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bobblepods v2.0. bobbleracks revamped.


Active member
Is it constant fog or do you have it on a timer ???

Where you get the ultrasonic foggers ??

It pretty sweet i think i might build one myself

I put it on a timer to run for 15 mins every hour. They generate some heat. I got mine on ebay, from china... It took like 3 weeks to get them, but they were only like $5 each including the power supply.


Active member
I've received 3 SRBGB's, and I'm gonna fill up one level of one of my racks with them. I'll be baking my coco/perlite mix to remove all moisture, and then I will fill up 1 SRBGB with my medium, and then take the weight of the meidum. From there, I'll add the same amount of medium to the 3 SRBGB's, along with a few other brands of reusable grow bags.

I run an 1800w light column, so the plants, no matter what level they're on, will get equal light. I also run a drip system with adjustable drip stakes... but for the purpose of this experiment, I will be using 1 or 2 gph drip stakes so I know all the plants are getting the exact same amount of water, from the same reservoir.

Last, but not least... The grow will be a monocrop. The clones will have all rooted around the same time, be roughly the same size, etc.. etc... I'm running 3 of each bag so that I can take the average of 3 plants. It wouldn't be a fair test 1 on 1. The healthier clone is going to win every time...

Any questions? Feel free to ask.

I would like to start off with a big thanks to SRGB, for the tester bags. They appear to be of very high quality. I am skeptical, and a very tough critic... I'm very impressed with the overall quality of these bags. The material is thin, yet strong, and very breathable... The stitching is tight. The pots hold their shape well even empty. They very well could be superior to the cheaper bags I've been buying. Let's find out. :tiphat:



1 gallon SRBGB test grow


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
The only problem I have with SRBGD was they were kinda busted going into individual grow threads and OBVIOUSLY marketing their new bags......very schlocky and low brow marketing, and I spent over 10 years in sales and marketing so I have really never been interested in testing them.

I know you Bobble and I know you'll give us the real deal on these.


Active member
well mega, we all make mistakes... I think SRBG is a small operation, and probably can't afford such an experienced marketing rep like yourself... ;) lol... I approached SRBG about testing the bags, not the other way around. Bags aren't cheap, and I got 3 of them for free. In exchange for the bags, SRGB gets free marketing from an experienced grower. If I'm impressed, SRGB is also going to have a customer who purchases 100's of bags... and I'm sure I could persuade a few others to do the same... IF the test shows superior results using the SRBGB's.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Looking nice Bobble. I am super excited to see how your monocropped rooms are going to look! I want to do a flip like you will be, but i just got the electric bill from july-september......$1700......thats with 2x600s, 7000btu ac dehumidifier, and then a normal house. shit is insane. anyways, festivus put me on the tester list for the midnight madness beans. I am pretty excited. Cant wait for them to get here.

keep it green homey.



Active member
good to see you're monocropping bobs, dialage awaits thee!

Thanks bro.. it took a minute to get the big picture... One of the growers I know hasn't even flowered anything in a long time... He's just vegging and cloning. That's what made me realize I need to slow down until I'm ready.

If I get 30 clones of one strain, that's great... they'll stay in small pots until I have 144 of each strain. Then, and only then, am I going to flip again.

It's better to spend my time in veg sorting things out, than playing with multiple strains in flower... Right now my StrawDD looks great, but the USD filling in the empty spots looks like shit.

Looking nice Bobble. I am super excited to see how your monocropped rooms are going to look! I want to do a flip like you will be, but i just got the electric bill from july-september......$1700......thats with 2x600s, 7000btu ac dehumidifier, and then a normal house. shit is insane. anyways, festivus put me on the tester list for the midnight madness beans. I am pretty excited. Cant wait for them to get here.

keep it green homey.


lol... yeah, I'm on a payment plan... That's what was keeping my bill so low, I had just forgot about it... My actual usage for a month is about $700... but that's all the bells and whistles, and my living space. Fuck it though bro, that's why you have to dial in your space... When ur pulling down at least 2lbs a month, what's $850 a month for power? Think about it like that. Anyway, winter is coming, and the AC won't have to run depending on your region...

Or just throw up 40 lights, avg .75gpw, and pay the bill... ha ha ha...


I put it on a timer to run for 15 mins every hour. They generate some heat. I got mine on ebay, from china... It took like 3 weeks to get them, but they were only like $5 each including the power supply.

I have only personally done low pressure aeroponics(FAUX) but i have lots of knowledge on true aeroponics(TAG) and fogoponics pretty much same thing, basically what you are trying to acheive is this, you want the misters or fog in your case to come on just long enough to saturate everything but NOT form water droplets, once water droplets are formed it is FAUX, then the fog evaporates and it gets a few minutes of straight oxygen before it turns back on.

