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Police and searching garbage?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
That or they can look right there, I am not sure what they do exactly, but what does it matter they can go through your garbage. Don't thow anything away that can get you in trouble and you should be good :)

Did someone steal your trash?


That or they can look right there, I am not sure what they do exactly, but what does it matter they can go through your garbage. Don't thow anything away that can get you in trouble and you should be good :)

Did someone steal your trash?

I've just had running vehicles lingering around my house some mornings which is weird for my neighborhood. I happened to forget to put my trash out that day.

I'm assuming how it works is they get a tip somehow, and and first step is to investigate the trash?

good drown

well in my area, the night before trash day, and cars drive around looking for stuff to take that they think is not trash.
if you know when the trash man comes, i'd throw it out closer to that time, like maybe when you can hear the truck up the street...


I woke up one night around 1 am to see a cop parked in my driveway, like 30 seconds later he backed out, to this day I have no clue what he was doing.


My freind is in jail right now because of cops looking in his trash. Take your trash and dump it somewhere else for a while if you are worried.
There is some good advice here. "Trash rips" are one way the police obtain probable cause for a search warrant. With recycling, composting and being careful about what I buy, I produce very little trash. I take the occasional bag with me to the gas station or the car wash and use the bins they keep out for customers. I'm always careful to never put anything like a stem, seed or leaf in it. Just in case, I avoid having anything in there with identifying information on it.

Stay Safe,



Rubbing my glands together
On your property they would need a warrant to look in the trash. The moment you put the trash bin on the side walk, edge of the road, etc, off your property anyone can go through it and no warrant is needed as it is then considered to be in the public domain.
Thank God I live where there is No trash service at all; we have to haul all trash to a dumpster at one of the recycling centers...takes all the hassle out and eliminates all chances for a pig to root thru the trash...of course this is in the country and city folks have little choice...but why not drive your trash a few miles away and drop it somewhere sensible, where it does not litter and will be picked up...like on trash day take it to another neighborhood and drop it at the curb in front of someone elses house...some oldster that could not be growing..with NO way of course to track your garbage back to your address.
Friend of mine dated a female cop for a while. She would tell me about how they pulled the trash on suspected crack houses. From what she told me they would dress up as garbage men and take a ride along with the garbage truck. They put a box in the back of the truck and when they get to the house they want instead of your garbage going in the truck where it would normally goes to be compacted it would go in their little box. Unless you know your garbage guys you wouldn't have a clue that cops just ripped your trash.

Dumping in a mall or other business is a VERY bad idea. I take my grow debris out little by little in between harvests. I use vacuum seal bags and vacuum the shit out of them. I then put them in wally world plastic bags and dump at the gas station as i'm filling up along with like a wendy's bag or something else so anyone around thinks i'm just cleaning out the car.
Double bag, triple if you're paranoid...

If it's large amounts, multiple bags....bring em to the dump
....I prefer to use it as a time to get rid of other big trash so it looks like I'm doing a lot of big cleaning and the bags are just part of it....or yard trash or whatever...I usually go on Saturday when it's busy...everyone's cleaning stuff and going to the dump on the weekends.....

they don't really pay much attention at the dump..I've never heard of anyone at the dump asking "whats in the bags?" ..dump it and it's gone for good without any sketchyness...and it's disposed of properly without inconvenience to anyone else...

I've been tempted to take the ride and dump it in a dumpster somewhere, but how sketchy to be riding around in the middle of the night w/ trash bags, or worrying about surveillence videos or a cop or homeowner or someone asking "what you're doing dumping stuff here"...or neighbors seeing you bringing out bags in the middle of the night

stay safe...act normal


Just to let you guys know, the cops said they found a ROACH in one of the bags. Okay,how hard would that be to find in a big ole black garbage bag??? And who would even do that? They went after him like he is a killer or something. AND,drug hounds walked right past a brown paper bag of trimmings,and didn't even notice it.Published his name and address in the local paper,it's just a small town. If you have rx bottles,smash them before putting them in the trash.They will even look at those to see if you are taking any opiates or narcotics for pain,which is NONE of the laws business. Since the Medical MJ law passed here,the cops are finding more ways of harrassing people,even they are legal to possess plants.Just leave our meds alone! The damn law passed in November by 63% of the vote. That means the voters are standing up for MMJ,we voted for it. So you bum politicians better get it together otherwise your asses are out of office.


Active member
FWIW.... i heard from someone in the know that the trash trucks that pick up trash cans and empty them into the back automatically can be equipped with a camera that snaps a pic of the trash as it's pouring out the can... no biggie you say... but for those who have grow houses that don't generate trash and put out empty cans; DEAD GIVEAWAY... so if you're going to put out a can put something, anything, in it.

big brother and then some.... not as bad as using a cellphone as a passive microphone or onstar, don't buy gm, for the same(busted some mob figures in the escalade with the ostar)

contractor bags with a weeks worth of dogshit on top of anything one doesn't want anyone spending a long time looking at is the standard practice over here no matter where u put the bag... obviously knowing when dumpsters/bins around you are collected is key

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