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bobblehead overtakes


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
I can't really say anything about overall history here... But I will say that as a west coaster, I have never seen union jobs pay so much for construction and manufacturing before in my life. Rate out here is like 2-3 times as much as comps back west... Or so iv heard... Lol, not like I'd really know, ya know? I don't know how some places can afford the wage rates... Like in the 20's for something that might pay 12 elsewhere. How does a biz afford double rate +...?

Same time, minimum wage is supposed to be minimum wage... Gotta waitresses being on the books for 2 an hour...? Even with tips, they still paid minimum back west. This place is weird. OT laws for non union out here also sucks balls... Against the law in say Oregon.

It's odd... Union is ultra plush... Everyone else is a dog. Never seen it before anywhere else iv been. More i move east... Suckier the exploitation... Less reasonable shit I see. Just an observation.
I have had some experience with union construction jobs out here in the Bay Area, and it is sickening...
Non-union hourly rates 18-25 per hour, union rates 45 per hour. Plus is you are not in a union, you can not even bid on the fat gov jobs.
As a roofer for the last 20 years, I have seen it decline from a skilled trade that was largely white, now it is nothing but hack mexicans who graduated from the Home Depot Parking Lot Trade School!
I have not seen a rise in piece rates, or hourly rates in the last 10 years.
Our fucked up economy is not due to one party, they all have a hand in this borderline Grecian economy...

silver hawaiian

Active member
Hm. I'm not sure that guys this way are getting $135/hr to swing a hammer on a roof, .. That's, what, $270k per year?

..Which is not to say that Union folk this way (or that'a way) aren't compensated above whatever the market rate is (go finger that one out..), .. But I'm not sure it's at a factor of two or three..


Well-known member
Long story of it is that real estate is a steal right now and will shoot back up.

Eventually.. but don't count on it anytime soon.

I do agree that RE is a building block of true wealth, but I don't necessarily think that snagging up a ton of property right now is the best plan of action. Unless of course its strictly paid for instant cash-flow property...nothing mortgaged in hopes of appreciation anytime soon. It could take a lifetime for real estate to bounce back and appreciate (in terms of profit).

Don't catch a falling knife so to speak. RE may still have some room to fall a good bit.. at least in many parts of the country...still overvalued. That said I've snagged a couple spots in the mid-west for under 20k - turn key rental. Don't see how you can really lose there.

I do expect another real estate bubble where profits can be taken as that is our governments only plan of recovery. Inflate the housing market once again to trick people into thinking they'll get rich in RE, take out equity..and spend money.

Thats their plan (see QE3).. and it will fail just as their last RE bubble. People will lose their asses as their property values take the chop again.

Don't catch the falling knife... deeper discount are likely to be had in my opinion. A 250k house for 150k is only a good deal until its re-valued at 80k. Then you've just lost a lot of purchasing power.

Its not about buying the asset that is increasing in value.. Its about buying the asset that is increasing more.. relative to other assets.

I believe that due to increasing debasement of our currency and our governments dire need to print in order to spend and fund deficits.. that we'll see precious metals outperform every other asset class that there is. RE is cool if its increasing.. but what do you do when we get toppy and there is no other asset class to get into (and out of RE) as you picked an increasing asset.. but one lower in appreciation then other asset classes... in short you get priced out or lose purchasing power.

Stack precious metals as they rise in relation to other asset classes (real estate)...and they will. When the metals go parabolic THEN liquidate precious metals in order to scoop up real estate on the cheap. Thats my plan anyways. Might be easier said then done, but the direction I feel things are headed.

..and never under estimate property taxes.. You don't really own shit when it comes to RE. Increasing money troubles of cities = higher property taxes for the people who own property there. They pass the bill. Property owners take it up the ass.

Sorry if I'm cloggin up your thread bobble. Be careful in real estate right now. Growers have a slight advantage as we can put property to work, but still watch that falling knife. It can cut deep.

PS - anyone in bonds is going to get slaughtered.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I'm confused as to who else would give the president money? The federal government has 2 sources of income, taxes, and treasuries issued by the federal reserve in the form of bonds that anyone in the world can buy. This is why we owe China trillions of dollars, because they have bought up so many US treasuries. China isn't going to let our economy tank... It's not in their best interest for our bonds to become worthless. Then China would collapse, and the dominos would continue to fall...

