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Blockhead in Coco


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I didn't really look in the cabinet in the past two days but I saw an obvious increase in bud growth when I looked in tonight. They'll be getting their boosted PK feeding tonight or tomorrow, so that should make it even more noticeable. The stems of all three of these plants are all at least 2-3x as large as my last plants. The size and health of the stems and roots have a direct relation to productivity, so I'm very happy to see such strong plants.
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I really need to get the bucket on the right raised up by about 3-6" so that the canopy is even, the buds on the higher plant are definitely coming along quicker than the ones on the right, the taller ones are casting a bit of shade too. I had to take this leaf off as it was really shading out the right bucket.



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Here we are, 3 weeks into flower. I messed up the feeding plan a little bit, I don't trust my PH meter any more so I'm guessing at it... hopefully it works out. :badday:

I fed 6/9 for the first 3 weeks instead of 2, so I'm going to let them have the 6/9/7 for the third week, and then 0/9/7 the fourth week, and then 0/9/0 up until flush. I'm very pleased with how these are looking so far. As much as I love coco, I'm thinking about building some "Magic Trays" inspired by Blunt69. I'm really getting tired of having a total of 4 sq ft of grow space. Oh well, I'll just work with what I've got for now and make the best of it. :violin:
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That's Sept 28, Sept 30, and Oct 4
I am very happy with the growth in one week. I didn't get to water them as soon as I had hoped and the top layer had dried out considerably, but the plants showed no signs of wilting. I wonder if this affected the amount of trichs put on in the last week, or if it would've been the same had I watered sooner.


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Should I trim this stuff off before it wastes more energy trying to grow?

I feel like I'm going to get popcorn from the bottom half of the untrimmed portion.

And some random pics...



looking good bro! Yes I would trim that, if you r not a hash fan
or really looking to make hash. Trim it! only a week or so more
and you won't have to worry about those suckers...
I wouldn't worry to much about the feeding, isn't it just 9ml for afew more
weeks? good luck bro, dont stop now!


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Yeah I could definitely not worry about a thing, keep feeding them the exact same I have, and probably not see a single issue. I really feel like if they get that PK boost during the right time it'll really show up in the harvest. I don't really want to do a side by side of feeding styles because I don't have a meter so couldn't keep accurate records, and I'm already testing all 3 differently.

I'm shooting for high quality buds this time, my next run I'm thinking about doing lots of seeds so I'll probably be doing hash on that run, throw everything in a tumbler to get some hash and sort out the seeds.

I'm very happy with how everything has gone so far, I've got my Vaportronic up and running and it's really killed any smells that were getting through the carbon scrubber.


here let me help.....

looks like an update to me!:wave:

Cozy Amnesia

bounty29 said:
I'm at a loss for words right now. I accidentally knocked over my passive vermiculite cloner, so figured then was as good a time as any to take out all the clones and survey the results. Boy was I in for a surprise.

Here's the parts list for the cloner...
1 Plastic Cup, quarter sized hole in the bottom
1 Paper towel, ripped lengthwise into shreds, stuffed through the hole
1 drinking cup, to hold the water to keep the vermiculite moist
1 Plastic Cup's worth of vermiculite

LOOK AT THOSE ROOTS! No dome, No pump, No power, No maintenance. This is 11 days after these were cut from the plant. I had to fill up the cup with water once during that time period, and look at these results!:jawdrop:

I took the cuts off the plants, put them in a cup of water, and left them there for 24 hours. No real reason for this, I just wanted to get them in water as soon as I cut them, I thought that might've been a reason for failure in the past.

So I left them there for 24 hours, then poured a shot glass full of Hormex. It says to use at full strength, does that mean at the highest does (10ml/gallon) or just straight hormex? I'm pretty sure I used it straight. Anyways, they sat in water for 24 hours, then 100% Hormex for a couple minutes, and then into the cup of vermiculite. I didn't touch or disturb them at all until I had to refill their water, about a week after they were put into the cloner. I took one out a few days ago because curiosity got the better of me, and it had roots. I definitely was not expecting these results though. I know how I'm going to be cloning from now on! :D

Congratulations bro!

I too just had a 100% success rate with some clones and it was my first try at cloning ever.


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Oct 17 - Day 35

Took some pics when they were out of the cabinet, got some good shots. I watered them both heavily, lots of runoff. I fed them with 9ml Bloom and 7ml KoolBloom, no more nitrogen for these girls. From now on they'll just be getting the 9ml Bloom until flush.

I'm very happy with how things are going, I can't believe the amount of trichs! I feel like they should be bulking up more, it seems like there's been lots of trich growth but not much bud growth. Any input?


Active member
Hi Bounty, bh looks good just stop feeding them everything and let them do their thing. You have them still growing so they dont know its time to reproduce and die. Hope you dont mind the input. they look great. peace P.s. when they know the end is coming the buds will take off like crazy.


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Well I think I spoke too soon. Since those shots were taken two days ago there's been a noticeable amount of growth. I can't believe how quickly time has been passing, at this rate I'll be smoking these girls in no time! :joint:

zoo - Definitely the frostiest thing I've grown so far! :D

peterpan - I'm curious to see the difference in how much they yellow from no nitrogen. We'll see! :confused:


yeeehaaaa! waaatup bro! Damn fine show!:wave:
Most of the swell should come around day 40-45,so I think you are right on track! may be time to trim that BlockH mom....:wink: