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Bonnaroo 2008 anyone?



hey sneakin they havin that vegoose next year? got some crew in vegas and yes they got some bomb dank out there. dbuzz, thats why we roll in rv's, smaller more efficient festivals inside...and a/c shower and crapper.


Active member
gdawg said:
hey sneakin they havin that vegoose next year? got some crew in vegas and yes they got some bomb dank out there. dbuzz, thats why we roll in rv's, smaller more efficient festivals inside...and a/c shower and crapper.

word. i've camped out twice so i haven't experienced the rv lush. i would consider if i had a crew with an rv, but even then you miss alot of shows you want to see. i like the smaller shows with less stages and less to miss. more managable. echo/wakarusa/swanee...

are you rv'ing bonnaroo this year?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
If you don't like Metallica because of their music (I don't) that's one thing.......

But to put them down for protecting their interests isn't right.
Weed isn't free
Seeds ain't free
Music isn't either, nor movies and I spend my hard earned cash for all of them. I have about 600 CDs & over 300 DVDs in my collection, and because of my eclectic taste none of it is available from the music clubs. Most I paid an avg. of $18 per CD & $20-30 per DVD. Half the fun of collecting was getting to know the local & NYC shop owners by constantly special ordering my CDs/DVDs.

I think the problem is the 'net generation' started getting their tunes for free just about when they would've been learning that you pay for everything in life. Then it gets taken away and they don't know who to blame. It just doesn't make an iota of sense to blame a group trying to protect their income.


Musicians do deserve to get paid i'm not saying they don't... but by the time napster had come about Metallica was already waaaaay beyond rich, and already had a massive following. So wouldn't their real fans go out and buy their music regardless? I know when i really like a band i want to support them (i also own hundreds of CD's and DVD's tho not as many as stoner4life) and i take it you do as well stoner4life seeing you have so many DVD's and CD's. Yes there are people who download the music and don't buy the CD but the internet hasn't put a hurt on musicians wallets as some claim it would have by this point... Lets take radiohead for example... they released their newest cd on-line, and the customer got to name their own price! free 99 if you wanted, i think it came out the average person payed 6 to 8 dollars for the download that went strait to radiohead... not record companies. I guess what i'm saying is i just don't think their [metallica] ideals, philosophy, or music fit what bonnaroo is supposed to be all about, but i think thats all changing anyway since MTV got their hands on the festival so it doesn't matter. On another note most of the money musicians make comes from touring because usually they see a tiny tiny percentage from record sales... so the fact that people download music for free still doesn't hurt them because like i said earlier it's the bands true fans that are still supporting them by buying their cd (if they don't want to support their band imo they're not true fans) and going to see them live and paying for the ticket.
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Active member
gdawg said:
hey sneakin they havin that vegoose next year? got some crew in vegas and yes they got some bomb dank out there. dbuzz, thats why we roll in rv's, smaller more efficient festivals inside...and a/c shower and crapper.
im not 100 percent if there having a vegoose next year or not..
but if they do i highly advise you to go...
it was so chiill its not even funny..


New member
Oaktree what an excellent way to see radiohead .
Im just gonna have to drive to see em when they
get close . Im definitely gonna do it the Pscyilliciban way .
Bringing back liberty cap memories .


im in the same boat as you oaktree - have been twice in the last two years. i'll be going again this year b/c friends want to go and they live far away, but the line up sucks and has been declining from its original line up.

no STS9, no keller williams, not even tea leaf green

maybe im just missing something?


Yea there was a lot of talk about Zepp and even STP playing but then they hit us with Metallica.... just not right. The line up could have been better but i'll probably still be going anyway because there are about 25 bands i'd like to see so that in itself makes it worth it to me. We can always hope they have some stellar additions in a few weeks

g123rock, it was indeed a great way to see them. It was a crazy time... soooo many people were at that show... and so many people were doing exactly what i was doing haha. Good times.



oaktree when and where is this you speak of friend? dbuzz we're tryin to work things out, i'll catch hell squeezin 2 runs in before then...


New member
MidLifeCrisis said:


i love that episode! "pack up your crap guys, we're going to my basement!"

i went to bonnaroo in 2004 with an ex g/f of mine.

it rained...it got muddy...there were no showers (unless you wanted to pay 5 dollars for a freezing cold shower in non-potable water), only porta-potties...

i had an ok time...but def scratched off "big hippie music festivals" off my to do list for the rest of my life.


coachella is in Cali... where i'm not exactly sure, around palm springs i think, and it takes place around the end of april, i think around the 25th, i'm not exactly sure on the date but you can check out their website www.coachella.com



Just looked at the Langerado line up and it's good, but i mean it has a lot of the same people and has a lot of artist that were either at the roo last year or in years past... whys every one hating?


on the roo or on langerado?

I think langerado's lineup is one of the best I've seen in a while. Bonnaroo is going to bring in a really random selection of people - as in not very friendly people going to see metallica. I guess they were looking for something close to Tool like last year, but I hope metallica is not the headliner.