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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
DynaGro products suck balls. They are made from very cheap materials. Do you want your plants to eat a McDonalds cheese burger or a grass fed filet minion from a classy establishment?
I've never used Bloombasitic but I've heard good things. I personally like AN Big Bud,some damn good snake oil if you ask me.
DynaGrow however I do know is garbage that I would never feed my plants.
Word up.

i love Dynagrow grow, 10 ml per gallon, no need to ph, good to go!

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I know a lot of folks that use Dyna. Steele does.

Shit is easy.

I just like the H3ad formula (with Jungle Juice). Got it dialed.


Active member
Grabbed a bottle today..

What I did after testing it myself with a small bottle, was buy the biggest damn bottle I could find. I spent time negotiating the price down too. I have had it over a year, I bet I have at least a year left in that bottle.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
What I did after testing it myself with a small bottle, was buy the biggest damn bottle I could find. I spent time negotiating the price down too. I have had it over a year, I bet I have at least a year left in that bottle.

i can get 1 gallon and 2 1/2 gallon bloombastic.....


Does this stuff contain growth regulators? Like paclobutrazol or daminozide? I get suspicious when I see stuff like "creates more compact and heavier blooms"


Active member
It irks me that he posts that it is "garbage", and has never actually used the product.

Would you need to sample every single type of Ice Cream on the market in order to know it's fattening, or do you think you could deduct that from the Nutritional Data on the container?

When you get to the point where you can read and truly understand a Guaranteed Analysis, you'll no longer need to throw money away blindly following the recommendation of a hydro store employee as you'll already know the product's worth.

You also never answered my question; what is the EC contribution of 1ml of this product to a gallon of RO water? You can use ppm if you'd like as long as you know the scale you're on.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Do you think I am actually going to waste my time answering a question for you? Go buy a bottle and find out for yourself. Besides, I don't use RO, it wastes water.

I have seen your grows on RIU, your shit is mediocre at best. Why don't you go back there, and tell everyone how much you know about products you have never used.

You are douching this thread up, and you obviously have nothing to add. Don't need a bunch of lip flapping here.

When you actually use Bloombastic, then you can comment.


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Would you need to sample every single type of Ice Cream on the market in order to know it's fattening, or do you think you could deduct that from the Nutritional Data on the container?

When you get to the point where you can read and truly understand a Guaranteed Analysis, you'll no longer need to throw money away blindly following the recommendation of a hydro store employee as you'll already know the product's worth.

You also never answered my question; what is the EC contribution of 1ml of this product to a gallon of RO water? You can use ppm if you'd like as long as you know the scale you're on.

The guaranteed analysis doesn't show everything.
It's obvious there are plant growth regulators in there.
Triacontanol would be my guess as the main one.


hey krunchbubble i really respect your opinions ,at what stage do you use bloombastic straight through bloom or only the final 2 weeks peace


Active member

There's your answer. Go back to RIU. You are obviously too smart for us newbs.

Yikes, I guess I was wrong to assume we were all adults here. Given the fact that you follow someone else's feeding schedule and don't know or aren't willing to answer my question (I'm guessing you just don't know), you've made your knowledge of plant nutrition pretty clear. I'd hope that others reading your empty recommendation of boombastic take your lack of knowledge into account before they run off and buy something they don't need.

I've said my piece, useful links have been posted for those who strive for understanding, good day :tiphat:.


Do you enjoy being a douche? I don't care enough to actually measure the shit for you. You are talking out of your ass. Otherwise known as bullshitting.

Post some more pics.

Let's see whose shit looks better....
Bobby that's just not fair and you know it!!! You could win awards with pictures of 'shit'

Hey RJ?? that answer your question??did for me..asked and answered by Some Growers of merit who use the product and are quite happy with the results..not hydro store employees..

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Yikes, I guess I was wrong to assume we were all adults here. Given the fact that you follow someone else's feeding schedule

LMAO. You are such a prick. First of all its weed and plant food. Get over yourself. I promise, no one thinks you are as smart , as you think you are. Second, I have a little bit more of a life outside of feeding a my plants, good to know you have nothing better to do with your time, than troll a fertilizer thread.... (How utterly pathetic.)

You do realize that GH has come out with a product called Duo, that basically replicated the Head formula. I have my own tweekings (some calmag, BB, and I switch up the nute levels depending on the stage of growth/strain), but I am not pretentious enough to act like I somehow came up with my feeding schedule. Neither did you.

