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Boring, colorless, clueless.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Actually their spines are already deforming from a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet.

To the original post I say, why burden yourself the way you seem to? Just live your life as best you can and don't worry about anyone else. Which doesn't mean don't care about anyone it just means ultimately you can't change others just yourself. So don't waste energy doing what you can't do but rather focus that energy on what you can and inspire others to do the same by your example.


Einstein had it down. Nicest man as per so many accounts. but most significantly he dealt with everyone's stupidity,naivety with such kindness and class. it confounds me.
i get what you are saying. sometimes I wonder how some people breathe without cue cards saying.Inhale,Exhale.

yes but that's what is said about him

you didn't know him personally

I also hope you boys finally get along ^^ :)

and finally

psychedellic experience yes, me too


Active member
I was going to whine about how everyone isn't as enlightened as me...

But I forgot why...

Back to the drawing board.


i have known many who - with a little smarts - dismiss everyone else as a simpleton. you know a guy like that? do you know how fucking tedious it is to be around him?

do you ever recognize him in the mirror?

Hehe, sadly I recognize him when I hear myself speak :p

i don't suffer fools so well... just trying to stop pulling off their heads and pooping down their necks...

self awareness is rare... apparently.

sounds like OP is in need of a humbling psychadellic experience. but that is not for this forum.

good idea:tiphat:


Andinismo Hierbatero
so is it right to consider selling the idea to do psychedelics to someone you love and you think needs the experience?

when I think back about when I decided to try cannabis and other psychedelics, no one really convinced me to do it, it was from reading books that I thought "hey, sounds like a good way to introduce oneself further into the mysteries"...

but what do I know...


what amazing responses!

growing is a lonely undertaking. after a few good rips, sometimes it is better to keep ones mouth shut, and not talk about personal stuff...

but hey... there it is.

happy tokin!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
what amazing responses!

growing is a lonely undertaking. after a few good rips, sometimes it is better to keep ones mouth shut, and not talk about personal stuff...

but hey... there it is.

happy tokin!

I definately find it's good to keep one's mouth shut after a good rip...at least for about 5-7 seconds. :bongsmi:


Active member
This threads gone in an interesting direction - Which raises another question in my mind.

Why do some people like orange while others like blue? It's because we are all human and we are all unique.

It's when two humans get together and create the color borange so both can be pleased that we become awesome.

edit: Thats why smart phones are so popular imo - They customize to the person. Jenny can use it to see what Donna is doing on Facebook. Likewise Bill can use it to run his multi million dollar enterprise via his hot tub.

Love them or hate them they are here to stay and just like all technology will retard/advance us at the same time.


Active member
Actually their spines are already deforming from a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet.

To the original post I say, why burden yourself the way you seem to? Just live your life as best you can and don't worry about anyone else. Which doesn't mean don't care about anyone it just means ultimately you can't change others just yourself. So don't waste energy doing what you can't do but rather focus that energy on what you can and inspire others to do the same by your example.

Anyone reading this thread should read this guys post. He's much better with words than me :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Anyone reading this thread should read this guys post. He's much better with words than me :)

Thanks but really it's just a variation of the "Golden Rule" of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

It's like this Charity project I'm involved in. A member of the community had his home badly damaged by hurricane Irene. He's old and poor and owned the home so he didn't have insurance because he didn't have to and couldn't afford it. Now I could judge him for allowing himself luxuries like food and medicine rather then have insurance and then not help but I wouldn't want to be treated that way if I were in his shoes. So I'm joining with others to donate time and materials to rebuild his home because if I was in his situation that's what I hope others would do for me.

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