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bobblehead overtakes

silver hawaiian

Active member
Sheesh - I make one mention of a sore dick, and look what happens.


Lots of truth on this page here. Props to those who can exchange ideas, thoughts, concepts, even opposing ones, without name-calling and generally acting like drunk college broads.

I can only presume that the neg reppers must be either low IQ or have serious comprehension problems..


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I must get this off my chest as well. Silver hawaiiain you upset me when you talk down about maddog wines. This is just bunk and I will possible but not likely neg rep you next time.


Appreciate your respect and true colors Bobble`s.......Let`s see....Not tellin yas bout the bonsai hero`s amounts to me retiring em once I swapped from ebb and flow buckets to my version of Heath`s racks when I learned the hard way bout strippin fan leaves from that nuthin ass Jrosek/Groovee......but....I did learn.....now....

Trimmin/Harvey`n 64 plants and re-settin the room up in the same day amounted to cutting 64 mainstems and hangin plants on a clothesline in the lungroom cuz they were stripped of 99% of anything that needed trimmed in the last 2 weeks before chop , refillin/re-mixin juice , and replacing containers with basket stakes set.......so.....

The very thought of you thinking my inconsistencies in your eyes and perception amounting to lies , hurts me Bro.......and the very thought that my posts on the "wealth thru stealth" were gleaned from that Julian cat really hurts since I started that shit in `96 on my 3rd yr of Krusty buckets and never looked back.......

I never once read more than 3 posts in that bullshit thread cuz it was a pie in the sky stoner wanna be dream thread , but......Hey.......If yas wanna think less of me and throw that shit up it`s all good........

All I`ve ever done here is try ta help folks and you`re right.......I`m definitely steppin back away from this place for not so much the reasons you bring forth , cuz I do as I please and have a richly rewarding comfortable life...but.....

Because people I thought trusted me for knowledge and experience listen to trolls and think I`m a fraud.....and even if you won`t type it Bobbles........

You blame me for leading you down a path to destruction when you BEGGED me for input from the get , but yet when you can`t follow the guidelines and branch out on your own thoughts and actions that were untested and undialed , now.......I`m a fraud and a liar.......

This is your thread and the last time I post in it.....or any thread here , and as far as bein a cry baby and takin my marbles and goin home ?........

That just shows me more of your maturity factor cuz I`ve never backed off from anything anywhere , and you thinking I`ll be back was the icing on the cake.....

Make sure your degree sets you up in the real world Bro , cuz as long as you`ve done this , and as much as I`ve tried to show you the way , you really haven`t made a good go of it consistently now have you.......but.....

As per my last post you attacked and the only reason I made another post , I hope your professional license comes through to supplement your income should you choose to take that path when the time comes........

Wish yas nothing but the best ......Ya`ll stay safe......

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Well-known member
as an adult i take alot of advice on board and then make my own decisions.

Word. Nothing more needs to be said then this.

But I will anyways,
To me, a someone who's evolved from a small DWC dresser grows, to ebb bucket & flowing hydro setups in tents/rooms/homes, to coco/blumats, etc..

I read DHF's words and it all rings true. Might be presented in a different fashion then most and often repeated in a way that might come off at being phony to some, but Facts are Facts... Far from a hack in my book... I've learned too much in the game far before freds started spreading knowledge to help those after/entering. Much of it is the same shit he preaches.

I learned to grow myself and through the lurking of those willing to share on OG. DedHedFred might have been a name I recall, but the information was vast from everyone.

Many was to skin a cat remember guys...
Its the continuous of the spread of knowledge and the sharing that's important.

Lot was lost when OG went down, lets not let it happen in our little vertical forum.

PS - Blumats rule! They've done me well.

Take er' easy freds. Nothing personal on these forums.. Presentation means a lot on the internet. I hope you return after a little hiatus and continue to help those entering the scene, hobby, what have you.. Cant get caught up only in those involved in the conversations. There are many more just lurkin' and taking notes..

Everyone of us here sharing and what not are potentially helping and changing lives for others. I know it certainly contributed to my success and continues to do so... "Grow Your Own"


this place would be boring as hell if we were all carbon copies of each other

when we all push the envelope at a different angle we cover more ground faster

IME stoners are usually pretty independent people, it's in our nature to question everything.

there are no black and white lines in the grow room but there are some fucking cool shades of gray

panda plastic doesn't count:thank you:


Active member
Its to bad all this went down.a smart man listens to all but does what he thinks is right after that.because he has to live with it if it blows up in his face.lazy growers will never get it .ever! Kinda like starting with 250 bucks and three years later running 34,000 watts .and no other peoples money.talk is cheap .show me as they say .talk is easy and cheap. I have Ben on a lot of grow sites I like icmag the best and the very guys awesome.thank you.I love to share with other givers.in the real world screw them .they are takers.funny I was always told you can't do that .or not that way lol.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Damn. Having read all of the above, if anybody has issues with me, please send me a PM so we can talk about it.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Wow if he had been three damn smart I would of had a problem with him. You are just to uptight.



