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Blue Cheese SoG


What's good GM & Cali,

Cannalope ftw for sure! This 'Blue Cheese' was a new clone my friend had and hadn't run either. I don't know if it is actually blue cheese, it maybe a different pheno to the one that I usually see getting smoked round here. But right now it doesn't smell cheesy, but smells kinda sweet/berry like... not a very strong overpowering odour though, when rubbed it is apparent. It is a good yielder, that I must say, and the smoke going by how it smells should be pleasant.

I have some other stuff lined up for next time that should be the bomb in all departments.

Hey Gm, didn't get round to doing any early samples, thought as it doesn't have the 'funk' odor it will be one that is best dried well & cured a few days before sampling although, I'll probably be puffin on some as soon as it dried :joint::D lol!

Got some pics from today, day 59 bloom, 4 to go... I have been having heat issue that is making the buds less hard than I would have liked. They have to come down on Wednesday all the same... The heat has made the top of some of the buds stretch a bit and the top 1/4 of the cola is looser than the lower parts, the lower parts remaining 3/4 of cola and lower buds are fair dense. Not rock like but won't shrink up to nothing.

Learnt alot getting back in the drivers seat, so to speak, on this grow. Will use these things to adjust and make the tent air exchange better and maybe change the reflectors for better lights spread. More oscillation fans also needed. Few little things that will make a big difference I think.

The flush return water is now reading 0.8-1.0, input flush water is 0.6 so that is a good level I think. Most plants now look light yellow with a few a lil' darker... I noticed that the smell keeps getting intenser as they approach the finish line. Hope it continues as the sweet berry scent is starting to smell a little dank musky again too.


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more pics... nuthin new :)


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buds :) :joint:

You can see the stretching on the last pic, the foxtail is longer than it should be!


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First couple are the cannalope, very sweet smelling pot... That will be first to go up in smoke :joint:

Also got some pic of the bush that is supposed to be the same pheno as the rest of the sog plants, but is looking different?! Smells the same and has same calyx structure, but bud shape is more baseball bat style than the more sativa like sog plants..


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Last couple of them in the tent... chop chop come wednesday ;)

Managed to snag a few buds of the DN.A's LA Confidential of my buddy... Has a nice smell a little but like cannalope at first, sickly sweet and dank mixed up, but brake the bud & the smell is more lemon like.

When smoked it's straight lemon fizz dank! Not a bad little strain first time I tried it.


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Thanks alot guys much appreciated.

@ Magnificent, Im not 100% sure that this is actually blue cheese, my mate is trying to get some more info of the guy that he got the cutting off. I seem to have 1 plant that is a different pheno than the others in there. He has 3 different pheno's so I suppose they came from seeds not so long ago.

There are some nice Blue Cheese pics in big buddha vendor forum here on IC. CHeck it out for some guaranteed BC pics ;)


Day before the chop :) :tree:

Few pics with new camera... the old one has been on the way out for a while now! This one is much better but it still has the same operator so can't expect leaps just yet in pic quality :kos: but I think the close up's are alot better.

They really look like another week would do them justice, but they're are quite a few amber head's that have appeared over the last few days. I'm eager to start some seeds that I have to and that will be a long grow vegging and all so the sooner I get started the quicker!


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Hey thanks guys! Took 5 hours between me & my mate to get it down & trimmed... Didn't do any wet weights but it's looking cool so far... As the grow came towards the end (last 10 days or so) it started to get warmer here, which stopped them from firming up as well as they could have.

Not really sure what to expect just yet as the first time with this cut n all plus first time running so many under 2 x 600's. Many new variables so time will tell if the numbers are good or not. Many things learned and remembered during the course of the grow though so the next 1 should much better.

Also not sure about this being blue cheese either... the sample buds I quick dried smell quite hazy and the taste is old school for sure, can't quite put my finger on it... It's not something that I would usually go for, but it's definitely moreish and has a good taste & smell when smoking a J.

numbers, hash & dry pics soon :joint:

Thanks for following this 1!



