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Boring, colorless, clueless.



i can see why "many" keep the TV on... even that wasteland is more colorful and bright than anything they can cook up on their own...

does it ever seem to you that you are wading through a sea of zombies, content with their ignorance?

but then, i myself have lived most of my life with my head up my own ass. looking back - even to last week!... i can't believe the dumb ass things i have done. fucking humbling.

i have known many who - with a little smarts - dismiss everyone else as a simpleton. you know a guy like that? do you know how fucking tedious it is to be around him?

do you ever recognize him in the mirror?


Active member
Oh no!



you have a heavy burdon reconing. don't be overly hard on yourself. namaste


you have a heavy burdon reconing. don't be overly hard on yourself. namaste

yeah - not so hard on myself TT!

i don't suffer fools so well... just trying to stop pulling off their heads and pooping down their necks...

self awareness is rare... apparently.

please self! not to vent in the early morning dark!!


Active member
What gets to me is that i have to bare the burden of everyone else's ignorance, bigotry and general avoidance of thought. Does my fucking nut in. I just don't get how it's only ok for ignorant fucks to put their views across but if you think slightly further than your instinctive reactions then you don't get a chance. Cúnts.

Then I finish the bag of vapour and no longer give a fuck :dunno


Einstein had it down. Nicest man as per so many accounts. but most significantly he dealt with everyone's stupidity,naivety with such kindness and class. it confounds me.
i get what you are saying. sometimes I wonder how some people breathe without cue cards saying.Inhale,Exhale.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
does it ever seem to you that you are wading through a sea of zombies, content with their ignorance?

totally... all those remote controlled drones staring at their phone wherever you go. what were those people doing before cellphones?! watching the spin cycle on the washer?

i just get a general feeling of resignation and lack of imagination from people.
if there isn't a ready-made product (with instructions) out there, there is no other possible way to solve something.

this totalitarian form of capitalism we're all living under has made us emotional and intellectual zombies.

/end rant


totally... all those remote controlled drones staring at their phone wherever you go. what were those people doing before cellphones?! watching the spin cycle on the washer?

lmfao. I can't tell you the number of times I've had people literally almost walk right into me because they've been staring down at their phones texting. It's getting a little ridiculous. Another thing? The amount of phones people go through before their 2 year plan is up? Holy shit. Have phones become cheaper? less durable? Or are people just throwing their shit around? People, the public, please take care of your fucking phones. It's a phone, not a toy, nor a game boy.

I am wading through a sea of zombies, but it's gotten to the point where I don't even care anymore. Truly, I could care less. Just let me be happy and fish and smoke and drink and I won't bother you. You step on my fishing rod and bend the guides? Then we got problems.

I'm not out there to fix the world, and neither should you be. We're far past the event horizon.


totally... all those remote controlled drones staring at their phone wherever you go. what were those people doing before cellphones?! watching the spin cycle on the washer

I call them phoneys. Maybe they'll start getting run over by other phoneys that are driving.

But there are good people out there, there's just not as many of them as there are phoneys and other bots.


Cautiously Optimistic
totally... all those remote controlled drones staring at their phone wherever you go. what were those people doing before cellphones?! watching the spin cycle on the washer?

I can't tell you the number of times I've had people literally almost walk right into me because they've been staring down at their phones texting. It's getting a little ridiculous.

I call them phoneys. Maybe they'll start getting run over by other phoneys that are driving.

But there are good people out there, there's just not as many of them as there are phoneys and other bots.

Why do they suck? Because they use smart phones to do what you're doing on your PC? Is it portability that you take issue with? These days, you can run a multi-national business with your cell phone. What's phoney about that? What sucks about being productive while traveling? It may not be your thing but some of us have got shit to do and places to be and aren't Luddites.


Very few of the folks I see walking around like zombies staring at their phones are running an international business. Most are wondering what their friends on Fecesbook are doing, or something equally important.

Has nothing to do with being a Luddite, if that was the case I wouldn't be posting this right now. I like indoor plumbing, electricity, automobiles, etc. I also like to be a part of the world we live in, not the one that exists on whatever new smartphone that just came out last week and I can't possibly live without.


Cautiously Optimistic
So you're taking time out to mind other peoples' business? Seems like you looked pretty closely. How about this: I do me and you do you. I won't judge you for doing things they way you want and you extend the same courtesy to me. Deal?

Leon Brooks

So you're taking time out to mind other peoples' business? Seems like you looked pretty closely. How about this: I do me and you do you. I won't judge you for doing things they way you want and you extend the same courtesy to me. Deal?

You should punch the guy that made you come into this thread.

Hypocritical much?


Cautiously Optimistic
What are you talking about? I chose to come here... on my cell... while I'm traveling. Why does that make me a hypocrit, zombie, phony or a mindless drone? I'm not even on Facebook. I don't care what other people do with their i-Devices nor to I try to spy their phones/tablets.


So you're taking time out to mind other peoples' business? Seems like you looked pretty closely. How about this: I do me and you do you. I won't judge you for doing things they way you want and you extend the same courtesy to me. Deal?

How about this: I'll have and voice my opinion, and you worry about your own opinion. I'm not here to argue about it, just the way I see it. If that rubs you the wrong way, so be it.