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BonerJam:TwentyEleven Springtime! Coco w/ Blumats



Hey I have a new grow going and I thought I'd share some of the love. It's another Colorado medical grow. My strains are Purple Urkle, Chernobyl, and Island Sweet Skunk. We got:

The 4 x 4 GrowLab
1 x 600w Quantum
1 x SS2
1 x Bluelab Guardian
3 x 5 gallon Smart Pots
3 x Tropf-Blumat Sensors (3 x distributors per sensor)
1 x S & P Tdx-150
1 x Can 50

For the nutes:

House & Garden Coco AB
" " Drip Clean
" " BudXL
General Hydroponics KoolBloom Liquid
Dyna-Gro Protekt

This setup I have is pretty nice for the size. My room also has an electric heater that has been built into the ceiling (not by me). It comes in handy for these harsh dry winters as well as keeps the room in venting stasis. I'll put a 4 x 8 GrowLab alongside the 4 x 4 in the near future for a flower/veg type of situation. Also, I will be switching my SS2 hood out for a Blockbuster with an 8" line after this session so no need to curse me out on my awkward light spread. Not to mention that I can't stand looking at that 8" to 6" reducer. Here's my slop:

March 2

3 Blumat distributors per 5 gallon Smart Pot


I'm going to go back in time. Here's my ISS from February 20. I picked up all these clones on February 7. They needed some TLC to be brought back to life. Luckily I found them.


March 2

Chernobyl. I just started getting them used to being trained.

The bush of Purple Urkle



Ok so these are from March 7. I had been doing the LST thing for the past week and it's finally paid off in the form of stocky, healthy plants. I'm really trying to keep these suckers at an even height.


Chernobyl. She's pretty ugly, but ugly bitches need attention too.

The bush of Purple Urkle



March 13

I've sent them into flowering on March 10. Nothing new except a tad bit of burn on my ISS. I was away on vacation for a couple of days and probably should have cleaned my reservoir and mixed a fresh bath of nutes. My fault completely. A dirty reservoir plus evaporation can strengthen up the mix a little more than the plants would prefer. I think I was at 1190 or 1.7ec. Oh well. I'm pretty much rocking at 1050ppm or 1.5ec with a steady pH of 5.8 at all possible times now.

The plants aren't little weak shits anymore. A proper diet helps. I never realized this, but LST'ing is a solid and straight forward process. Since this is my first time trying, I can't say anything, but wow!



Purple Urkle



March 15

Finally caught up. The burn on the ISS has ceased (thank fuck) with barely any damage. I forgot to mention earlier that I had some damn root aphids spring up out of nowhere. I was bummed to say the least, but I already had the Bayer Complete Insect Control ready to go. This all went down on March 8. To remedy the situation, I bought a very large plastic bucket at Walmart and filled her up with tap water. Then I mixed 15mL of Bayer per gallon and pH'd my water. Each plant got a total dunk and was put back in their respective positions. The root aphids are eradicated (thank fuck again) and the plants seem to be so happy. Hopefully they stay away as I like applying Bayer no later than the first 2 weeks of flower.

The stretch has initiated on all plants. The Urkle instantly stretched at lights out (March 10), then the ISS and Chernobyl at the same time about 2 days later. Everything is on schedule.

ISS. Look at all those tops. My fuck, she's going to be a producer. This is my favorite one.

Chernobyl. She was the weakest of the clones. Now she's running a double nutrient superhighway at the base and I'm wondering if she's going to be the face fucker. Sometimes the runt is the strongest.

Purple Urkle. The most dense foliage I've ever had. I have yet to LST her once. I'm waiting for a little bit more stretch then I'll pull all her branches down and out. She's the one that has sparked my curiosity the most.


March 25

I'm a day or so into week 3. The fruits of my LST'ing have finally shown. The Chernobyl has stretched higher than the ISS, which kind of surprised me. Anyways, the stretch has slowed down a lot and I've switched up the bulb to an Ushio Hi-Lux (was an Ushio Conversion). Side note: Add bloom booster at 11 or 12 days instead of waiting for the full 2 week stretch. I noticed the tiniest bit of P deficiency, but I suspect there is not an overload of P in the H & G AB Coco nutrients. I've added 5mL/gal of KoolBloom Liquid and slighty lowered my AB nutrients to 6.25mL/gal each. Now that I've added about 250ppm of bloom booster and reduced my AB I've gone from 1.6 to 1.7ec. No sign of burn, but I'm keeping my eye on everything. I'll rock this formula for a few weeks then hit them hard with the bloom booster. Ideally, at week 5 I'll do 10mL/gal of KoolBloom Liquid, and balance the rest of my nutrients out to total 1.8ec. Then, I'll taper off towards the end of week 6 and flush for the final week.