I may not have the experience of you older folks... but my reasoning doesn't come from what I see on the TV.

Anyway... I'll be back tomorrow or so with pics. :tiphat:

this is kinda true but we are NOT ALOUD to use tax income on anything but to pay off debt... we cant use tax income to lets say build roads... got to borrow from fed reserve to do that... its a fixed game...
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As a roofer for the last 20 years, I have seen it decline from a skilled trade that was largely white, now it is nothing but hack mexicans who graduated from the Home Depot Parking Lot Trade School!
I have not seen a rise in piece rates, or hourly rates in the last 10 years.

Same here in west Canada. Only swap the Mexicans for East Indians.
They can do a whole roof for cheaper then we can buy materials for.
They low balled the shit out of the trucking industry till guys went broke and they had the market cornered then went on struck to get better wages.
Shits brutal.
Getting pissed off just thinking about it. Gonna go smoke a bowl.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
RE> I'm confused as to who else would give the president money?

Think "Illuminatti or the New World Order..possibly even space aliens"


Active member
Headband @ 1.5 weeks... Don't mind the water on the floor, that's my own fault. I bought a buckethead and put a bulkhead on the bucket to drain it, cause a water pump doesn't get all the water off the floor, and I'm tired of carrying 20-30g of water using my big shop vac. I would definitely recommend the $22 buckethead from Home Depot for cleaning in the grow room! Anyway... The blumats are still working! Fuck em to hell, blumats can eat a dick! (the worse I talk about them, the better they perform) I did have to open up 4 of them just a little bit, but not because they weren't working at all so I'm happy. I'm getting really good stretch out of these plants. I think I'm on track to hit the ceiling. :)


And then in the new DTW Straw DD/Chem D grow @ 1 week... Everything works fine... except I had pots sitting in runoff. I filled the buckets up half way with lava rock and problem solved. I should get some better stretch now.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Glad to see you bounce back Bobble.
What is the stretch factor on the Straw DD? I have 12 in #2 smart pots vegging. They are 12-16 inches or so and look about ready to flip, but wondering if I will need to stack another light after stretch. For my first run at the new site I am fine with a single 600 with 24-30 inch plants.


Active member
She should at least double in size... Nothing crazy like the USD... and with FAT nugs all the way up and down. Did I mention she tested at 19%, and that wasn't even from the last grow? :D She's a winner.


Well-known member
Doing work..

Any problematic blumats...check those caps..specifically closely examining the threads where the brown nut tightens down. I've discovered 10 cracked threads that could prevent the 3mm from being pinched, leading to run-aways.

Keep us posted on your gravity fed solenoid thingie..

Out of 50 blumats I had 10 faulty caps. I don't think they've always been like this. I think that due to long periods of storing filled/soaking that pressure built up within the carrot and caused cracking in the threads near the 'firing pin' mechanism that pinches and pinches the 3mm tubing. Just a word of caution.

I want a buckethead. Do you have to order online? Every time I go to Home Depot I can never find them near all of the other shop vacs.

silver hawaiian

Active member

Buckethead FTW. Once mine came in from the garage, it's not left since. :D

FF, you can get 'em right at the store, next to all the other [fancypants] shop vacs. :good:

Also, speaking of, I'll just leave this here:




"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
She should at least double in size... Nothing crazy like the USD... and with FAT nugs all the way up and down. Did I mention she tested at 19%, and that wasn't even from the last grow? :D She's a winner.
Awesome, thanks!


Well-known member
If anyone is interested... I found what I'm looking for! A timed ball valve solenoid, and they're only $30! YEAH BOI!!! It takes AAA batteries, so I can use rechargeable batteries and change them out regularly. :D

View Image


Sorry..this thread moves fast with a ton of on-topic / off-topic discussion.

Is this what you are using now on that gravity (no blumat) setup?
Or have you got this in your hands yet?
Strictly a timer activated ball valve which opens up and allows water from an elevated res? I've seen these before but always assumed they needed some pressure behind them...like on a water spigot or something.


