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Born On the 4th of July


I thought it was to much plutonium. I can see these babies are gonna open flat out at 12/12.
can't wait can't wait can't wait.......


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I thought it was to much plutonium. I can see these babies are gonna open flat out at 12/12.
can't wait can't wait can't wait.......

Me too. I'm still lurkin....


Hey paladin420: Told you I'd get smarter. Alot of reading, I just went down to the latest pics. I'll get caught up from the 1st post. Looking good. More later.


Hey Luv's Primo Bud!!! This is the place for you man. You want to see some prime bud Porn hit up any of the Grindhouse Threads. Mine are just little gurls and we should feel bad for peakin...pal


You betcha man I'll be watching. I'm already thinking of next season and some changes I may make! Till April, gotta stay focused. Ok maybe a wee bit blurred but focused. Any way to reword the title of my thread? I'd like to add what kind of seeds?


You weren't kidding, I still can't get the suggested pics opened, just a red X I click and nothing happens? But Now that I'm comfy I can find my way around and the threads are awesome. Like I said in my message just growing no BS. Still no replies on the new thread. No way I'm the only guy who tried this mix ha ha ha. Sure would like to compare!
In flower yet? Can't wait to watch em bud, have fun.


Well its been about a month..must be time for and update. Lets see,two 4' Mob Boss flowering (yep it was the plutonium) about a week and a half in...Two Ultra Sonja Stayed in the flower room after sexing..(Daddy needs a Taste)
Brought 5 sexed back to a veg room.US 3,6,12 and MB 2,6..
5 I hope I was able to pre sex are about 1 week from the flower room..US 1,2,9 and MB 4,5

Males??? Well I had three apiece 1 MB is 4.5' tall.Is this Mr Tang Tang??? I think so, could be the plutonium.. They are spinnin off to ther own sitcom/thread Lets just say it is very nice to play the breeder/pollenchucker with these Boys..gonna be some sweet server fund beans..

sexed US3


Hey as a Note LuvPB is now PrimoBud!!! and he is Runnin GrindHouse Ultra Sonja For The Win...Black n Red all day!!!

group about to go to flower


MB in flower..


Hell yea Pal

Hell yea Pal

nice those are rolling along. did you start 1212 at 4' or earlier rite. my best ultra s was my tallest . gonna end up with some large buds.


I knew I'd see some pics on this thread soon. Keep them updates coming pal, looking good, gives me something to shoot for! Thanks for puttin the word out there. As she grows I'll post an address for supporters to send donations!


Howdy all..llets see it'sbeen abbout 90 days since i cracked these beans... so lets see,I had 3 MB males and 3 US males those boys are gettin busy with everything but ther sisters...more to folllow..

2 Sonja stayed in a flower room after sexin
Just startin to smell!!!

Five stayed in veg that I hoped I had correctly pre sexed. It had only been 20 years since the last time..I put cuttings from each in flower a week ago and all are female.. The three tallest are in cages..I like a restrained bitch

Five came back to veg and just will not stop with the trich makin

you haters may notice a little nute burn?? I like too much,and these gurls seem to take some ppm's ..right now we are about 1200,runnin H&G plus just a few things I throw in to feel smart

Cuttin clones tomorro then its the flower room for the caged gurls....Gonna veg ther sisters another 2 weeks then it is the same for them


Bondage nice pal. lovin those ladies with the sandpaper fan leaves. watch walkin through that room might ruin a few pair of pants brushing by all that glass. are the ones makin all that trich the mob boss . gotta get my hands on some of them again .


Both are makin trichs in when put back in veg..I am thinkin these woud be difficult to run in a reveg system..just tooo Crusty....


Hey I thought you were gonna stop rubbing plutonium on those leaves. I'm looking at those buds and thinking I've bought myself something good! Right on pal things are looking good. I'm with you, buds need food!!!


Hey I thought you were gonna stop rubbing plutonium on those leaves. I'm looking at those buds and thinking I've bought myself something good! Right on pal things are looking good. I'm with you, buds need food!!!

I quit rubbin secret sauce on em..doin to much damage to the leaves...now I spray!!!

Two of my Sonja's are gonna get used in a side by side with a couple super secret products from Organic Labs.. I hav been very happy with their Plant Doctor(was Excel LG) Fungicide..


Mornin All...Things are really startin to heat up..I moved 4 bushes under a 1000w hps raptor..2 of each MB n US

Here we hav US 5 25 days of flower

Here is what I hav been headin towards 30 little Gurls

Here is some of the chaffe I am gettin out of the way for my Grind
2 landrace Algerians,a White Buffalo,and a Deadhead x tahoe OG kkush

My helper

And here is the Boys gettin Busy in the spankinstein 3000


Enjoy and stay safe everyone...ur pal

Homer J Pimpin

well if anyone deserves a visit it's my pal paladin420...That is one ugly mo fuggin spider.looks like he can eat a whole room full of mites though.....keep grinding it out brothers, I'll be watchin' from the side lines.......