Low hanging fruit - sometimes it's forbidden, other times it's okay.

Today, it's okay.

Holy shit I'm crying


half cat half man half baked
I confess to being twisted and although I am an adult and responsible for my actions, I sometimes behave the same ways I did as a child. Having been abused throughout my childhood has had a huge impact on who I have become and I work on the issues it caused everyday. We all slip every now and then...no excuses, right(sometimes we think differently knowing a person's background and what stops us from sharing that sort of stuff with each other...), but to kick some one while they are down is something I don't stand for. Some people mask their abuse with humor and passive aggressive and when such people bother me I try not to let it bother me because I know such people have suffered as well, but sometimes it brings out the absolute worst in me. Owning up to mistakes people make in their garden is admirable, but to me it's nothing compared to the honesty a person can choose to own up to within themselves and how it manifests with the world around them... a world full of people. As someone who has internalized a lot of bad feelings, beaten myself up through out my life, moved thousands of miles away from my fucked up family, is in recovery, and grows cannabis for a greater purpose that is beyond my own interest...I have found peace...with guidance from some people on ICMAG. I am very grateful, but I'm fresh out of respect...all I got is love:ying: for those who are dedicated to the cause. We will out grow you mother fuckers eventually... because you will give up due to lack of passion, have no legacy to pass on, or won't have anyone willing to listen... There are strengths and weaknesses in numbers...


Damn. Having read all of the above, if anybody has issues with me, please send me a PM so we can talk about it.

im gonna send you a PM just so i feel like i have like friends n shit.

We will out grow you mother fuckers eventually

its like a queen song.



Active member
Well it looks like I'm not banned and my thread is still intact for now...

Its to bad all this went down.a smart man listens to all but does what he thinks is right after that.because he has to live with it if it blows up in his face.lazy growers will never get it .ever! Kinda like starting with 250 bucks and three years later running 34,000 watts .and no other peoples money.talk is cheap .show me as they say .talk is easy and cheap. I have Ben on a lot of grow sites I like icmag the best and the very guys awesome.thank you.I love to share with other givers.in the real world screw them .they are takers.funny I was always told you can't do that .or not that way lol.

Thank you. 3 years ago I was living in a 1 bdrm apt, working about 30hs a week and going to school full time. I was broke as a joke, I never had anything left after bills. I couldn't afford the gas to go visit my family even if I had the day off. I used my refund check from school to buy my first 2 600w ballasts and a scrubber. Right about then is when I contacted DHF and asked for help with the vertical flip rooms. With that advice I'm purchasing 2 houses in the past 1.5 years, paying for my schooling outright, and I eat well. What a horrible path of destruction I'm on. I wish I had never sent that first PM. :whee:

I didn't get to where I am because I'm dumb. I got here with good advice from someone who I still consider a friend despite this recent falling out... Friends fight sometimes. I didn't speak with my best friend for over a year, and then one of our mutual friends died and none of the stupid bullshit mattered anymore. That's what this is. There was a point where I was angry with DHF, that's true. I realized I was the one with the problem, and my attitude changed. My grow changed shortly after my attitude did. When DHF goes back over what I wrote and reads it objectively without the emotion... Maybe he'll see where I'm coming from. Maybe not. My feelings won't change and I have no regrets about what I said. I appreciate the help getting me to where I am... but attacking me every time I provide an objective opinion needs to come to an end. My opinions on blumats or anything are not personal attacks.

Not everyone appreciates me for my blunt honesty. That's how I choose to live my life.

I confess to being twisted and although I am an adult and responsible for my actions, I sometimes behave the same ways I did as a child. Having been abused throughout my childhood has had a huge impact on who I have become and I work on the issues it caused everyday. We all slip every now and then...no excuses, right(sometimes we think differently knowing a person's background and what stops us from sharing that sort of stuff with each other...), but to kick some one while they are down is something I don't stand for. Some people mask their abuse with humor and passive aggressive and when such people bother me I try not to let it bother me because I know such people have suffered as well, but sometimes it brings out the absolute worst in me. Owning up to mistakes people make in their garden is admirable, but to me it's nothing compared to the honesty a person can choose to own up to within themselves and how it manifests with the world around them... a world full of people. As someone who has internalized a lot of bad feelings, beaten myself up through out my life, moved thousands of miles away from my fucked up family, is in recovery, and grows cannabis for a greater purpose that is beyond my own interest...I have found peace...with guidance from some people on ICMAG. I am very grateful, but I'm fresh out of respect...all I got is love:ying: for those who are dedicated to the cause. We will out grow you mother fuckers eventually... because you will give up due to lack of passion, have no legacy to pass on, or won't have anyone willing to listen... There are strengths and weaknesses in numbers...

I'm so confused by this post I really don't understand what you're trying to communicate... My apologies to you for taking things a bit too personal in HL45's thread... but you are seriously one misunderstood dude. I'm sorry to hear about your past, but I'm happy to hear you've found peace. Keep on Keeping on friend.

