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bobblehead overtakes


Active member
Thanks guys. I was in meltdown mode and it came through in my posts... I have the heat at the grow under control now, so I have at least some anxiety relieved. I had actually thought to myself after I installed the A/C, that I should have installed the heat exchangers for backup... but I figured the A/C was going to be enough. What a joke... So after 4 x 40min driving trips to the HD, I got all the parts I needed to hook up the heat exchangers. I hate PEX pipe, but the PEX fittings are nice. I just wish it worked with PVC too. Anyway, the Heat exchangers cool the air from 85F in the lung room to <75F which is the temp of the air being pumped straight into the rooms. I'll take some pictures next week after I finish... Right now there is so much condensation accumulating on the coils that they're working as a better dehuey than my drizair. I wasn't anticipating that but I left the dehuey unplugged b/c I didn't have any cooling and I figured humidity would be my only salvation until I got that fixed... So anyway, I need to fully enclose both radiators and hook up drain lines. I actually have all the parts, I just didn't put it all together in my head until after I got back on the road.

With crazy temperatures came problems... which is why I was freaking out... Oh well, shit happens. They're just plants. I lost the whole top right tier of the Headband stadium. I guess not enough nute solution was reaching that one. They were the runts anyway. All the best plants are on the bottom 2 tiers. @ 4.5 weeks

The veg is heat stressed as well... So I'm holding the plants back until they green up a bit. Next week I plan on raping the large plants for cuts, and then sending them to flower. If I don't get enough chem D clones for a large grow, then I'll have my answer on whether or not to continue with her. I'm getting 100% success with other strains. If Chem D won't clone for me then I need to quit wasting my time.


The feed for the tree grow is still undecided... I haven't lost not 1 of my 18 #5 bags of veggies outside being fed by blumats. I set them up after Flower Farmer told me what to do... There's an elevated 40gal trash can supplying the water. They've been doing just fine even in this crazy heat. I just pulled 3 big handfuls of green beans, the tomato plants are starting to flower as are the squash... So I'm torn... DTW or blumats... or more interestingly, how about E&F? Given the concept of no runoff with blumats... Why not do a E&F and recirculate the nutes. What's the difference technically? Neither system implements waste. Drip clean is supposed to make it so everything gets sucked up, right?


Ebb and flow recirculating requires rez management for falling ppm`s and rising ph from the bitches eatin their nutes , and strictly depends on the size rez yas run as to how much swapouts or topoff`s yas need to maintain that happy medium of low ppm`s across the board with lil to no fluctuation to speak of while still allowing ppm`s to drop and ph to rise so micro`s and macro`s can be absorbed at different levels....

Handle it Bro....what don`t kill yas makes yas stronger.....



Active member
Ebb and flow recirculating requires rez management for falling ppm`s and rising ph from the bitches eatin their nutes , and strictly depends on the size rez yas run as to how much swapouts or topoff`s yas need to maintain that happy medium of low ppm`s across the board with lil to no fluctuation to speak of while still allowing ppm`s to drop and ph to rise so micro`s and macro`s can be absorbed at different levels....

Handle it Bro....what don`t kill yas makes yas stronger.....


Thanks Freds... I'll probably end up using blumats... I just needed to sleep on it. I'd rather be feeding with fresh nutrient solution every time, with the EC and pH changing slightly throughout the week as the res dilutes down with the RO topoff... I'm already set up to run blumats, so it'll be the easiest for me. I'm pretty confident in how to get these things producing for me. Something i was thinking about while i was up north is that i should quit creating extra work... While DTW buckets are appealing... they fall into the category of extra work. I have enough positive reviews on these blumats to keep working with them... Just gotta take my socks off. ;)


Registered User
Hey bobbles... Yeah the heat humidity combo is just brutal right now... Brutal. No relief til sat night it appears... But I'm goin on the assumption this whole summer is gonna b a killer. Left my lights off for 16hrs last night... Like 2am and still over 80 outside... But the rh and dew points r just crazy right now... Shit, was gonna go 2/3 cpacity for the next 2mo, but gonna go half... Mayb even 1/3. Bad summer.... But suppose we aren't on fire like the west.

