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Blumat auto watering


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
I used the standard blumats in my 2 ft deep, 2.5x5 ft beds. I put one about every 1 to 2 feet, and they worked wonderfully.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
I used standard blumats in my beds that were 2 feet deep by 2.5x5 ft. I placed them every foot or two and they worked great.


Active member
Sometimes I have trouble adjusting my Blumats lol. I hand water(feed), then follow the instructions for proper use. Thing is, after a couple days and the coco drying out-it does nnot trigger the dripper. Im going to try to mess with them again tonight. Happy toKin! Have a good one! :tiphat:


Whenever I find a carrot that has dried out I pull it out, put a handful of coco in the hole, water and then reinsert another carrot.

I have the most trouble with carrots in small containers, usually where the distance between the carrot and the outside of the container is short. In my larger containers where I can put the carrots further in I have less problems.

Also, I have thought about putting some kind of floating object inside the carrots to make it easier to discern whether or not they're drying up. That would be a lot easier with a maxi, where I could leave a good portion of the light green translucent plastic above the medium.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Sometimes I have trouble adjusting my Blumats lol. I hand water(feed), then follow the instructions for proper use. Thing is, after a couple days and the coco drying out-it does nnot trigger the dripper. Im going to try to mess with them again tonight. Happy toKin! Have a good one! :tiphat:

If I'm understanding this correctly, the blumats never start dripping? It doesn't sound as though you are doing the final adjustment. When the coco gets to the moisture content that you want to hold, you need to back the adjustment off to the point that it just starts to drip and then back down slightly to where the drop clings onto the end of the tube. I like to pre-moisten the coco in a large tote to the moisture level that I want before filling the pots with it, and adjust the blumats at that point rather than trying to "catch" the right moment.


Has anybody ever used these 3mm to 1/8 adapters from Sustainable Village?

I was just about to buy a few packs of blumats when I saw them on there. They look like a great way to run generic size feed line into our drip lines. It looks like they come in 3mm to 1/8, a T in 3mm to 1/8 to 1/8.

As far as I'm concerned the less proprietary shit I have to run the better. And I am getting tired of having to hot soak or just straight cut the feed hose from the barbs when I need to reconfigure. I've pulled so hard on it that it'll just stretch the 8mm hose and not even move it a millimeter off the barb.

Does anybody think there might be pressure problems running standard 1/8th line, like it leaking?

The greater diameter would make it a whole lot quicker when purging the line as well.
I've been experimenting with those adapters and so far, so good. I used one to go from the 3mm Blumat line to 1/8" spaghetti tube and from that with a transfer barb into 1/2" drip tube.


have you guys seen these filters? I wonder if it would help prevent clogs when using nutrients.

Another problem with using nutrients and then a filter is that the nutrients tend to quickly grow algae. A black storage tank will help prevent that - the more light the faster algae can grow. If your water is too dirty and you need a filter, probably better to apply the nutrients by hand.


Active member
Tropf Blumat Sensor - box of 50



Good luck. I hope you have floor drains or pond liner and a small reservoir. :)


We are Farmers
I think bobble is hinting at "run aways" and something I posted in this thread before I think may help resolve this and it is just my theory but I have not had a run away yet. When I first got my blumats I was checking them out and I unscrewed the green adjuster knob a bit and pulled the dripper line forward and I noticed the hose was pinched shut from being closed for so long. If you massage the hose you will get it to pop back open and then I run the hose so the adjuster hits it at a different spot. I think what happens is the pinch effects the flow when you initially adjust it and eventually the pinch opens and then the run away happens.

silver hawaiian

Active member
The best tip I can give to avoid runaways is to NOT MUCK WITH THE DAMNED DIAL ONCE IT'S BEEN SET.

If you're in the garden one day and notice a pot is a little dry, and think, "Hey, it needs a little more water, let me just open the dial a little bit.." .. DON'T!

It's elementary w these things, but can't be stressed enough - ANY time you want to re-calibrate them (because that's really what it is), HAND WATER the pot to the desired moisture level, and THEN open the dial a smidgen, to a cling, and then tighten it back a little (as you do with the initial setup).

In other words, there's no shortcut to re-calibrating them - it's the same process as when you took 'em out of the box..



Active member
My issues were environmental... Oh, and not being around the first 2 weeks to get them dialed in. I need plug-and-play for my remote grow that I only tend to 1x a week. Blumats work fine in my basement at home... All the same, I have floor drains so I'm more comfortable using them there. :)


Question on the Blumat Maxi's...... I'm giving my standard TROPF blumats a go with 3 gallon TALL plastic pots,... so these are what? 10" diameter 13" deep?

I up potted from .5 gallon squares into these pots with the clones, and stuffed the blumats in, then watered to runoff before setting the blumats.

Will the standard keep my soil moist all the way to the bottom? Or should I use the MAXI's in the future?

I'm planning on bushing these girls out and putting them into 15gallon smart pots for flower,.... would I be able to get away with a single maxi and distributor heads? Or should I just use 2-3 standard heads per pot?

Another reason I ask is I've off and on helped another group of growers over the last few years. Their new head guy has shit much more dialed in, but is still struggling with getting everything watered right.

Currently he's got a drip/misting system on a timer combined with hand watering.

I mentioned blumats, but he's hesitant, stating that his current watering system is only keeping the topsoil (top 6-8" of the pot) moist, while the bottom of the pots are going bone dry.

Looks like he's running 5gallon square pails thru the end of flower.
The Blumats sense the moisture where the cone is in the soil. If you use the regular ones, they turn the water off when the top few inches are moist. If you only use the maxis, it will stop watering when the soil that deep is wet even if the top is dry and needing water. In many situations, I think it's better to use one of each or in larger containers, two regular and one maxi.


High country cat herder
Ok,..... How do you guy's handle changing #'s of heads on your line? I've got one main feeder line wrapped around my room that I want to feed all my pots off of. Can't do more than 12 canabis plants, tho I may add in some peppers/tomatoes and other garden veggies.

At the moment, I'm ready to up pot one of my seedling MJ plants into her new home and add her to the blumat watering line.

And I also have a rather large bushy sativa Blueberry that I'm getting hard pressed to believe I can keep in Vege for much longer, so she will need to be moved to flowering side. Once she's over there, I will need to splice her head into the middle of the line,..... How can I do that?

I am thinking I can get a pen cap or something similar and plug the beginning of the line inside my top reservoir so I don't have much water spraying all over the place while I change fittings out,.......

What say the Guru's? :watchplant:


I just drain my upper reservoir whenever I have to work on the lines.

This usually means that I have to flush the feed line and then flush every individual drip line as well after everything is put back together. It's not a huge deal, just open them up all the way for a couple seconds and then tighten them back up.

You might be able to build the add-on part first, open up the existing line and jam the add-on in quick enough to not lose much water. Sometimes I wonder if the flow can be strong enough coming out of the feed line that it actually sucks air backwards into the drip lines.

On another note:

I have decided to only fill my reservoirs up with plain water for the first 2-3 days after initial setup. The chances of a rogue blumat runaway are so elevated there that I don't think it's worth the risk of losing gallons of mixed solution. It shouldn't hurt the plants to just get plain water for 3 days anyway. It seems like after they have run for 2-3 days, the chances of malfunctions are greatly reduced.