If you have bare stem clones sitting in just oxygen for longer than ten minutes you are actually kinda hurting them. Weed is really resilient and it wont show signs of lack of water and still will probably root excellent that way. and i have never seen a fog cloner so i could be wrong if your fog isnt dissapating that quick

try to think of it like soil, plant A gets watered then watered again when the pot is light, Plant B uses drippers and it is evenly saturated. Neither are gonna show signs of lack of water but plant B gonna do much better. there is a post in your last thread where you talked in depth about this and dry periods and such and DHF complimented how he couldnt say it better it basicially the same thing you tryin to apply to your cloner

if you have a short cycle timer set it to 5sec-1min ON and 4-5min OFF, that would still be about 15 min every hour, they are about $70 if you have to buy one but it be worth it imo but if you dont feel like buying one you prob be better with constant fog

Just my 2 cents... have they rooted yet btw ??


Active member
Just checking out my old gallery... Thought I'd post some pics of one of my stadiums.. 3 tiers of gutters, 1 gal grow bags, monocropped cause I didn't have the money for new genetics... ha ha... 2 1k's... I cut holes in the ceiling at the rental to pull air in and blow it out and create a wind tunnel just like Norther Farmer told me to... I did a horrible patch job, but somehow I got away with it. lol My building skills keep improving...




I remember... we... cause I was dumb and had a partner at the time... WE, didn't even have enough money for coco, so some of those bags were only half full. I had one sun system 1k hps, and 1 1k MH converted highbay light. Homemade carbon scrubbers that didn't do the job. The watering system leaked all over the place and we flooded the floor so many times... lol... No pondliner. I put down plastic, but my boy was super clumsy, and always tore it up. We used old Ionic nutes cause it was what we had... Those were the days... Then it was sink or swim. None of this bullshit boo hoo I only pulled 2lbs... My plants are too yellow... I was ecstatic to have pulled 2lbs.

anyway... just thought I'd share. :D


Active member
I have only personally done low pressure aeroponics(FAUX) but i have lots of knowledge on true aeroponics(TAG) and fogoponics pretty much same thing, basically what you are trying to acheive is this, you want the misters or fog in your case to come on just long enough to saturate everything but NOT form water droplets, once water droplets are formed it is FAUX, then the fog evaporates and it gets a few minutes of straight oxygen before it turns back on.

If you have bare stem clones sitting in just oxygen for longer than ten minutes you are actually kinda hurting them. Weed is really resilient and it wont show signs of lack of water and still will probably root excellent that way. and i have never seen a fog cloner so i could be wrong if your fog isnt dissapating that quick

try to think of it like soil, plant A gets watered then watered again when the pot is light, Plant B uses drippers and it is evenly saturated. Neither are gonna show signs of lack of water but plant B gonna do much better. there is a post in your last thread where you talked in depth about this and dry periods and such and DHF complimented how he couldnt say it better it basicially the same thing you tryin to apply to your cloner

if you have a short cycle timer set it to 5sec-1min ON and 4-5min OFF, that would still be about 15 min every hour, they are about $70 if you have to buy one but it be worth it imo but if you dont feel like buying one you prob be better with constant fog

Just my 2 cents... have they rooted yet btw ??

Thanks for chiming in! Cause I went and checked on the clones, and they weren't looking so good! ha ha... I had the fogger plugged into the wall, but I just put it on the timer... and they were wilting! I changed it to 15 on/15 off... I might just plug it back into the wall now. Thanks.

No roots yet. I suck at cloning. i'm just happy they're alive right now.


ICMag Donor
Been lurking...really tuning into the vertical section for the past few months. You guys are on to something. ;)

Gonna be watching closely to see the results of the sq root bags. Always down for a good side by side. I'd be 80% more likely to purchase these if you give 'em the thumbs up.

Good idea with the mono. Way back when I spent three years running one single cut and I really learned a ton about the effect of environmental changes and variations in feeding and how those two control points, which are really the only aspects we have direct control over, are critical to repeat performance and consistency from crop to crop...



Thanks for chiming in! Cause I went and checked on the clones, and they weren't looking so good! ha ha... I had the fogger plugged into the wall, but I just put it on the timer... and they were wilting! I changed it to 15 on/15 off... I might just plug it back into the wall now. Thanks.

No roots yet. I suck at cloning. i'm just happy they're alive right now.

no prob bro! dont worry about the clones they will be fine, i have taken 30 clones before and had the pump tip over on me and when i checked on them the front 15 were all wilting so i fix the problem and then when they root they front 15 were better then the ones not wilting !! this has happened to me on several occasions

maybe a little tough love helps them get their act together, they are so happy to be alive they are gonna live life to the fullest !! ha

another trick that i have found when rooting bare stems....

take your cuts at 45degree angle,dip in water, take a razor and scrape a thin layer of "skin" bout 1/2" up from the bottom just a few stripes is good it called scarifying , dip in water, then take a razor and split the bottom of the stem in half about 1/4"-1/2" up , dip, then put in the cloner

it gives the clones more surface area for roots, i have done side by sides in my aero cloner and the scraped and split stemmed clones always wins


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
well mega, we all make mistakes... I think SRBG is a small operation, and probably can't afford such an experienced marketing rep like yourself... ;) lol... I approached SRBG about testing the bags, not the other way around. Bags aren't cheap, and I got 3 of them for free. In exchange for the bags, SRGB gets free marketing from an experienced grower. If I'm impressed, SRGB is also going to have a customer who purchases 100's of bags... and I'm sure I could persuade a few others to do the same... IF the test shows superior results using the SRBGB's.

