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Blumat auto watering


Drip King
Finally got my pressure system finished yesterday, and my plants look extremely happy after 10 days of blumat watering. Thanks Sunny, Flower Farmer, AK51 and everyone who has contributed to this thread!!

That is the other best part, the plants love them! Best part is I DON"T HAVE TO WATER THEM!

Happy to see things working out!


Active member
Hey can someone explain to me how the PR is installed? I'm about tonorder one but want an idea in my mind how its installed before I do... Does it just replace the regular thru-hull adapter?
The pressure reducer installs on a regular hose faucet, such as found outside. I used a Sharkbite hose bib I beliieve, stubbed out on 1/2" copper tied into a pex T off a cold water line for inside use. So a bit of plumbing may be needed.

It replaces the reservoir with its attached thru hull adapter. Certainly reduces equipment footprint!


Active member
The pressure reducer installs on a regular hose faucet, such as found outside. I used a Sharkbite hose bib I beliieve, stubbed out on 1/2" copper tied into a pex T off a cold water line for inside use. So a bit of plumbing may be needed.

It replaces the reservoir with its attached thru hull adapter. Certainly reduces equipment footprint!

Ya I believe thats what it was originally made for but I think some people are somehow installing these directly to their reservoir's if im not mistaken...


Drip King
Ya I believe thats what it was originally made for but I think some people are somehow installing these directly to their reservoir's if im not mistaken...

The P/R is for use with pressurized source water, such as a faucet or garden hose, or my keg system idea(couple of posts back).
It is not used for a "regular" res.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Ya I believe thats what it was originally made for but I think some people are somehow installing these directly to their reservoir's if im not mistaken...

There is no point in it. You get .433 psi per foot of head, and the pressure regulators are set at 15 psi. Your reservoir would have to be located 35' above the blumat discharge point for the regulator to start functioning.
Tyga, What you'll need is:

A resevoir
a pump
a pressure switch to turn the pump off
a check valve
a bladder tank
optional is an inline filter
I found its easier to use a regular old adjustable pressure reducer than a blumat one.
A bunch of plumbing fittings

Weed, killer and a few other guys have some good pics on how to do it.


Drip King
There is no point in it. You get .433 psi per foot of head, and the pressure regulators are set at 15 psi. Your reservoir would have to be located 35' above the blumat discharge point for the regulator to start functioning.



Active member
Haha nevermind my bad! Perfer to keep things sime... Just gunna rock whats been working for me with the regular elevated rez and thru hull connector. Thanks guys!
its what you have to do! I put a 7$ toilet valve in a 20 gallon tote to keep it topped up. Cut a hole in bottom of rez, jam valve in there and enjoy. Still needs a cold water line tho. I simply switched to a PR and used the same feed for the reservoir. You still might need that PR sometime down the line you never know. have a good day :)


New member

It's been a week since I reinstalled my blumats to start over with more controls and fewer variables. I resoaked and triple-checked all my carrots for bubbles and I installed them on freshly repotted girls in firmly packed soil.

I'm happy to report that all 19 blumats remain untouched after 7 days. The girls look great, all I've done is rotate the pots and raise the light. I haven't adjusted the blumats once since the original setting. :dance013:

Just now, 1 plant looked a little under watered but the carrot was dripping. She is also among 3 that were installed 2 days later, so only about 5 days ago.

Next step: Flower room, ~18 girls in 7-gallon smart pots!


It's been a while since I switched from Pure Blend Pro to CNS17. Using CNS17 with no additives at all sure has simplified things, which was goal #1, but it's in question whether it is cleaner for my system.

The other day I had a drip line clog up. Usually I just remove the line from the blumat, hold the end that is connected to the feed line and stretch it out, then I'll kind of massage the line down the length of it. This usually loosens up anything that has settled on the sides of the drip line. I did that and about a 10mm turd thing popped out of it. Even though all of the CNS17 liquids are milky white it seems brown stuff falls out of it still.

When I went to clean out my pump filters they were just about as dirty as they were when I ran Pure Blend Pro.

I'll continue running it for a while and continue to observe any differences in the plant health or hydro system performance.


New member
It seems that when screwing the cap on underwater, the last quarter turn or so builds up a slight amount of water pressure in the Blumat body against the diaphragm. I feel that letting them soak after screwing together allows this additional pressure to equalize out through the ceramic cone.

Otherwise, putting them straight into the media after screwing them together with a small amount of extra water exerting force on the bottom of the diaphragm will throw off your settings once the pressure is relieved by the additional water being forced out of the cone by the elasticity of the diaphragm.

