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bobblehead's 1800w coco coliseum



I`m sure you`re busy settin shit up Bobble , but am I right in that there`ll be 72 plants in 36 containers ?.....

I only ran 4 plants on 4 walls on 4 levels for 64 total , but had the plants in #5 sp`s and Hell....they finished at 1-1/2 ozs each...I mean.. how hard is it ta grow a 1-1/2 oz plant...simple...babyshit...but.....

With 2 plants in each cube thingy , they`re gonna haveta stay small enoughta not ta choke each other out and compete for light and environment......

My plants had 1 sq ft and up to 32" to stretch each and be pruned/trimmed/shaped while pointed at the lights at an angle for all sides of the plants gettin lumen exposure , but yours will need the backs and sides hacked out to provide the best finish for the fronts that the lights will penetrate for swellage while not growin into the one`s beside em......

Plant numbers dictate yield......period...so you`re headed in the right direction...That`s why Heathie`s production rooms always finish in the high 1+ gpw`s cuz he packs em in like sardines but not too close.....just enough.....Think SOG , but sideways....

Hell ...he grows 1 oz plants from rooted cuts with no vegtime......I ran mine under T-5`s for couple weeks or so and still only got 1-1/2 oz`ers......

I`ll be settin over here on my bucket Bro......Pullin fer yas.......



Active member
bobble is rocking it! that looks great man, very innovative! Are you using a floor fan? How much did it cost ya to setup?

psh... the tent itself is 8x6x8. The growing space is 6x6x8. So I have a 2x6 area of pond liner in front of the door. I don't think I was very clear about the dimensions before.

So the 1x3x8 boards I used cost me about $40, reflectix $40, screws I had, $20 for plastic, $15 in ducting parts, $30 for the pond liner... $20 for mounting hardware. $165 for the tent... oh, and add $10 for a zipper door. Maybe $20 if I get 2 and make it a roll-up door.

I spent $300 on the sterilite containers. More expensive that building shelving out of wood, but I wanted to freedom to move them around as individual shelves as well... and collect runoff... so it was getting complicated and I found these.

The equipment is subjective to where you buy it from really, so I don't want to get into it. Half was new half was used in previous grows.

425 cfm intake on a speed controller and maybe a temp controller too. Gotta see how the temps are.
435 cfm exhaust with a phresh filter and a homemade silencer. I used a 5 gal bucket, added ducting, foam inside, and it was a done deal.
1800w- 3 600w lumateks driving ushio lamps.
Each stack will have it's own loop of drippers, 2 drippers a plant in case somehow one of the drippers clog... but seeing how I run DTW and nothing but clean water goes in my res... that shouldn't be an issue. nonetheless, better to be safe than sorry.

Anything else? I'm real busy lately, so I'm sure I'm forgetting some details...

Oh, and there are 2 honeywell fans sitting under the lamps. I'll also direct the intake air at the lamps, since it should be nice and cool. :)


Active member
I`m sure you`re busy settin shit up Bobble , but am I right in that there`ll be 72 plants in 36 containers ?.....

I'm going to run 64 plants like you did, and veg 8. I'll run the stacks a couple weeks apart. If I'm going to do this legally, I'm going to have to cut the numbers and split the plants between 2 rooms at least, maybe 4. First I want to learn how to grow this way.

I only ran 4 plants on 4 walls on 4 levels for 64 total , but had the plants in #5 sp`s and Hell....they finished at 1-1/2 ozs each...I mean.. how hard is it ta grow a 1-1/2 oz plant...simple...babyshit...but.....

With 2 plants in each cube thingy , they`re gonna haveta stay small enoughta not ta choke each other out and compete for light and environment......

My plants had 1 sq ft and up to 32" to stretch each and be pruned/trimmed/shaped while pointed at the lights at an angle for all sides of the plants gettin lumen exposure , but yours will need the backs and sides hacked out to provide the best finish for the fronts that the lights will penetrate for swellage while not growin into the one`s beside em......

That's the plan. I'm gonna hack the shit out of them, and bend them over and out of the cube. The plant doesn't care much about being bent over ime... I should also get some nice colas from the training, making the trimming easier at the end.

Plant numbers dictate yield......period...so you`re headed in the right direction...That`s why Heathie`s production rooms always finish in the high 1+ gpw`s cuz he packs em in like sardines but not too close.....just enough.....Think SOG , but sideways....

