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BOG on Board!


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
good to see ya around BOG. do you remember me from the OG days? glad all is well wit you. blessings.....
WOW BOG welcome back, i was small time on og but i used to search for your post every day i dreamed about growing your strains but that was a pipe dream now i have my own house and i can! I can wait to see what you got for us! i remember mouth watering bmr pics from og. How ya been? watcha been up to? i actually read a thread people where talking about what happened to you, i think someoen even said you had a heartattack.. horrible, glad your back we need you!

Big D

Good to hear!
I hope this means you are back to stay!

You can consider this openarms.com...welcome back buuddy!


Welcome back man, glad to hear all is well, you've inspired lots of us, hope your here to stay for a while, gl with everything :bongsmi:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
You are a fucking Ledgend, Bushy one....i'm gladd i will get the chance to know you, and your skills....that is if you are still growing? coz with all the Online story's...


I had to do a double take when I actually saw that the thread was started by BOG himself.

Welcome Back BOG! I hadn't learned bout this online world until you were already gone so I am amped to learn a bit and try some of your genetics (hopefully!).


ICMag Donor

It is always nice to hear when one the respected growers from cannabis past is able to come back to the forums!! We have never met, but your reputation precedes you and bits of your work is in my garden (SB Bx2 crosses )...and those speak for themselves.

Glad to have an opportunity to learn from your posts and projects! Best wishes in your endeavors....may they all yield you perfect dank!!




Active member
Its good to have you back old friend its been along time bog,Hope all is good for you yourways.

Its always good to see another fellow old og member sure miss the old chats we use to have .Take it easy bog and stay safe.


Active member
welcome back BOG, it's been a long time coming. although my experience with some of your gear was not as i had anticipated, your presence on the boards and willingness to assist was inspiring. a true credit to your culture.

hope you and the family are well, and i also hope you got some new socks...LOL


Good to hear from the master bubblegum breeder and good to see all is well with you and yours.
Exciting to see new goodies from BOG.
I'll have to pop those lifesaver beans I've been holding for 2 years now...lol



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Brother! How have you and the Mrs. been? Chris has been keeping me up with things a bit, knowing that you're OK. Thank you for encouraging so many others to chant my Brother! You are a great Bodhisattva and you can never know how often I do think of you. I think about you all the time. SO PLEASE STOP BY THE THREAD AND SAY HELLO TO EVERYONE! By the way, you do know that stonegirl and I added another couple of little girls to go along with all the others! We'll all be making the grand tour in the next few years and sure look forward to seeing you and Mrs. BOG, as I am sure we will be hooking up with both Chris and Babba.

Thanks to Babbabud for letting me know to find you here!

Much love and deepest respect!

Tom, stonegirl, and the young 'uns


Welcome Back! I would so love to talk to you one of these days! Never thought I would get the chance...

So cool.
Nice to make your acquaintance, heard greta things about you and your seeds. I'm currently growing a few of your strains that have been tried and tested by me and many in the crew.. 10/10

cant wait to see what your future endeavors hold

all the best bro and see you around

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