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Are these white flies?


There are no photos in the stickies but these buggers look like the white fly description.
Q ? Are they ? I have tried the juice from a whole big cigar plus 8 scotch
bonnet peppers in a blender but they just drank it up and smacked their lips... then I gave them a pyrethrin bombing but they didnt care.

I am only a couple of weeks away from harvest, and they dont seem to be eating the leaves, so... should I just leave them alone?
I have seen them destroy pepper trees in the yard but I dont know how long it will take for them to really get going.



Lysol - I know you're covering a lot of posts man,
and thanks for all the good info,
but you only answered one of my questions !
What do you use for insects ? Thanks.


Keep temps in the lower 70s to slow these fuckers down, spray the plant with insecticide. you could also put some nicotine in a gallon jug and spray that ( or chopped up garlic + onion )

also u can use neem oil, sticky traps, etc.... In stich's book she suggests making sure all intakes are filtered, also suggests vacuming right off the leaf
Lysol - I know you're covering a lot of posts man,
and thanks for all the good info,
but you only answered one of my questions !
What do you use for insects ? Thanks.
Since you're close to harvest, if you are going to spray something, I'd go with Dr. Doright's or Azamax, followed by a plain water rinse.


Active member
If those are white flies, it's a wonder you have any buds. They killed my yield when i had them a few years ago.

Sticky traps help a little.
Try some sm90.
Do anything you have to to kill them.

Classy, on another thread, said to use rubbing alcohol. 2 water to 1 alcohol.
I'd try it for sure.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I've had whiteflies for about 24 years. Get Doktor Doom total release fogger for now, use once a week. For long term parasitic wasps will eat 99.8% of them... They just showed up one day, cool little bugs.

I never even see the whiteflies anymore.

"then I gave them a pyrethrin bombing but they didnt care."

pyrethrin's have a shelf life of about a year or so, may have been old or too small of a can. Leave Doktor Doom for 2 or 3 hours then exhaust...

Ioni Botani

No oils or anything for your buds man....give them babys the deserve they respect. Not this late at least....Anyways I had white flies once outdoors, I soaked some tobacco in h20....the nicotine is an insecticide....kills the fuckers good. Careful though, it could kill your plant....or even worse....you!