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Blumat auto watering



If you don't mind running a dead res (which can result in killing of any beneficials/microbes you are using) you can add a sterilizing product.

I ran Dutch Master ZONE @ 1mL/Gal to keep things clean.
Lazyman ran Bleach at 15ml per 50 Gal. Not sure how often he re-dosed though.
H202 (Hydrogen Peroxide) will work as well.. around 3mL/Gal of the 29% stuff, but will needed to be re-dosed often as it quickly dissipates.

I'm currently not running anything at the moment and have no problems with clogging or nasties growing. My water however in my barrels is only around 61F and I'm not using any additives that may cause problems. If things start to smell "off" I'll stir in some h202, but as of late no problems in that department.
i thought bleach and h20 ate away at the blumats tubes and plastic gromits or is it safe to use with blumats now?


i thought bleach and h20 ate away at the blumats tubes and plastic gromits or is it safe to use with blumats now?

from what i understood the bleach was trashing the diaphragm on the inside of the blumat not the tubes. if you ran bleach through the blumat it would never contact that diaphragm


Well-known member
i thought bleach and h20 ate away at the blumats tubes and plastic gromits or is it safe to use with blumats now?

I can't confirm, just know that Lazyman was using it at one point although he may have stopped. I don't think he's been around for a while..

Greematter may be correct on this one... not sure if the lines are at risk or not.


I can't confirm, just know that Lazyman was using it at one point although he may have stopped. I don't think he's been around for a while..

Greematter may be correct on this one... not sure if the lines are at risk or not.

Bleach and H202 will both deform and deteriorate anything rubber they come in contact with. Not a good idea to run thru your res or your lines...


High country cat herder
Is the top-off drain (the side-mounted one) able to keep up with the pump as it fills the upper vessel?

I only ask because my upper bucket was rigged like that (to drain out the side), but wasn't able to keep up with the pump bringing water from the lower rez.

greenmatter hipped me to using a bulkhead fitting (a la flood tables), to drain out the bottom. I have to say, it made a considerable improvement in drainage.

But if yours is able to keep up, then it's able to keep up, right? :)


Keeps up and then some. I'm only running a 264Gph pump tho, so I'm not really pushing too much water thru either line.

Thanks for the input guys, I'll keep a sniffing the main res to see if anything pops up. Was thinking H2O2 might be a good clean fix, but wasn't sure. It sure helps kill algae in my fish tank, tho I don't apply it directly to that, I'll pull plants and decorations out and dip them in a dilution. Whacks algae with minimal damage to the live plants.

Any input on H2O2 dilution rates to keep res clean in this application?
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I bet that would work fine for plain water.

I wouldn't run my nutrients through a filter that small though. Would probably clog up in a day or two.


Drip King
Don't use bleach or H2O2

Don't use bleach or H2O2

Don't use bleach or H2O2, these will both oxidise and destroy plastic/rubber parts. :badday:

Same as the drop in bleach tabs for the toilet bowl, they invariably fuck up the rubber flapper in the toilet tank.:tumbleweed:


High country cat herder
Don't use bleach or H2O2, these will both oxidise and destroy plastic/rubber parts. :badday:

Same as the drop in bleach tabs for the toilet bowl, they invariably fuck up the rubber flapper in the toilet tank.:tumbleweed:

Ok, H2o2 is out (oxidizer, I get that) didn't think it would be all too harmful if diluted correctly.

If not that to keep my reservoirs clean, then what?


High country cat herder
:D :tiphat:



High country cat herder
Dbl post,... Can't believe I actually got that pic! :D


here's the full version, the sight made it too small to really see the drop, so I had to crop it on my computer and re-load it.



Has anybody ever used these 3mm to 1/8 adapters from Sustainable Village?

I was just about to buy a few packs of blumats when I saw them on there. They look like a great way to run generic size feed line into our drip lines. It looks like they come in 3mm to 1/8, a T in 3mm to 1/8 to 1/8.

As far as I'm concerned the less proprietary shit I have to run the better. And I am getting tired of having to hot soak or just straight cut the feed hose from the barbs when I need to reconfigure. I've pulled so hard on it that it'll just stretch the 8mm hose and not even move it a millimeter off the barb.

Does anybody think there might be pressure problems running standard 1/8th line, like it leaking?

The greater diameter would make it a whole lot quicker when purging the line as well.


I've got 3 different reservoirs setup each with between 8-12 blumats connected. On one of the reservoirs the sensors as you're setting them up I noticed when you try to get the one drip to hang, instead of dripping straight down it runs backwards on the drip line and runs down the sensor. Anybody else have this issue. It makes it hard to adjust because you can't tell if its totally not dripping or just running back on the sensor.


High country cat herder
Is your drip line too short? I don't get how it could be running back down the line,... my drip lines have to be supported or they're touching the soil and you'll never see a drip it just wicks right into the soil.


High country cat herder
Awesome pic!:peacock:
How are they working out for you?
Looks like the line might be stretched a bit tight?

Yes it is,.... Keen eye! :tiphat:

I haven't figured out exactly where I'm gonna have all my pots yet, and as such haven't figured out how to exactly place the lines. For now I need to figure out a way to better restrain them and take the tension off of the drip lines.

They are working like a F'n CHARM! it almost feels like cheating to be honest.:biggrin:
Every time I see new posts in this thread, I want Blumat's. Soon I shall have some. Plumbing has to come first, and we're working on that in the next couple of weeks. Should be right in time for flower tho! @Canni, It sounds like its cheating, I can't wait to cheat too :D


High country cat herder
Question on the Blumat Maxi's...... I'm giving my standard TROPF blumats a go with 3 gallon TALL plastic pots,... so these are what? 10" diameter 13" deep?

I up potted from .5 gallon squares into these pots with the clones, and stuffed the blumats in, then watered to runoff before setting the blumats.

Will the standard keep my soil moist all the way to the bottom? Or should I use the MAXI's in the future?

I'm planning on bushing these girls out and putting them into 15gallon smart pots for flower,.... would I be able to get away with a single maxi and distributor heads? Or should I just use 2-3 standard heads per pot?

Another reason I ask is I've off and on helped another group of growers over the last few years. Their new head guy has shit much more dialed in, but is still struggling with getting everything watered right.

Currently he's got a drip/misting system on a timer combined with hand watering.

I mentioned blumats, but he's hesitant, stating that his current watering system is only keeping the topsoil (top 6-8" of the pot) moist, while the bottom of the pots are going bone dry.

Looks like he's running 5gallon square pails thru the end of flower.

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