Hell ...he grows 1 oz plants from rooted cuts with no vegtime......I ran mine under T-5`s for couple weeks or so and still only got 1-1/2 oz`ers......

I`ll be settin over here on my bucket Bro......Pullin fer yas.......


The other thing I like about the crates is they have holes in the back of them for good air circulation. What's going to be tricky is how I setup the reflectix. I've decided to wrap the front of the stack and cut out holes for the plants... Hopefully I don't fuck up a whole roll of reflectix... ha ha...

I'm gonna rock this thing... but the humidity is another issue you brought to my attention... and running perpetually, I'll have to keep it at 50%ish most of the time.... so I think I want to setup the other pod and do 32 plants, 1 plant per tote with more veg time. I mean I might as well do this legal since I can... :)


Rock on my Brutha......Be waitin on da other side for top shelf results....



ICMag Donor


Remodeling is always fun :tiphat:
Enjoy the new digs Bobble. I'm gonna get comfy right here bro!



ICMag Donor
Each stack will have it's own loop of drippers, 2 drippers a plant in case somehow one of the drippers clog... but seeing how I run DTW and nothing but clean water goes in my res... that shouldn't be an issue. nonetheless, better to be safe than sorry.

bobblehead got a new room! looks tight man. are you going to buy a trim machine or what? you're going to need it. you've got some awesome gear and serious gardening skills i know your going to kill this one.

man i had a lot of problems with drippers in vertical. i stack them octogon style too and the top ones always got considerably less water than the bottoms did because of pressure and i used a manifold split into Ts, when the timer shut off all the water from the top guys drained down to the bottom pots and flooded them out. a think a stronger pump and a inline pressure reducer is what i should of used but i only had a day to set it up before i left town. i did my best drip setup ever with spaghetti lines coming out of 1/2" into rings. so simple but easier to clog than using 1/4". high quality flexible tubing is worth every penny IMO.

what i'm seeing from blumat drippers is amazing. i'm totally sold, just the large upfront cost that i'm hesitating over.

the product drip clean is my all time favorite supplement. i water pretty much no run off with it. before i'd try to get runoff each time and would still get salt build ups. switching to smart pots really showed me how salty nutes are. drip clean wiped it out saves me lots of water and nutes that i was wasting before.

that was long winded. how was the chem x mat?


Active member
I just want to thank everyone for your positive comments. I really appreciate them. I just finished plugging 128 drippers... Tedious work, and my fingers hurt... Almost there...

Reddy1- I'm really hoping I don't have a problem with the drippers. They're supposed to be pressure compensating, so we'll see... I have a ring going up the stack from the back, being fed from the bottom. Ideally when the pump cuts off the pressure will just push the water back into the res, and not out the drippers. I'll keep an eye on this though. Worse comes to worse, I'll have to feed with the drippers until the bottom plants are satisfied, and give the top plants the extra they need... Until I can rearrange things and make the loops run horizontally... I should have done that instead now that I think about it, but oh well... Hopefully there won't be a problem and I won't have to make that change. I didn't go with 1/4" spaghetti hose because of how I wanted to run the water, and I wanted to avoid flooding out the bottom plants...

I've noticed the salt buildup too, but I just bought a Tri-meter to better control my pH and EC. I used to just use the dye kit and didn't vary from 6/9... I want to push these girls to the max, so I guess it's best to know exactly what's going on. If the pH stays on point, the ions should stay dissolved... assuming there isn't a buildup. Once the buildup has happened I supposed the drip clean is necessary... I'll give it a go though, b/c I'm sure I'll have some buildup while dialing this stuff in. Lots of guys recommending it. Thanks for the tip.

The MAT x chem is some nice smoke. I can't quite name the smell... the MAT is like a moldy basement smell... lol I don't know how to describe it. Everyone loves it. That was one of the strains that the patients bought right up. I've got a few nugs though for my personal pleasure. Great seeds.

Alright, back to work... gotta run the drip lines, and put up reflectix... then that should be about it... Then we'll take a tour. :)


Active member
alright, progress shot... I have to go out and buy more reflectix and drip line... Not much, I just barely came up short. One of my fans was crap, so I only have one in there right now... I'll be adding another fan or two on the floor. Maybe just get a big box fan instead... we'll see. I'll probably use what I have.

