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Botanicare, Coco, and -VT-


Voluptuous Trichomes
My forever lasting saga with seedlings, lol

My forever lasting saga with seedlings, lol

That hurt mostly 'cause it was Chimeras gear. Lol, brings back memories--those lil' seedlings went through some chaos, lol.
I only chose to save one, and it ended up being a male, lol.
I could fill a book with what NOT to do :chin:

I still get PM's about CNS17--last one from an aeroponics grower. Blue Haze says it outyields PBP in his show. It's good stuff, IMO.

I may not ever duplicate my success I had with H3ads Casey Jones--great genetics & fresh beans. It was the first time--and to date the only time--I had 100% germ rate to start, sadly.
Since we're digging up old pics--here's a throwback from '06

As for current issues, C13 is a MONSTER. But, I predict the showstopper will be Blockhead.
Thanks for the post...hope you're here for the flower show :joint:
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Voluptuous Trichomes
The Segue

The Segue

aeric's LAPK x BKS. I cannot give them light. And they are fertigated like soil plants--So they will grow slooooowly, especially with low light intensity. During my current bloomshow, I'll sex them--watercloning for sex--praying for a female! Would love to see one alongside Blue Haze's pre-'98 Bubba Kush cut.

One of them got some nutes spilled on her--so she got burned from that. The feeding has gone well so far--nothwithstanding the fact that I desperately need a pH meter :D. These babies are nibblers, like her relative LAPK. They're at 25% under the T-5 rack

My camera needs batteries, my apologies for the bad pics--which I seemed to have mistakenly uploaded 50 times

Current shots of aeric's LAPK x BKS--unsexed seedlings



New member
my bonsai



Voluptuous Trichomes
I ran a Shiva cut a few times....good yielder.
You got a nice collection of flavors there, Diver59--lookin' good too :yes:....thanks for sharing your pictures here

Nice cab, looks tailor made for a Scrog


New member
Hi -VT-
Beside me big worries, I do not know the english. Use the auto translator so my bad english.
I only after that what has exposed the photo has understood that topic is dedicated to coco soil. Beside me in usual land, but shall don't care keep a check on your reporting...

PS. I else have Kali Mist and Original Flo


Voluptuous Trichomes
Diver59 said:
Hi -VT-
Beside me big worries, I do not know the english. Use the auto translator so my bad english.
No problem, Diver59. You're doing fine.
I only after that what has exposed the photo has understood that topic is dedicated to coco soil. Beside me in usual land, but shall don't care keep a check on your reporting...
I'm honored. I love growing in coco. It can be used in many different ways. It's the most flexible medium. It brings growers from hydro, soil, and around the world together...I love growing in coco.

I'm happy you posted your picture in my thread--please post more if you'd like
PS. I else have Kali Mist and Original Flo
Very good strains :joint:


New member
Beside us in Rosii too arises the new current growing on coco. I looked beside my friend coco, I did not like because of that that he by leaps and bounds dries and loses water. Beside us little who uses the coco as the land for growing, basically use as ambience for DWC and dripped.

The Question not in subjects, you probably will more simply prompt, where honour about growing under 12/12 from seed before big shot, as itself will show the plant?


Voluptuous Trichomes
There was a thread on 12/12 from seed here at ICMAG

There was a thread on 12/12 from seed here at ICMAG

Hi Diver59 :wave:
Diver59 said:
Beside us in Rosii too arises the new current growing on coco. I looked beside my friend coco, I did not like because of that that he by leaps and bounds dries and loses water.
Well, either way works. When the plant loses water fast, that happens when the container has many roots to suck up the water and nutrients. I'll concede that it is not as good for the environment as treating the coco like the land--the soil approach. Both methods work well, but in my experimentation; the plants treated like the land grow slower. Soon I'll see if the yields are the same.
If you treat the coco like soil, I think it's better to use a bigger pot--my next run I'll do an experiment to see firsthand.
Diver59[/quote said:
Beside us little who uses the coco as the land for growing, basically use as ambience for DWC and dripped.
I have used coco as a substrate in DWC also. I top fed--same as drip feeding, just manual--and had good results. nandro calls it "Coco DWC", he's done a thread here also featuring that method.

The Question not in subjects, you probably will more simply prompt, where honour about growing under 12/12 from seed before big shot, as itself will show the plant?
No problem, not off-topic. We're just hanging out, waiting for flowers; and discussing our hobby :joint: I like a good debate :D
I have never put seedlings straight to 12/12. I know some folks have tried it. In theory it seems it would work--just bloom until you see sex, then reveg. Apparently the seedlings will veg a lil' while before they actually flower.

Here is a thread :
12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow



Voluptuous Trichomes
The MTF Cocogro Bubble Cloner

The MTF Cocogro Bubble Cloner

-VT- said:
....gonna experiment with a variation of the "rockwool bubble cloner" MTF-Sandman turned me on to....see if it's faster than the tray/dome
I clone in 100% coco...this is the "coco bubble cloner"
In this case...saturated, soaking wet fine grade coco...
let's see what happens
mtf-shaman said:
how is the variation of the netpot bubble cloner working?? sandman was skeptical when i had him build the first one, after that he was hooked.....i have cloned many ways and find it to be the easiest for me....



Voluptuous Trichomes
:D I already knew it would, buzzed day. Just like Rosy Cheeks always says--coco is a subsitute for rockwool--it can be used in hydro applications. As you can see--I root clones in saturated, soaking wet, soggy, fine grade Botanicare cocogro

TW and C!3 have finished transition. I tamed stretch big time by foliar feeding every other day with a diluted nute mix (my nutes have humic and fulvic acids). Also cool temps...50's F at lights out...never over 72F at lights on
Just as Rosy Cheeks and Dr. Lynette Morgan said (they both use the GH product, Diamond Nectar)...flower phase is induced faster when fulvics are foliar fed.
At day 9...TW and C13 are now officially in flower phase. The others are right behind them....Time to adjust the feeding...as some may know, I veg with bloom nutes....and transition with the same nutes...
Switching from PBP hydro organic to Pure Blend Soil formula
Last run I stayed with both PBP hydro-organic and Cal/Mag+ through week 4...this run I'm ramping down N much sooner--eliminating the N in the PBP--the soil mix has very little N--in coco the N can be ramped down earlier than in DWC

Wanna get some final shots of the low TDS water mix, the 2-2-1
2 parts PBP hydro-organic BLOOM
2 parts Cal/Mag+ (anything less with pure water leads to problems)
1 part Pure Blend The Original

I'll be back momentarily....with some pictures
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Guest 18340

VT, man i just read through all 33 of this thread and all i can say is WOW! I really admire your dedication. This thread is a must read for anyone starting out in coco, lotsa valuable info here. Thanks for taking the time, I've got this one tagged!
Peace, evl


Voluptuous Trichomes
Well, if it is, it's because I've made a lot of mistakes--running out of consumables...growing with no pH meter...no EC meter--it's been a learning experience--moreso than my 1st full coco run, which went very well; and I have some knowledgeable mentors & friends (not claimiing Dr. Lynnette Morgan is a friend :D--but I do respect her work and views). Thanks a lot evlme2 :wave:

Finally added some silica--from Canada--it will give me a K boost

Time for some pictures....


Voluptuous Trichomes


They're beginning to start "twisting" nugs now
This one had some pH issues in veg, then had Cal/Mag+ deficiency in transition--back on track

And her sister



Voluptuous Trichomes
From Freak Brothers Seeds

From Freak Brothers Seeds

It's much much easier to monocrop--takes skills to do this shit
If ya caint hang--better start growing the same shit--run after run--after run...after run......sowwy 'bout that :D


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Voluptuous Trichomes




Somebody hand me a pH meter--so I can see what the fuck um doin' :D
:frown: Green and healthy...dontcha' think?


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Don't get down on yourself, your plants always look very happy. More than I can say for my recent RW cloning tries lol. Not really their fault when INC forgets to add some water to the clone tray before he heads out and they dry up....


They all look superb VT. The amended PB/silica diet is doing the job. Are you using anything else?
Look at the stem on that blockhead...DAMN!!! :laughing:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Thanks INC!! :wave:

High rabid :wave: Thanks a bunch!
The amended PB/silica diet is doing the job. Are you using anything else?
The pictures posted were all given the "2-2-1"
I am just now switching from that mix---going from PBP hydro-organic---to the PBP soil formula. I am also adding Silica (from Canada :D) now. So the next photo op we'll see how the new mix does--we already know (as evidenced by the series of photos--5 strains :smoke:) that the "2-2-1" has my plants lookin' good as playboy-bunny coochie
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