If YOU say their better they will have two new customers, and I will NEVER go back to marketing (sucky, scummy job sorry to any marketing folks out their but dyamnn I was their for 10 years)

Hey... you got 3 free bags.... can't be all bad!:dance013:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Just checking out my old gallery... Thought I'd post some pics of one of my stadiums.. 3 tiers of gutters, 1 gal grow bags, monocropped cause I didn't have the money for new genetics... ha ha... 2 1k's... I cut holes in the ceiling at the rental to pull air in and blow it out and create a wind tunnel just like Norther Farmer told me to... I did a horrible patch job, but somehow I got away with it. lol My building skills keep improving...




I remember... we... cause I was dumb and had a partner at the time... WE, didn't even have enough money for coco, so some of those bags were only half full. I had one sun system 1k hps, and 1 1k MH converted highbay light. Homemade carbon scrubbers that didn't do the job. The watering system leaked all over the place and we flooded the floor so many times... lol... No pondliner. I put down plastic, but my boy was super clumsy, and always tore it up. We used old Ionic nutes cause it was what we had... Those were the days... Then it was sink or swim. None of this bullshit boo hoo I only pulled 2lbs... My plants are too yellow... I was ecstatic to have pulled 2lbs.

anyway... just thought I'd share. :D

Ahh the good old days....lol nice trip down memory lane!


Active member
Been lurking...really tuning into the vertical section for the past few months. You guys are on to something. ;)

Gonna be watching closely to see the results of the sq root bags. Always down for a good side by side. I'd be 80% more likely to purchase these if you give 'em the thumbs up.

Good idea with the mono. Way back when I spent three years running one single cut and I really learned a ton about the effect of environmental changes and variations in feeding and how those two control points, which are really the only aspects we have direct control over, are critical to repeat performance and consistency from crop to crop...


Whatup dF. I'm really interested in these square bags I tell ya... Cause SRGB insists on how they're superior to other reusable pots. I want to find out why, and share the results. I'm gonna have 2 other brands of 1 gallon fabric pots for the test. Maybe 3... I'm gonna have to see what I have laying around here... Whatever the result is, everyone will know it. These pots are 100% different from my other fabric pots... That's the truth. EDIT: there is no claim of increased fruit production. Just a better pot.

Thanks for the tip on environment... I've got the concept in my head, now I'm just figuring out how to apply it... Step 1: cloning. 5 days, no roots yet, but my cuts are alive... Hoping for roots in the next 5 days... so I can take loads more cuts...
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silver hawaiian

Active member

Aside from the square-factor (which would technically allow you to cram these things literally side-by-side), what's the attraction to the SRGBs? And considering that Smarties or Rootpots are 100% pliable/malleable, I suppose the argument could be made that they too can be crammed side-by-side.

They seem a touch more expensive, but not terrible. My spot has 1 gal smarties for $2-3, I reckon. (Been a while since I bought one. Usually get them kicked down from those guys, and last time I bought sulfur, they just dumped a pile of sulfur in a 1 gal smartie). :D

For a guy like you, with larger needs, I'm sure they'd cut you a deal too.



Active member

Aside from the square-factor (which would technically allow you to cram these things literally side-by-side), what's the attraction to the SRGBs? And considering that Smarties or Rootpots are 100% pliable/malleable, I suppose the argument could be made that they too can be crammed side-by-side.

They seem a touch more expensive, but not terrible. My spot has 1 gal smarties for $2-3, I reckon. (Been a while since I bought one. Usually get them kicked down from those guys, and last time I bought sulfur, they just dumped a pile of sulfur in a 1 gal smartie). :D

For a guy like you, with larger needs, I'm sure they'd cut you a deal too.


Yeah I've discussed the pricing with SRGB... which is why I decided to do a test grow. These are the most expensive pots. Doing research for other brands of pots to test against these... I've found that my old hydro shop beats any deal on the net. I'll get 1 gal root pots for $1.89 -20% for being a medical patient... So about $1.50. I'm going to pay them a visit tomorrow. :smokey:

SRBGB's could be a superior product... but idk that the price is justified in my instance, b/c like you said, I need a lot of pots... So they have to outperform the cheaper pots by a lot if I'm going to by a bunch more.

Have I mentioned I want blumats? lol...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Ditto on the Blumat's will wait to see if the SBRG's are THAT better, they better give like 25% more performance cuz I get a real good discount on my smarties and root organics bags #2's...real good deal....

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