This thing is almost ready to run... :) and then finally, a well deserved vacation!



Active member
real nice brother... that shit is gonna rock the house. you gunna have to support the sterilites from the back lol.

keep it up


That is fukin BADASS!!!!.....Mad DIY skills Bro.....Love your positive mental attitude bout rockin that bitch.......

Attitude`s everything.....Shit looks better and better BH......Can`t wait ta see thisun take off.......If yas could wrap the top section of the walls behind the pods with reflectix so all the light that gets past the top plants will bounce back on em instead of being absorbed by the black plastic , it`d be to your advantage down the road......

Totally missed the fact about your numbers havin ta be in line with your med scrip , so I guess this`ll be pod`s finishing and pod`s restarted perpetually.......Again I say...BADASS......

Excellent job Bro..Excellent.....DHF......


Active member
Hey Bobble, just wanted to drop by and say what a very clean, professional job you've done on your remodel.

Looking forward to following this one.

Good Growing!!


Active member
Mkay, just got back from the gym. I feel so much better having got some stress out... it's official, I have a blister on my left index finger from plugging drippers earlier... lmao... I hate fucking drippers. Normally I like to be polite, but drippers can suck a fat one.

real nice brother... that shit is gonna rock the house. you gunna have to support the sterilites from the back lol.

keep it up

ha ha... I sure hope so! I put in a sub-floor in case I had to screw things down. ;)

That is fukin BADASS!!!!.....Mad DIY skills Bro.....Love your positive mental attitude bout rockin that bitch.......

Attitude`s everything.....Shit looks better and better BH......Can`t wait ta see thisun take off.......If yas could wrap the top section of the walls behind the pods with reflectix so all the light that gets past the top plants will bounce back on em instead of being absorbed by the black plastic , it`d be to your advantage down the road......

Totally missed the fact about your numbers havin ta be in line with your med scrip , so I guess this`ll be pod`s finishing and pod`s restarted perpetually.......Again I say...BADASS......

Excellent job Bro..Excellent.....DHF......

Yeah man I'm gonna wrap the back and the floor! Light is gonna be bouncing everywhere. My room is my reflector! ha ha... I was in the grow shop yesterday, and I saw a big bat-wing reflector with a "heat diffuser" that sits under the lamp... So I ask the guy, do people really buy the $40 piece to block the direct light to their plants? and he says yeah, and goes on about how well it works... lol and here I am doing the exact opposite... Blasting all my plants with direct light...

Yeah the perpetual pods is the idea... I had talked numbers with you before, but I guess you missed that part... ha ha... My problem is that we don't have any provisions for cooperative growing in MI, so it's risky business. I'm best sticking to my 72, maybe go up to 99 using another caregiver... I have a bright professional future, and I can't risk any felonies. In the next 2 years I'll have Bachelor Degrees in both Business and Nursing... unfortunately given the current job market, the Business degree isn't getting me a job that can pay the loans I took out to obtain it...

I'll take care of that... Thanks for leading me to water.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Looking nice bobble! As a fellow Michigander I must give props for keeping it legal. We have been blessed in this state, no need to fuck around.
Stay safe.


Medical field`s the growth industry Bro..That`ll getchas outta the hole faster than the Business degree , but I `m so sure you know that.....

Got a buddy of mine that runs the emergency room down here and makes upwards of 150K yr workin 7 on and 7 off......

Gonna cover the floor in reflectix ?....OCD kickin in...LMFAO.....make sure yas do the ceiling as well if we didn`t already talk about it in pm.......

Waitin fo this mofo ta BLOW UP..........



Bobblehead and all you other vert growers. Go to wal-mart site, type in fans, find LASKO 20" WIND MACHINE INDOOR PIVOTING FAN, 28.60 with free shipping website to store. Bobblehead, I used one of these 24/7 for many, many months in my old room ( though not a vert. setup) before we moved. Great fan, blows really strong, even on low and medium, you can pivot straight up, its cheap and seems dependable. Covers a broad area too. Look into it, it was one of my best purchases for my grow room, and then I got two more for our house. You guys have helped me, I hope maybe this can help a few of you. Bobblehead, enjoy your trip.:ying: