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bobblehead overtakes


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Here's some pictures of whacking/pruning/shaping...




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Whacking/pruning/shaping leads to cloning...

I had to hang another 400w up... All of the sudden my new veg room is full!

I hacked out the bottoms of my mother plants... Still lots on top... 5 Straw DD and 3 Chem D (all toward the left) are going to replace the Sour Amnesias next week.


Active member
Sour Amnesia @ 10.5 weeks


I'm not reloading the octagon for another month. I have enough Straw DD cuts to fill it up right, so I just need to let them root and do their thing. It's time I cash that check I wrote for 2gpw... I'm going to take all the clones I have now, and veg 48 Chem D for the next 6 weeks to fill up the rack room. I'm going to have to build a new room to flower out all of my headband clones, as well as some others I have laying around... All of the sudden I have more plants than I need, and that's a good problem to have!


Active member
WHACK EM UP!! :D hows the clonin' goin' dude? you settled on perlite? i still have no roots in my aero cloner :( only been 10 or so days....Sour Amnesia looks insane!:woohoo:


Active member

Dude that sounds awesome about the octogon...fill er to the rim...lookin' forward to it! too many plants is certainly not a bad thing! i am realizing i am lacking a bit in numbers....add to that fuckin' sprouts dying and clones not rooting and....its goddamn good to be growin' again! :D


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Mmmmm Strawberry ChemD.....just took a tray of cuts myself, dedicating one whole row to the StrawChemD next run....then ...if all goes well.....a Black Rose run.....( incredibly swelling Star Wars intro music increasing to epic proportions)


Active member
WHACK EM UP!! :D hows the clonin' goin' dude? you settled on perlite? i still have no roots in my aero cloner :( only been 10 or so days....Sour Amnesia looks insane!:woohoo:


Dude that sounds awesome about the octogon...fill er to the rim...lookin' forward to it! too many plants is certainly not a bad thing! i am realizing i am lacking a bit in numbers....add to that fuckin' sprouts dying and clones not rooting and....its goddamn good to be growin' again! :D

lol... It's good to have you back Bonz! We've just gotta brush off the rust... lube the joints... ha ha...

I've tried so many cloning methods, and perlite by far has the highest success rate. I just fill a tub with several inches of perlite, water the perlite until there's 2-3" of water at the bottom of the tub.... Add cuts, no hormones no special razor slicing... Then I leave it alone until they root. Too much water will cause the stems to rot... I found that out the hard way. I added air curtains to ensure it doesn't happen again. I'm also having success with FRESH coco, unflushed straight off the brick. I'm sticking to perlite though, cause I have more success. Try cloning in perlite, I guarantee you'll have at least some success. Some success builds your confidence up... ha ha...

Thanks for the compliments. :)

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
When you clone are you sticking the clones down deep enought to be in the water at the bottom of the tub?

My cloning sucks but I get enough to keep going just not the strains I prefer the most. I just keep adding till I get enough sprouts to take. I just did a major whacking to my flower room and got about three bags of branches.


Active member
I have to agree with respect and tommy. It's usually best to clone in whatever media you intend to finish in (no transplant stall while water roots become dirt roots etc.). Ultimately though the best method is the one the WORKS for the grower :biggrin:. I have the best success by hydrating coco, squeezing out excess water, fill up a 5oz beer cup, insert clone, wait til it's really dry (just before wilting sets in), water 1 oz of nutes, repeat until nearly root bound, transplant. Usually takes about 2 weeks for a solid root mass in ideal conditions (75-78 deg, 40-70% humidity, passive air movement over the clones).


Active member
lol... ok, before the rest of the peanut gallery chimes in... I learned how to clone in coco. For some reason, all of my clones would damp off in coco for over a year. Things are looking up now and I have clones rooting in coco... but I had a few damp off. I have no damping off in perlite, and if I leave them long enough, I have 100% success. I'm not changing what works at this point... I have over 100 new plants that I just transplanted. Now I'm going to have several hundred of the same strain in a couple weeks.

Not that I don't appreciate the advice... I guess I'm just the red-headed step child... ha ha...

silver hawaiian

Active member

I used to have decent success in rapid rooters/clonex/tray/dome/heating mat.. About 70/30 success/fail..

Then I switched to a cloner bucket deal and had literally 100% success.

Put the bucket away for a few months, broke her out, cleaned'er up real good, ran a fresh set of new genes & cuts..

NOTHING rooted.

Broke out the tray/dome/heat mat/etc again..? 100% since then.



Well-known member
Cloning can be a pain in the ass like that.

I've had many ups and downs in cloning..lucky a lot more ups..
It really is though all about the environment.

Years back I could toss 50 clones in rapid rooters or straight coco (packed tight into seed cell). I'd get 100% roots in about 10 days with nothing but a mist on the inside of the dome if it wasnt beaded up. I'd literally throw flats of clones anywhere with a small spiral florescent somewhere near. Cloning couldn't of been simpler. Nothing sterile.. just a gunked up pair of zenports. If rooting in coco I'd definitely have to pack the coco tight..otherwise my stem would mush out. Maybe similar to what you were experiencing..

But then I moved..and every flat I took would fail (new basement location). They would look fine but eventually gray out at the top node with some type of mold. They'd sometimes root, but their top would be dead. I realized it was too much humidity and I started having success with no dome at all.

Flash forward new spot.. I dome up with root riot/clonex pack.. I use a hydrofarm heat mat without a thermostat...drench em..pour excess and spray inside of dome. Dont have to do anything else and roots show in 7 days. I consider myself lucky.

Aside from keep a media too wet its totally environmental imho.... at least when doing traditional propagation. Surprisingly..I once rooted a batch of clones in a 50F attic using a bubble cloner with water temp kept at 70F. Took 3.5 weeks!..but they remained mostly healthy and rooted great.

Wish ya success whichever route you find optimal for your situation.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Half of my stadium is headband, gonna click it here in a second. I'm excited to see it in vert. Been done outdoors and horizontal and did well (1lb late planted outdoors) and 1/4lb on indoor plants. Its a great strain, can't wait to see how you do her.


Active member
Ultimately though the best method is the one the WORKS for the grower :biggrin:.

Bobble no reason to fix what isn't broken :biggrin: Just my :2cents:, but a possible reason for the damping off in coco is having it too wet to begin with. I was also having damping off issues until I started squeezing the excess water out first. Can't wait to see the racks monocropped with the strawberry D :woohoo:. You've overcome, now it's time to overtake :smokey:


lol... ok, before the rest of the peanut gallery chimes in... I learned how to clone in coco. For some reason, all of my clones would damp off in coco for over a year. Things are looking up now and I have clones rooting in coco... but I had a few damp off. I have no damping off in perlite, and if I leave them long enough, I have 100% success. I'm not changing what works at this point... I have over 100 new plants that I just transplanted. Now I'm going to have several hundred of the same strain in a couple weeks.

Not that I don't appreciate the advice... I guess I'm just the red-headed step child... ha ha...

Lol u know I was just playin'..


It`s the "coffee grounds mushy" coco that holds too much juice and causes dampin off from lack of evaporation and killin main stems Bro ........but........

Krusty taught me waaaay back in the day bout perlite/vermiculite mix that`s as bulletproof as it gets for rootin cuts and used it for almost a decade with 100% .......and then....

An old GrowBro hooked me up with Coco in clear solo cups after I`d already been usin it on mom plants for my ebb and flow buckets.....and...

What it did for me production wise was show me upfront and personal which cut`s were the picks of the litter from root formation and waaaaay easier to fill the flip rooms ftw in the long run.....but....

It needs ta be porous and aerated with chunky/coarse perlite and croutons or damping off ensues as yas experienced Bro....Anyways......What works for yas is what works for yas.......

Keep up da good work...

Wake and bake`s over....Breakfast and GF tending required....



Active member
Who here has ever seen a bald eagle on the way to their grow? Just saying... I love northern Michigan.

Sour Amnesia harvest after 11 weeks. This is the last run this pheno will ever have. It's dead now. Pics are kinda outta focus too... :( I guess I should take more time focusing on the shot... or maybe clean the lens...