Just and idea... But they do make electronic solenoids or valves that can get at the plumbers supply, or online. Could get away w a massive rez like freds suggested (cple of hundy gals) and lift it so its all gravity fed, just open up the solenoid by timer. At least then u don't have to worry about pumps and priming while away... Then no need for return and recycling as well... Just let the valve gravity feed the lines to waste and have the rez large enough to cover u'r away period. With clean chem nutes and an internal pump to keep agitated and shld be good for a week w/o much issue on pH changes... Just need to work out the gravity flows and timin on the valve. Then u'l get best of the systems... Fewer pumps and pressure issues to worry on, and w a massive rez, no top up issues. Don't kno if that cld work w u'r system now, but just an idea. Peace man

silver hawaiian

Active member
Hey bobbles... Yeah the heat humidity combo is just brutal right now... Brutal. No relief til sat night it appears... But I'm goin on the assumption this whole summer is gonna b a killer. Left my lights off for 16hrs last night... Like 2am and still over 80 outside... But the rh and dew points r just crazy right now... Shit, was gonna go 2/3 cpacity for the next 2mo, but gonna go half... Mayb even 1/3. Bad summer.... But suppose we aren't on fire like the west.

No joke. I'm without power right now, all my gals are at day 50+, and I've got a batch drying right now.

Stale air, stale air, stale air. :wallbash:

C'mon, DTE. Quit f*cking around and gimme some juice.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Sorry to hear about your mom bobbles, I hope all is ok for her, family comes first bro. All this talk about blumats makes me wana go give 'em a whirl. I would love them for my moms.

I recently bought a great timer to feed my gals, its an IWS (Intelligent Watering System) Minute/Seconds timer, it has a great range, you can set it from 5 seconds all the way up to 15 minute if you desire :biglaugh: it really is a nice bit of kit, here is a pic & description...


"This versatile pump timer allows you time individual minutes or seconds as required. It is perfect for use with hydroponics systems to give greater control over water pumps.
The 24 hour timer on the left allows you to set when you want your pump(s) to operate and the second/minute timer on the right allows you to set the duration of each operation.
o Plug and play-No wiring necessary
o Time between 1 - 15 minutes or 5 - 60 seconds every half hour period.
o Rated 800w"

They really are a nice piece of kit, I would feel comfortable being away from my grow a week at a time knowing that the timer is taking care of things for me.

Looking forward to you rocking out the blumats bobble and hey you got plenty of time to go back to DTW, dial the blumats in and play around with them for a bit and if your not happy then come back to the DTW family. With a good timer, big enough rez & waste rez, you'll be G2G.



If you`re gonna roll with blumats and be an absentee grower , you MUST isolate each container with SOMETHIN underneath to dial your cones before EVER walkin away and headin back home...... and MiWay....

Bobbles got them big ass tanks yas could drown 3 mexicans in each 1 , so volume of solution`s not a problem......but....

Controllin them cones is.... till density/porosity of medium`s dialed and each individual sensor is on the job and feedin their bitch down below for dialed results above ground per each individual container , per each elevated level , cuz bitches is finicky and eat at their own rate....bet on it......

Blumats FTW for all you horn dawg strainwhores that can`t bring yourselves to monocrop for max yields....:moon:.....anyways....

Holler if yas need anything Bro....always here for moral support and behind the scenes counselin...not that my old ass knows anything profound , but I try.....Needta vent and get shit off yer chest.....PM`s re open....

Focus my buddy.....Freds....:ying:.....


