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bluelab truncheon- need storage soloution?

the gnome

Active member
Ive decided to get a bluelab truncheon but I can't find anything saying it needs to be kept in a storage soloution.
just that it needs to be cleaned once a week, with what?

you guys that have please let me know if I need to buy
anything else to maintain the testing elctrode


We use a small bit of cif cream every three months on the tip thats its mate. It's not like most pens that you have to keep moist.

the gnome

Active member
whats cif cream?
the other info I got is that it needs to be cleaned once a week, whats used to clean it.

I like the idea of not having to keep it a soloution all the time, what a hassel


Hi gnome,

I've had one for almost a year. Wonderful piece of kit. Just rinse it in clean tap or RO after use and you're good to go. No storage solution necessary.

No, the Trunch requires no storage solution.

You wont be sorry you bought one.

Auto on and off. Just stick it in the water/nute solution and it automatically turns on and reads.

BlueLab sells a Trunch cleaning kit. I grabbed one cuz it was 25 bucks and I wanna take care of my $130 meter. Kit comes with reference solution (mine is over a year old with heavy use and its still dead nuts accurate), cleaning paste, cleaning chamois....and sumthin else.

IMO, grab the kit too.

PS.....Just saw the new post ^^^. Yes, he said it and I forgot.....just rinse in clean water when done and hang her up. ;)

Enjoy the Trunch!!!

the gnome

Active member
oh man! just what I wanted to hear...thanks guys!
Ive been yoyo-ing back and forth for a few months now on what to do for a meter.
just ph or a trimeter, or just ec-tds.
theres just so much to choose from and as soon as I think I know what I want
I read some post about how it breaks down in a month etc etc.

Ive been doing without a ph-ec/tds meter, this is my 1st grow
Ive laid out a small fortune on getting started and wanted to wait till chop in 5wks and have some funds to work with before getting the meters.
but i got my $12 ph up-down kit with the cheap ph tester, small vial and drops and i realized just how far out of whack my ph is after adding nutes.
I'm not experiencing any bad probs but I'm thinking how much better my plants would be if I would have had my stuff dead on from the get go.

now I need to decide on a ph meter.
be nice if blue lab have one like the trucheon that doesn't need all the soloutions


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Cif or Jif are regional brand names (Australia, Canada, maybe Europe?) for soft scrub bleach, commonly used for cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Any unscented brand will do. It has the appearance of heavy cream with teeny, tiny little bits of ... grit. Rub it on with one finger, rinse under running water while rubbing with the SAME finger (cause it's clean of human oils now).

If you can find the BlueLab pH Truncheon, DON'T buy it. The pH truncheon was as universally despised as the EC truncheon is beloved and trusted. I don't believe it's made any more.

Personally, I prefer the $5 pH kit from the aquarium shop.


New member
Cif or Jif are regional brand names (Australia, Canada, maybe Europe?) for soft scrub bleach, commonly used for cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Any unscented brand will do. It has the appearance of heavy cream with teeny, tiny little bits of ... grit. Rub it on with one finger, rinse under running water while rubbing with the SAME finger (cause it's clean of human oils now).

If you can find the BlueLab pH Truncheon, DON'T buy it. The pH truncheon was as universally despised as the EC truncheon is beloved and trusted. I don't believe it's made any more.

Personally, I prefer the $5 pH kit from the aquarium shop.

Yeah I bought a similar cheapy at the local fishy store - it works wonders!
Yes do buy the Trunch....but like Freezer said.....don't buy their pH meters.

I would also recommend steering away from the "combo" meters that do ph and EC.
You will pay the same amount for that combo meter that you would pay for 2 separate meters. If the combo meter probe fails, you run the risk of losing all functionality (some meters).

Buy the Trunch for your EC and then look into Hanna, Oakton and Milwaukee for your pH meter.

I have the Hanna HI98127 and I think its pretty nice. Had a few and like this one the best. Comes with a removable probe.....so instead of buying a new 120 meter, you can buy a 50 dollar probe and snap it in yourself.

JMO anyways. ;)

the gnome

Active member
well as fate would have it as I was going to buy the trucheon i ran across a bluelab combo meter *brand new* for 1/2 the cost of the truncheon.
it uses a separate probe for ec and ph
I'm not too keen on the ph-tds-ec all in one meters for reason the admiral said above but bluelab seems to be pretty reliable from what Ive read about them hear on the forums

too hard to pass on a deal like that ;)
thanks for all the input guys!


well as fate would have it as I was going to buy the trucheon i ran across a bluelab combo meter *brand new* for 1/2 the cost of the truncheon.
it uses a separate probe for ec and ph
I'm not too keen on the ph-tds-ec all in one meters for reason the admiral said above but bluelab seems to be pretty reliable from what Ive read about them hear on the forums

too hard to pass on a deal like that ;)
thanks for all the input guys!

I have the Bluelab combo meter just like the one you got and it has been working great for me. Had it for about a year now with no problems. Let me know if you have any questions about it.

the gnome

Active member
well I got my bluelab ph/ec-tds/temp meter and I love this thing.
its so easy to use and comparing my ec to the fix ec-tds chart in the infirmary I am seem to be right on the money.
I paid a riduculous $50 new.

thanks to everyone overthe last few months that answered my Qs and
steered me to the bluelab


cif is a kitchen cleaning cream that used to be called jif...... i have a bluelab truncheon... is brill not like the ph pen constantly needing to be calibrated mine cost me 80 quid a year ago.. get one for fifty now ... what a shitter

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