You can see this happen if you take the brown adjuster screw as well as the dripper hose completely out and note the position of the white needle in the hose hole in the Blumat cap. After screwing it together under water, the white needle will be raised up slightly. After letting it soak, it will be back to the original position.

THE PROBLEM: The blumat cone runs out of water.

This happened on 3 more of my blumats. They were on the 3 smallest girls (therefore those using the least amount of water), and I didn't notice them looking dry when I posted my 1 week check-in here. With everything running so smoothly I never hoisted the pots to check the water content. Instead I have just grown accustomed to looking at the posture of the leaves, and all looked well.

These are 3 sensors that I never touched after the original setting. This means that the initial setting was way off. Enough to pinch the hose completely shut. Or that the dripper hose simply became pinched shut during the last week. Evidently these small girls slowly used up their initial drenching, then the water from the cone, and finally got droopy yesterday or the the day before.

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around how the initial dial-in could be that far off. I did allow the blumats to soak a long time after screwing the caps on (as stated above), but I am kinda stumped as to how these cones were evidently not holding pressure when first installed. So far off that when I dialed back to a cling +2 arrows, those sensors never even had a chance to work properly.

Any thoughts? Thank you in advance.

All the offending blumats have been swapped out and the girls recovered just fine, altho they were pretty stressed. They were of course drenched again in order to reinstall more cones, and I doubt they have used up that water yet. (Unrelated: Can you stress a plant so much during veg that it will eventually hermie during flower?)

ALSO: Some of the girls outgrew their 1 gallon pots in roughly 9 days. I feel like a magician. Abracadabra. :biggrin: I wouldn't be surprised if these finish a few days faster than I'm used to. Is that really possible with hydro?

The roots were absolutely gorgeous, bright white and moldy/furry looking. Blumats + mycorrhizae! And the hole where the cone was is an amazing little world of root hairs too. :peacock:
I'm having a similar problem as lowbrow. I soaked all my carrots, hand watered all my pots, installed the blumats, dialed down to a cling, then two more notches, and a bunch of my plants weren't getting enough water. I hand watered everything, opened then redialed all of my carrots to cling plus one arrow this time. Still, some of them are light feeling when I pick them up.

And AK, I had PBP in my veg room, and a bunch of mine stopped watering. I just undialed them and got a bunch of slimy crap coming out of them. I immediately drained my res., cleaned it and switched to GH 6/9. Hope this fixes that problem. I haven't had any slime in the flower room with the GH 6/9 and the plants look great, just some aren't getting enough water so I hope I can fix that with an adjustment of the dial.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Lowbrow and Cali, I think that the media has a great deal to do with the success of "dialing back two arrows" ability to hit a good moisture content. I've had better success with getting the media to the moisture contentl that I want, and then just dialing to a cling.

When I was using SS#4, I would water the pots to runoff and then wait 24 hours to install the blumats as above. Now I have swapped over to Botanicare ReadyGro Aeration mix, and it seemed like the coco would dry out too much after waiting 24 hours. I mixed up the media in large totes and added water until the moisture content looked like what I wanted, potted up the plants and installed the blumats. So far this has worked well for me.
Thanks for the tip Rives. I've been watering to slight runoff, waiting a little for it to soak in, then dialing to cling, then dialing the additional notch or two. I'm gonna leave them at the cling and see how that does. BTW I'm in Botanicare moisture formula.
Does anyone know where to buy the protective covers for the Blumat? They make a cap that goes on the dial to prevent it accidentally being moved. I brushed one while skirting and it drained my whole tank through that one pot by the time I came back the next day. The only place I can find them is from Blumat in Austria and the shipping is pretty high. Sustainable Village doesn't seem to have them and Google couldn't find them either. Thanks!!


Does anyone know where to buy the protective covers for the Blumat?
It would probably be much easier and cheaper to make some sort of protective cover yourself.

My initial idea is to get small pvc tube that would fit over the dial, cut about 1/2 inch sections, and cut slits 180 degrees from each other that go about half way up so the hose can go through them.

In regards to calibration: when I setup I completely soak the coco and put the blumats in immediately. I dial to cling and leave it there. Over the course of the next 1 or 2 days I'll tighten them up if there is too much runoff, which there invariably will be. I usually readjust them later that day/night and then the next morning and random times from then on. I probably waste 2-5 gallons* each time I setup by doing it this way, but I feel like it ensures that I have them as open as reasonable.

*I'll usually just readjust the pH and use that runoff for whatever I'm handwatering at the time, so it's not really wasted.