Active member
Just and idea... But they do make electronic solenoids or valves that can get at the plumbers supply, or online. Could get away w a massive rez like freds suggested (cple of hundy gals) and lift it so its all gravity fed, just open up the solenoid by timer. At least then u don't have to worry about pumps and priming while away... Then no need for return and recycling as well... Just let the valve gravity feed the lines to waste and have the rez large enough to cover u'r away period. With clean chem nutes and an internal pump to keep agitated and shld be good for a week w/o much issue on pH changes... Just need to work out the gravity flows and timin on the valve. Then u'l get best of the systems... Fewer pumps and pressure issues to worry on, and w a massive rez, no top up issues. Don't kno if that cld work w u'r system now, but just an idea. Peace man

I like that idea actually... I bought a solenoid to control my heat exchangers. It looks like I bought the wrong one though cause it stays open and closes with power. It was cheap though, like $8... and if I was to do another vert SOG fed DTW I think I would do as you're suggesting, and get a solenoid as opposed to another pump. I have 55gal drums on top of 330gal tanks... And that would provide constant pressure to all levels, but not so much pressure I have to worry about clamping everything down so the tubing doesn't blow out... :)

No joke. I'm without power right now, all my gals are at day 50+, and I've got a batch drying right now.

Stale air, stale air, stale air. :wallbash:

C'mon, DTE. Quit f*cking around and gimme some juice.

I'm pulling for ya bro! Better to be w/o power in the heat than the cold though... from what I've heard and read, mold spores can't germinate above 80F... So just sit tight and everything will be alright.

Looking forward to you rocking out the blumats bobble and hey you got plenty of time to go back to DTW, dial the blumats in and play around with them for a bit and if your not happy then come back to the DTW family. With a good timer, big enough rez & waste rez, you'll be G2G.


That timer sure is a "nice bit of kit"... lol I'll feel more comfortable getting a cycle timer now that I know they're HGO approved! I think you're right about the blumats. My veggies are looking really good... and they've been outside in the wind and 100F heat.

If you`re gonna roll with blumats and be an absentee grower , you MUST isolate each container with SOMETHIN underneath to dial your cones before EVER walkin away and headin back home...... and MiWay....

Bobbles got them big ass tanks yas could drown 3 mexicans in each 1 , so volume of solution`s not a problem......but....

Controllin them cones is.... till density/porosity of medium`s dialed and each individual sensor is on the job and feedin their bitch down below for dialed results above ground per each individual container , per each elevated level , cuz bitches is finicky and eat at their own rate....bet on it......

Blumats FTW for all you horn dawg strainwhores that can`t bring yourselves to monocrop for max yields....:moon:.....anyways....

Holler if yas need anything Bro....always here for moral support and behind the scenes counselin...not that my old ass knows anything profound , but I try.....Needta vent and get shit off yer chest.....PM`s re open....

Focus my buddy.....Freds....:ying:.....

Shiiit... I could easily fit 5 mexicans in 1 of those tanks... They're small. ha ha... :laughing:

I'll tell ya what bro... My whole life I wanted to be like the musclemen on the magazines... I did a bodybuilding show, and while it was my first time and it wasn't a smashing success... I got on stage and performed. I destroyed my shoulder doing it, but I was more successful than most because I got on stage and tried. I'm not ready to do another show yet... but I can't say that my first was my last. I have pics to show where I was, and what improvements need to be made before I get back.

I have the pics of my 1gpw grow... I know where I've been and I know where I need to go. Like you said I'm blazing new trails doing this the way I am... Some things are just better left the same... Like saucers/pond liner under the pots. Another part of it is that I haven't completely shed my closet grower mentality. Who cares about gpw's in every grow. Sometimes you've just gotta make hay while the sun is still shining... and you do what's safe and has good results over and over. I can take the ferrari out when I'm more comfortable with how it handles. Better than taking it out for a spin and crashing.

As for the personal shit distracting me... Fuck em all. They've distracted me from achieving my goals. I always achieve my goals. (My mom is fine, thanks everyone, and obviously isn't a distraction.)

silver hawaiian

Active member
PHEW. The juice is back (not the murderous one).