Well-known member
Hello buddie awsome job you have done there you'l have a nice stash now for a while, Nice1 every1 loves abit of blue cheese :D looks like youl get a phat yeild 2 mate :good:


Well they have had 6 days of drying now if I've been counting correctly, and are pretty crisp. Stems of the smaller ones are now snapping. Most of the harvest is in the pics bar 7 bigger ones that haven't properly dried yet.

Most were taken off the stems and put into a box to cure up. The ones that are still hanging on stems should be done by tomorrow evening or wed morn latest. Looks like I have about 800-900g total. Less than I thought before the chop but they got a little airy in the last couple weeks from heat, so shrunk up a bit. About 56g of what is in the box was a little bit spongy so maybe I will lose another 5g from that... but should be about that amount.

Now 100% confirmed although I had my suspicions all along this is not blue cheese, more like chronic or something generic like that which is shit really as there is little taste at the moment, the cure will tell though give it a week or so. I thought I would have something somewhat tasty at the end of it and find myself smoking the cannalope more than the so called 'BC'. Thankfully I had that in there or I'd be pulling me hair out :D lol... Nahhh it's not that bad but my palate has become accustomed to richer sweeter danker tastes and this is not producing that.

Good news is I have some OG kush S1's and thinking about a few more good seeds for mom's. Can't be getting anymore clones that are supposedly whatever and end up being something totally different.

Well onto the next one see yas when the seeds are worthy of showing


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Where am I?
Damn bro hopefully it all works out for the best dude. Hopefull it really is blue cheese. If not that sux that u don't know what it could be. At least u got some OG to pop that's a sick one for sure wish I had that. Anyway Good luck looking forward to yr next grow


Well-known member
hello shhh I shlould of known it wasnt, Here's a pic of some blue cheese I taken in Jan

I would love to get my hands on some OG kush beans, Looking 4ward to your next grow dude, Where did you get them from if you dont mind me asking? Even thou its not blue cheese m8 you still got alt of phat buds :D


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What's good Biatchzxz, thanks for follwoing to the bitter end, lol :D OG Kush is the shit my man smoke it in dam when I am there in grey area amongst other spots. Had some differing quality, but it's all killer shit bro. I have high hopes for the S1's, all reports thus far have stated the likeness to the OG Kush and remarked on the metallic, dank lemon taste which sounds like the OG I smoke in dam.

Lol for real bigphil! they did produce pretty well all things considered. That what I wanted my shit looking like phil! nice buds in that pic mate. The seeds are from reserva privada which is an offshot from DN.A seeds. The ones I have are OG Kush & OG18 which are both feminized.

The OG18 is a cut of the OG Kush S1 that they found with a larger yield and less stretch than the OG Kush. Also looking at something Sour Diesel dominant as it's one of my favourite tokes. Then maybe some of that sweetest cindy (swt3 x c99) by dutchgrown or something else cheese based.

My friend has some killer SD x SSH that I really like so will use a few clones of that but it finishes at 11-12 weeks so is a little long for my patience. Will probably also do the cannalope haze again as it is killer herb, supposedly Cinderella 99 or a C99 cross but stellar never the less!

Here are a few of the beans I have to pop, still deciding what else to try.


Looking at the OG18 description and pics of it, I must say that it sounds alot like SourD or similar should be interesting...


Well-known member
haha you into your cheese crosses? Ive grown some cheese x ssh, I have some pics in my profile, That was a good 13-14 weeks, Id say the phenos i had thou was more ssh, couldnt tell it had any cheese in sadly.

Ive got c99 f2's what douchgrown made for gypsy, And some shnzzleberrys started for my next grow, I havent been growing every long, Im gonna take cuttings from all the fems i get and keep the best 2 for mothers, Theres so much I wanna grow thou, You ever tryed hawaiian haze? (think its also know as hawaiian goo) That shit is by far the best stuff ive ever smoked so far carnt find any beans thou, sad times.


Nice grow dude, took me days to get through the thread thats why I haven't replied to your thread, lol.

Got a bunch of different flavors to toke on. I hear you on some of the tops not filling in all the way due to heat/light stress, I have that going on with a few of my colas as well.

Enjoy the harvest and looks like you have some more new upcoming strains that should be good. Keep it green.

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