Purple Urkle




Active member
hey bro nice grow!!! Ive been using blumats for a while now, I LOVE EM!

I also frequent the blumat thread regularly, and any coco/blumat grow I can find, and yours is the first that I see using blumat distributors .

Makes me wonder why i havent seen them in action before.

So instead of 1 drip point you now have an even spread of 4???

Edit: Dope training btw.. and subscribed. :smoke::smoker::lurk:


hey bro nice grow!!! Ive been using blumats for a while now, I LOVE EM!

I also frequent the blumat thread regularly, and any coco/blumat grow I can find, and yours is the first that I see using blumat distributors .

Makes me wonder why i havent seen them in action before.

So instead of 1 drip point you now have an even spread of 4???

Edit: Dope training btw.. and subscribed. :smoke::smoker::lurk:
Thanks. It's actually dripping from 3 spots. I forgot to mention in my last post that I got those damn root mounds again. There was a water line issue and adding an on/off valve at the very end of the water line (past the last blumat) solved the dryness problem permanently. Dryness + Blumats=Root mounds. Whatever...it's fixed.

People don't use them because there was a general assumption that they clogged easily. I recently was in need of some brown tubing so I went to the hydro store and they had it in packs with the distributors. I gave the distributors a try and they really haven't clogged up yet. They work very well for me so I'd say go for it. Make sure to get 1/4" drip line stakes for the distributors too. The roots grow right up into the distributors if you don't prop them up.

B. Self Reliant

Lookin' good! I'm glad the LST is working out for you. It's a great method.

I just ordered my first Blumats yesterday. I'm sick of trying to access my plants once they're big & bushy! Couldn't find them anywhere local or even online in the US, so I ordered directly from the company and got raped for shipping. Oh well, everyone that uses them says they're amazing so it'll be worth it. I'm glad to see you're using them with success.

In regards to the clogging, have you ever experienced that with the Tropf Blumats? How long have you ben able to use each one before it needs replacement?


BonerJam:TwentyEleven Springtime! Coco w/ Blumats

Lookin' good! I'm glad the LST is working out for you. It's a great method.

I just ordered my first Blumats yesterday. I'm sick of trying to access my plants once they're big & bushy! Couldn't find them anywhere local or even online in the US, so I ordered directly from the company and got raped for shipping. Oh well, everyone that uses them says they're amazing so it'll be worth it. I'm glad to see you're using them with success.

In regards to the clogging, have you ever experienced that with the Tropf Blumats? How long have you ben able to use each one before it needs replacement?

I've had them clog from improperly mixing nutrients. Precipitates formed pretty rapidly when I mixed the H & G nutrients too quickly. Drip Clean or a similar product helps to fight against clogging. Make sure you put an on/off valve at the end of your 1/4" line. You can clear out all the nasty junk that way.


BonerJam:TwentyEleven Springtime! Coco w/ Blumats

Ok so I've been looking for a new nutrient line. I'm going to run Dyna-Gro next round. I'm thinking simple. Protekt start to finish, Gro for veg, the Foliage product for the stretch phase, and bloom the rest of the way through. One base for each of the three phases. I like those profiles. Then, if it all goes well I can thrown in their Mag-Pro product in the next round and compare yields. They seem like a very legit nutrient company and cheap too.


March 28

I back off to 1.6ec because I noticed some serrated edges curling. They're better now. I didn't realize that Urkle would be this slow of a plant, but that's ok. I'm pushing back to week 6 before going to 10mL/gal Liquid KoolBloom. It makes sense for my schedule anyways. Slow days ahead.



Purple Urkle



Active member
I thought about using the dyna grow line but couldnt find to much info on it..

Been using dyna gro protek a few grows now and love it. Its good stuff.

Beautiful plants! is the smell coming in yet?


I thought about using the dyna grow line but couldnt find to much info on it..

Been using dyna gro protek a few grows now and love it. Its good stuff.

Beautiful plants! is the smell coming in yet?

Yes Protekt is awesome. Hopefully their other products are as good as that. The smell hasn't come in yet. The Chernobyl might have a little sweet smell, but the other ones kinda have that new bud smell. I think in another week it'll be a little stinky around here.


I'm attempting to keep up with my record keeping here. I reduced the mix down to 1.3ec. They liked it high at first, but have calmed down and shown a tad bit of N burn. I'm going to further reduce the N once the burn has cooled off and go back up with a little bloom booster to 1.4ec. Things are still looking good all things considered. The growroom has been rearranged so I can expand and introduce some new strains. I'm going to strictly work on sativa dominant and freaky lanky weirdo's. Sweet Tooth and friends are ok I guess, but that stuff is for kittens. :)

Also, the coco forum has been receiving a lot of uncoolness from various members. Keep it positive people. Let's help each other and be respectful.


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