The gals lost a day of, erm, daylight, but no interruption to the photoperiod..


This heat is stupid. over 100.... Im getting twisted leaves from low humidity. Stay cool Bobble and thanks for logging your progression cause I know it helps a lot of people including myself.

silver hawaiian

Active member

Had tickets for the Tigers game tonight, almost didn't go. 95 degrees at gametime.

Then got some tickets into the not-so-exclusive yet still AIR CONDITIONED bar/restaurant at the field. Sold. :D
Sorry to hear about your mom bobbles, I hope all is ok for her, family comes first bro. All this talk about blumats makes me wana go give 'em a whirl. I would love them for my moms.

I recently bought a great timer to feed my gals, its an IWS (Intelligent Watering System) Minute/Seconds timer, it has a great range, you can set it from 5 seconds all the way up to 15 minute if you desire :biglaugh: it really is a nice bit of kit, here is a pic & description...

View Image

"This versatile pump timer allows you time individual minutes or seconds as required. It is perfect for use with hydroponics systems to give greater control over water pumps.
The 24 hour timer on the left allows you to set when you want your pump(s) to operate and the second/minute timer on the right allows you to set the duration of each operation.
o Plug and play-No wiring necessary
o Time between 1 - 15 minutes or 5 - 60 seconds every half hour period.
o Rated 800w"

They really are a nice piece of kit, I would feel comfortable being away from my grow a week at a time knowing that the timer is taking care of things for me.

Looking forward to you rocking out the blumats bobble and hey you got plenty of time to go back to DTW, dial the blumats in and play around with them for a bit and if your not happy then come back to the DTW family. With a good timer, big enough rez & waste rez, you'll be G2G.


Is this timer capable of setting different on off schedules for day and night?

exa: 1 on 5 off for 12 hrs (daytime) 1 on 15 off 12 hrs (nightime)?


Active member
Why do you guys think I was so stressed about having a dead A/C? lol... If I'd let it go any longer, I would have had a lot of dead plants. I have a brand new water pump, so I don't see that shit failing. :D I can't believe it was 100F this early... I mean what do we have in store for us the next 2 months.... FML...

Thanks for the encouragement Budmuncher. I'm gonna get my shit together one of these days... Absentee growing is hard. Trying to grow in experimental designs is hard. Put the two together and it's enough to drive some people mad. I'm already out of my mind... So it's nothing new for me.

I'm certain they make cycle timers like what you're asking about with different lights on/off cycles... I couldn't tell ya where to begin looking though...


Yo Bobble i found a couple cheap ac's 24000btu for 1209.00 they are dc inverter and work in colder temps not stupid cold but if u set them up in a garage which i htink u can then u will be golden hit me up if u want the link,,,peace


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Well here in Nor-Cal I was in Pebble Beach the last two days, at a horse show my girlfriend competed in (and won her class)....I had to wear LOT of layers of clothes as it was like 60 and windy and FOGGY and I was cold LMAO! If you saw the Pro-Jr. Amateur golf tournament on TV, we were right across the street from it, it was kinda cool literally and figuratively.

Gotta love Cali!

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Crap went camping the last three days here in Michigan. My wife complained because she had set this up several month's ago. They pulled 27 pike out of the lake because it was to hot and they were dying. My wife got burned to a crisp in the sun. Damn it's good to be back at the grow where the temps are nice and cool. I can only imagine how hot your grow is or was.


i feel ya brother its been so hot up here my house ac cant keep my house within 8 degrees of where its set lol,,,i couldnt even imagine how hot it was camping,,,thats one time camping where ur nuts get roasted,,, literally lol,,,well glad ur back to the coolness of ur growroom,,,peace

Guest 88950

damn, sounds like yall are just as hot as we are in fl. at least yall cool off below 80 at night.

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