Do you mix your own ferts? No that's right, you use Dyna.... lol.

don't know or aren't willing to answer my question (I'm guessing you just don't know),

Yeah. That's it. I don't know how to stick a ec/ppm meter into some water.:wallbash:

you've made your knowledge of plant nutrition pretty clear. I'd hope that others reading your empty recommendation of boombastic

Empty recommendation? That's classic! You are the one that has not even used the product in question, yet you know enough to pass judgment. Classic.

As far as my knowledge of plant nutrition, I do what works. I run low ppms, a extremely cheap nute profile, and my pics speak for themselves. Sorry your shit does not look as good. Must suck, not being able to put out a better product, with all that "knowledge" you have. lol.

Like I said. Come back and post, when you have some actual experience. No one is interested in your regurgitation of other peoples work.
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Active member
Bobby, how old are you, because I feel like I'm talking to a 20 year old cash-cropper here. I've given out countless numbers of feeding schedules to people on other forums and they've had fantastic results on literally their first grows. However, that doesn't mean they're competent enough to hang around the fertilizer forum and dish out advice on products they clearly don't understand. Your butt-hurt-rants accompanied by personal insults are not helping the OP and are only serving as an embarrassment to yourself.

You want a picture contest? Start another thread, I'll join you after you answer my questions. You want to help the OP and others who read this thread? Start posting some relevant content about NPK ratios, mineral content and the concentration levels of Boombastic.

You do realize that GH has come out with a product called Duo, that basically replicated the Head formula
The 'Duo' line is intended to directly compete with the plethora of 2 part bloom formulas out there that bring a 1-1-2 NPK ratio to the table (ie. sensi, connoisseur). IMO, this ratio encourages the use of bloom boosters as I believe it over-supplies nitrogen relative to phosphorus during the flower stage.


Bobby, how old are you, because I feel like I'm talking to a 20 year old cash-cropper here. I've given out countless numbers of feeding schedules to people on other forums and they've had fantastic results on literally their first grows. However, that doesn't mean they're competent enough to hang around the fertilizer forum and dish out advice on products they clearly don't understand. Your butt-hurt-rants accompanied by personal insults are not helping the OP and are only serving as an embarrassment to yourself.

You want a picture contest? Start another thread, I'll join you after you answer my questions. You want to help the OP and others who read this thread? Start posting some relevant content about NPK ratios, mineral content and the concentration levels of Boombastic.

The 'Duo' line is intended to directly compete with the plethora of 2 part bloom formulas out there that bring a 1-1-2 NPK ratio to the table (ie. sensi, connoisseur). IMO, this ratio encourages the use of bloom boosters as I believe it over-supplies nitrogen relative to phosphorus during the flower stage.

Dude! thought you where gone?? you seem educated,but did you even read the OP's question?? I'm not a wiz a postin quotes n takin pic n shit,but I am sure he was askin for input from Growers who hav USED this product....??????


Pretty sure the OP asked for input from those who use or have used Bloombastic.

without getting into the arguement i pretty much agree with this^^
i dont mean to offend but im not looking for the opinions of people just out to call it a "snake oil" when you have not used it

however if someone has used it and thinks it is "garbage or snake oil"
then thats fine to bring up

cyber echo

If you can find CanadianXpress Headmasta, do check it out.
About 15-20$ for 1L, and the dosage is 1ml/L.
I've used it against cannaboost and atami's other boosters and it's been doing the best.


Active member
Dude! thought you where gone?? you seem educated,but did you even read the OP's question?? I'm not a wiz a postin quotes n takin pic n shit,but I am sure he was askin for input from Growers who hav USED this product....??????

All these glossy-labeled products with high price tags are just bottled mineral salts whose mineral composition only slightly varies from the bloom booster sitting next to them on the shelf. That is the point. If the OP really wanted some good advice from educated growers, he'd give us info on the base nutes he's currently using, how he's using them, and his reason for wanting a 'booster' to begin with.

At the end of the day, it's not my money so I'm not going to lose any sleep if the OP or others buy a product that costs $130/quart. But it should anger you as a personal grower, as a caregiver, or as a cash-cropper that these companies are taking advantage of our community's general lack-of-knowledge by charging outrageous sums for minerals salts just because we're the only ones that can afford it. I asked this question earlier; how many botanists are using Boombasic? That should tell you a lot about the worth of these products.

Ok, now I'm done. The 'seeing what they want to see' crowd can take over ;). Unsubbed.

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