member
Eff that in the a... I've got better things to spend that kind of money on, to get my indoor op into ship shape. I think I'll be harvesting next weekend... it's an "early" strain anyway, so it's nearly done... I hate trying to fight the rot, it just leads to frustration... screw it.


I guess I should re-bottle it and sell it to you guys by the oz.


Active member
who has tried using aspirin?

"1 bayer aspiring per gallon of water, start using this water once flowering is 3-4 weeks in.... keep using till harvest, your plants will not mold"

that is ROUGHLY what i read years ago on an overgrow archive. who has ACTUALLY tried this? i dont care about your opinion :)p :D) i want solid proof :)

I have used aspirin with great results. I had some kind of pathogen destroying my plants (possibly pythium). Had to toss two complete runs. Thought I had sterilized everything, got rid of all mothers, medium, etc. but on my next run, plants came down with same symptoms: drooping, yellowing leaves, spots, etc., after two weeks. So, I was talking to an old girl friend about my "sick plants" (she didn't know what kind). She immediately told me to use aspirin.
Hmmmm....aspirin. Looked it up, and sure enough, aspirin mimics substances in the plants immune system, and gives a tremendous boost to your plants immune system. Most of what I read was aspirin being used as a foliar spray. I decided I had nothing to lose, so I began adding one 325 mg. generic aspirin tablet per gallon of water and feeding my plants with that. After 48 hours, they had completely turned around. No disease symptoms, and perked right up and grew nicely. The aspirin did it for sure. I continued giving aspirin throughout the grow with each watering/feeding, and everything came out fine. Check the "Critical +" photos in my gallery. Those plants would have died without aspirin. Aspirin truly is a miracle drug for plants.
Note: some manufacturers use aspirin compounds in their additives, like Voodoo Juice, which is known to invigorate sickly plants. These additives are very expensive, while aspirin is cheap.
I will always use aspirin from now on in all my grows as a preventative measure, as I have already established that it doesn't hurt the plants in any way, but can have tremendous benefits.
I can't recommend aspirin enough:)

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