I can get these ones locally. 16 settings though.. Look to be about the same capabilities as the one you've shown above.


Active member

Sorry..this thread moves fast with a ton of on-topic / off-topic discussion.

Is this what you are using now on that gravity (no blumat) setup?
Or have you got this in your hands yet?
Strictly a timer activated ball valve which opens up and allows water from an elevated res? I've seen these before but always assumed they needed some pressure behind them...like on a water spigot or something.

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I don't have that specific solenoid yet... but it's the same type of solenoid that I'm currently using. The solenoid/timer combo I currently have but removed is a suction solenoid, and it requires a lot of pressure to open like you would have with a spigot. The solenoid/timer combo that you're asking about is meant for low pressure applications, and the ball valve allows flow with no pressure at all.

I'm ordering 4, I should have them next week, and I'll let you know what I think. They operate on AA or AAA batteries, so I'll just be changing out the batteries every grow. I'm super stoked. :)


Well-known member

I'm working on a hands off setup with a friend. Doing two 5x10 tents with 3 600w in adjust-a-wings per tent.

Going with blumats on one tent, but might try this solenoid on the other to see how the two methods compare.


Keep cussin them blumats if that makes em act right Bro , and hopethe solenoids rock fer yas.....



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Goddamn ..no good for nothing..egg sucking.....dick eating......Blumats.

(they should work perfect now)


Active member
from the 6 plant grow

Straw DD

∆9-THC: 17.23%
∆8-THC: 0.13%
CBC: 0.01%
CBD: 0.19%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 0.51%
TOTAL: 18.05%

Chem D

∆9-THC: 19.68%
∆8-THC: 0.07%
CBC: 0.00%
CBD: 0.24%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 0.67%
TOTAL: 20.65%

from the most recent octagon grow

Straw DD

∆9-THC: 18.61%
∆8-THC: 0.01%
CBC: 0.00%
CBD: 0.06%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 0.50%
TOTAL: 19.18%

Golden Goat-

∆9-THC: 20.01%
∆8-THC: 0.00%
CBC: 0.06%
CBD: 0.19%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 0.49%
TOTAL: 20.74%

Sour D- motherfucker lied to me! He said it tested at 22%. It tested way higher... lol
Edit: now that I'm reading this again, cbn doesn't count for anything but degraded thc... So he wasn't lying.

∆9-THC: 20.59%
∆8-THC: 0.00%
CBC: 0.00%
CBD: 0.06%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 2.96%
TOTAL: 23.61%

Not that I'm trying to gloat... but medman posted a thread a while back about his meds testing at 19.5% and it was Canada's finest.... lol.. Come to Michigan, we'll show you the kind bud. :D
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from the 6 plant grow

Straw DD

∆9-THC: 17.23%
∆8-THC: 0.13%
CBC: 0.01%
CBD: 0.19%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 0.51%
TOTAL: 18.05%

Chem D

∆9-THC: 19.68%
∆8-THC: 0.07%
CBC: 0.00%
CBD: 0.24%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 0.67%
TOTAL: 20.65%

from the most recent octagon grow

Straw DD

∆9-THC: 18.61%
∆8-THC: 0.01%
CBC: 0.00%
CBD: 0.06%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 0.50%
TOTAL: 19.18%

Golden Goat-

∆9-THC: 20.01%
∆8-THC: 0.00%
CBC: 0.06%
CBD: 0.19%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 0.49%
TOTAL: 20.74%

Sour D- motherfucker lied to me! He said it tested at 22%. It tested way higher... lol

∆9-THC: 20.59%
∆8-THC: 0.00%
CBC: 0.00%
CBD: 0.06%
CBG: 0.00%
CBN: 2.96%
TOTAL: 23.61%

Not that I'm trying to gloat... but medman posted a thread a while back about his meds testing at 19.5% and it was Canada's finest.... lol.. Come to Michigan, we'll show you the kind bud. :D
I thought medman's thread was just counting his thc not everything added together? I am glad to see another greenthumb stater growing the dank! Looks like you are going to need some help smoking all that chronic...