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Boo's Addy found in Metasearch


Stoner Gardener

Hi All.

Out of curiosity, I Googled the Boutique's mailing address and found it at the top of the search results.

My concern is that any postal employee can see the massive amount of mail going to that mail addy and could search it online & (possibly) cause issues for some members.

I realize we all use safe addresses when ordering, but why allow any form of potential complications to an already vilified culture?

I wonder if there might be some way to stop that mailing address info from coming through as a search engine result.

I'm not a very technical kinda person, so perhaps it's just not possible to avoid the info from appearing in internet searches. :dunno:

el dub

Well, I would hope the addy would come up when using the google. That, or looking for a phone number or web site are the usual reasons I McGoogle a bidness.

Rather than dictate how a company conducts its business, it might be time to grow some balls or find another place to procure seeds.


Stoner Gardener

Well, I would hope the addy would come up when using the google. That, or looking for a phone number or web site are the usual reasons I McGoogle a bidness.

Rather than dictate how a company conducts its business, it might be time to grow some balls or find another place to procure seeds.


My fridge is full of elite beans & I prefer to focus my time on growing plants since nature has taken ample care of my balls :D

Perhaps you might like to chill jr?

Welcome to one more member's ignore list anywho. lol!

Sorry if this post interferes with anyone elses menstrual cycle but just want my friends to remain safe.


Now in technicolor
Narcs will order some sour bubble beans and see the return addy instead of putting down a million bucks into a bust operation solely based on a Google search, so having the results cached online isn't that big of an issue.

Gypsy should add a special SeedBoutique sticker to the inner envelope of the order so that we can be assured the envelope was not opened in transit. "Take grow down NOW if seal is broken."

But anyway, we're safe primarily because the narcs don't bother busting small time grows unless you have very very bad luck.

Stoner Gardener

Hi CANNATOPIA. Ain't it odd how some kids get their chuckles ;)

Thanks !!! ... I hear what you're saying.

Not being paranoid for myself as I take adequate precautions even though I'm personal use only.... The Bay/Boo have worked great for myself over the years.

Just thought following the 'ounce of prevention' adage never really hurts ;)



Active member
I find the whole topic of "safe" addy to be funny!!All you fuckers now as well as I that its impossible to have one,no ones droppin shit off at an abandoned house,no one has an alter po box or any of the other less than creative ideas I read!!Everyone uses there own fucking address and just takes there luck,period!!Safe addy,lol.....um yeah,MINE!!!!!stop frontin:wave: hell,Ive gotten the green card before and still use my addy for beenz,get real with the shit,sometimes ya getem,sometimes ya dont!Anyway....make sure ya use your safe addy gang,lol


There's no avoiding the business address being on google, as long as it is advertised somewhere on the net it will be archived eventually. That's the point of google right? These companies have been shipping beans for 10+/- years now... you would think they would be on to whatever solution possible if there was one. el dub was blunt but right. It is a risk we all take if we want to order beans, 'nut up or shut up' lol. Good luck with your safe addy ;)

Stoner Gardener

Boo's Addy found in Metasearch

I find the whole topic of "safe" addy to be funny!!All you fuckers now as well as I that its impossible to have one,no ones droppin shit off at an abandoned house,no one has an alter po box or any of the other less than creative ideas I read!!Everyone uses there own fucking address and just takes there luck,period!!Safe addy,lol.....um yeah,MINE!!!!!stop frontin:wave: hell,Ive gotten the green card before and still use my addy for beenz,get real with the shit,sometimes ya getem,sometimes ya dont!Anyway....make sure ya use your safe addy gang,lol

Obviously, the best secrets are never told.

No interest in changing others opinions about anything.

What is no secret is creative people do exist with an ability to imagine possible avoidable issues, take preventative measures & remain open to intelligent ideas.


Active member
Heres a more likely tale........prolly 30% of all postal workers smoke,maybe more,over half of them have computers and surf.Enuf time has gone by that everyone knows ya can mail order beans and where to do so...........so by my figures you can clearly see there is at least one smoker in every post who looks for the mail coming from said places and scores himself some free beans and or money!!Least that what I think happens when I dont get a postcard or the beans!!Who knows:wave:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I find the whole topic of "safe" addy to be funny!!All you fuckers now as well as I that its impossible to have one,no ones droppin shit off at an abandoned house,no one has an alter po box or any of the other less than creative ideas I read!!Everyone uses there own fucking address and just takes there luck,period!!Safe addy,lol.....um yeah,MINE!!!!!stop frontin:wave: hell,Ive gotten the green card before and still use my addy for beenz,get real with the shit,sometimes ya getem,sometimes ya dont!Anyway....make sure ya use your safe addy gang,lol

speak for yourself. i most certainly have a safe addy.
you need a friend who doesnt grow or keep weed in his/her house, or only minor amounts, and that you can trust to be quiet if anything goes wrong.


Active member
Im only stoned and messin,who knmows,BUT I'll tell you fuckers right now,if I ever land that postal job I keep applyin for.....I wouldnt be broke for christmas and all my friends would have beans as gifts!!Only kiddin:sasmokin:


yeah, it doesn't take to many brain cell to come up with a safe addy that you can get deliveries to other then your own grow location.
a friend or relative in another town, a store down the street, an investment property, etc ... you only need someone who is willing to receive packages for you. There are many different layers of "safe" in a safe addy ... some are more complex but getting deliveries away from your grow is just basic.

Why is this such a unbelievable concept for you Rojo?


Active member
speak for yourself. i most certainly have a safe addy.
you need a friend who doesnt grow or keep weed in his/her house, or only minor amounts, and that you can trust to be quiet if anything goes wrong.
Exactly, and the safe addy is also called your parents house.

Hey ma, did I get any mail at your house?

Mom: Yes, you got something from Great Britain.

Ok, thanks mom, I'll run by and get that soon.


Also as soon as a package comes to the safe addy, the first thing that should be done is the owner of the address is to write on the package /envelope is

"Not at this address... return to sender"

security 101


ICMag Donor
I've thought about this a few times. Never bothered to google it.

When you think about it tho, its a pretty nondescript address. Could be any business named SBN. Postal workers see thousands of labels a day. SBN's wouldn't look suspicious to anyone who hasn't used the service before.

Unless you go and put Seedboutique or Seedbay on your envelope, you should be good!


Stoner Gardener

Boo's Addy found in Metasearch

Idea 1/1000000 - It's not necessary to have them delivered c/o a living persons' name ;)

Really? No safe addy? That's disconcerting. :nono:


ICMag Donor
Also as soon as a package comes to the safe addy, the first thing that should be done is the owner of the address is to write on the package /envelope is

"Not at this address... return to sender"

security 101

Definitely using this one. :tiphat:


Active member
Really,you guys have businesses or relatives and friends that would recieve illegal mail and or possible law enforcement involvement?And they would do all this for you without saying a thing if it ever happened?PERSONALY,I wouldnt put my friends and loved ones thru such a risk,THAT I take on my own...but each his own!!!:ying:

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