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Lola's Orange Pineapple Fluffy Stuff



4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) budder, room temperature
1/2 pint heavy whipping cream, cold
1/2 cup water
1 regular size Orange Jello
1 regular size Pineapple Jello
4 Tablespoons sugar
1 small can Pineapple crushed.. drain juice off.
1 cup chopped pecans
3 large bananas, chopped

OK combine orange jello, pineapple jello and 1/2 cup cold water, bring to boil. Stir continuously. Add can of crushed pineapple, well drained. Add 4 tablespoons sugar, stir, remove from heat. Cool to room temp or about 80 degrees farenheit. Stir to keep from gelling occasionally. May place pan in bowl of ice to cool rapidly if needed.

while that cools combine 1/2 stick budder, 1/2 pint heavy whipping cream in mixing bowl. Beat until stiff peaks form on whipping cream. Add pecans, banannas.

Add jello mixture to whipping cream mixture, fold gently until color is uniform.

Place in fridge until set. Enjoy! Yummy orange pineapple creamy banana and pecan....with a lil THC :)


Non Conformist
Wouldn't it be more fun ta jus leave the budder in, and give it to the squares anyway?!? lol j/k... BC
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It is really good! The orange pineapple hides the budder taste really well, it is best not to use a really dark budder, better if it is clarified more to get out the green taste.

It's a sort of fluffy, gelled dessert, really hits the spot when you get the munchies.

TIP: If your budder is really dark green, you could substitute lime jello for the orange jello to hide the color.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i'm going to make a whole bunch of this, then start crashing random family reunions :joint:



It'll be the best reunion ever...

My Mom used to make it every Christmas when I was a kid... I tweaked the recipe a little bit for stoners... hahaha

You can put it in Party Cups for individual servings and let it gell up in the Party cups.

Everybody loves jello!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah i lived off of this stuff after church on sundays and going to reunions, when i was younger! orange marshmellow jello fluff, mmmm

now, with weed!


I don't think horses eat orange pineapple fluffy stuff. They probably won't like it. Just give the horses plain sugar... they like that.



better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
gelatin is made from horses hooves, it's one of the things that used to happen to an old worn-out horse in the pre-car era, but now I guess it's just youngster racehorses that find their way into your orange pineapple thingy

I doubt horses would like it


duhoh.... me not know where jello come from.... me stupid....

(actually jello is made from dolphin tears and bald eagle's eggs.... ;) )

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