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Blockhead in Coco

They are a healthy lush green bounty29, she is a frosty one for sure kind of like in the pic of the red eyed bride. You will like her, have you smoked her or any of her sisters before? Also, you will most likely get more than 2 zips, more like 4 especially if you've already changed the new bulb. I placed mine under the 250w HPS as she grows fast already. Keep em close to that 150 HPS, if air cooled possibly 2-3 inches away, cause she is one hardy rock solid frosty female. She does get skunky but it is more of a rodent kill, rather than road kill. After pistils start developing, she develops a musty mousy odor which stays with it up to harvest, 60 days is perfect. The rodent mousy smell may be a component of the road kill skunk terpene/s, that are related yet somehow different.


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The Slickster said:
They are a healthy lush green bounty29, she is a frosty one for sure kind of like in the pic of the red eyed bride. You will like her, have you smoked her or any of her sisters before? Also, you will most likely get more than 2 zips, more like 4 especially if you've already changed the new bulb. I placed mine under the 250w HPS as she grows fast already. Keep em close to that 150 HPS, if air cooled possibly 2-3 inches away, cause she is one hardy rock solid frosty female. She does get skunky but it is more of a rodent kill, rather than road kill. After pistils start developing, she develops a musty mousy odor which stays with it up to harvest, 60 days is perfect. The rodent mousy smell may be a component of the road kill skunk terpene/s, that are related yet somehow different.

Thanks a lot Slickster, I appreciate all the info. I haven't smoked BH or any of the siblings, but from what I hear about it I'm sure it's going to be quite different than what I'm used to. Your input will definitely be taken into consideration, it's great to hear things like this as I haven't flowered her out yet so it's still a mystery what my pheno is like.


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I have reason to believe my apartment smells of bud, which isn't a good thing. I just threw this together, I think I'm going to put in some extra hours and buy a CAN filter asap. This is a shot glass full of ONA gel with a bunch of water, in a 2 liter bottle with an air pump. It seems to be working alright, hopefully it will be noticeable in the morning.



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Flower: 7 Days

The diluted ONA bubbling did just about nothing, so that was a failed experiment. I'll be purchasing a CAN 33 filter on Monday, if things work out. I'm going to have my fan push through it, I think that will solve my odor issues, my volume issues with the fan, and improve the temps in my cabinet. I'll keep you updated on how things go.

So the passive vermiculite cloner works! I filled it up once, it's been 9 days since I put them in, and this was just the first one I pulled up. I heard some ripping, so it had more roots than this. I don't have the space or need for these clones, it was just to improve my cloning ability. I'm pretty happy with these results, it required no special treatment, I touched it once in a week. I'll definitely be using this method in the future, I might build a more permanent solution for it though.

The canopy, pre-trim and feed.

Profile of the single plant. This was with the initial trimming from about 10 days ago. I don't have a good shot of it after this trmi though. Lots of growth!

Larger than I expected with a 150w in my cabinet. I felt bad cutting off such a perfect leaf, but it was blocking out the other plants. :badday:

Today's trimming. Let's see what kind of colas I can grow with a 150w HPS! Boo popcorn! :spank:

Looking good, hopefully they don't grow too much more vertically. I can't wait to see them start budding! :jump:
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Here they are about 24 hours after the trim and feeding.

bounty29 said:
I'm flowering Blockhead right now, and it's my first time, but I've got three cuts going. I'm going to finish all three slightly differently, and since they're very similar sized cuts, I should be able to see which of the three finishes it reacts best to. What I'll be doing...

Plant 1 - Feed normally, flush for 2 days, harvest at 65 days
Plant 2 - Feed normally, flush for 1 week, harvest at 63 days
Plant 3 - Feed normally, flush for 2 weeks, harvest at 70 days.
(Plant 2 and 3 are in the same container, this seemed the best way to get two different results from one container)
(You can find "normally" in my first post in my Blockhead thread)

I've had a few different pieces of advice from people that have grown this strain before, so I'm putting them all to use and see which one works best with my situation. I get to see a variety of harvest times, as well as I'll get to see how this particular cut reacts to a flush, ranging from 2 days to 2 weeks. I'm sure for people with larger grows it's a much larger task to keep track of everything, but you can find out so much more with each run. I think it will help my grows in the future, that's why I'm doing it. :D

I'm only running 3 cuts, just think if you ran 20 cuts and treated them each differently in one single way. I think you'd learn what your cut likes very quickly. :confused:
Posted that in another thread, I feel it's a good summary that might not have been clear from my past posts in this thread, so I figured I'd add it here. :wave:

It's good to have your thoughts written down. :rasta:
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Nice update!
them plants look GRRREAT....lol
I think you have found it man, the coco is for
you. Those are your best looking plants yet!
keep em coming.... :joint: :joint:


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krushonkush said:
Nice update!
them plants look GRRREAT....lol
I think you have found it man, the coco is for
you. Those are your best looking plants yet!

keep em coming.... :joint: :joint:

Couldn't have said it better myself. It feels great, huge boost in confidence.:joint:

By taking pictures very often I feel much more accountable. Things are going great, and I won't let laziness be my downfall, that's no reason to let this setup go to waste. I can't wait until I can upgrade. The move to the left coast is going to happen asap.:D
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no wuckin furries!
two thumbs up for blockhead....will watch with interest....between popping old seeds with low germ rates and loosing plants due to shit i hope to get some to flower one day hahaha...not funny :D .HH. =]-~


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I'm at a loss for words right now. I accidentally knocked over my passive vermiculite cloner, so figured then was as good a time as any to take out all the clones and survey the results. Boy was I in for a surprise.

Here's the parts list for the cloner...
1 Plastic Cup, quarter sized hole in the bottom
1 Paper towel, ripped lengthwise into shreds, stuffed through the hole
1 drinking cup, to hold the water to keep the vermiculite moist
1 Plastic Cup's worth of vermiculite

LOOK AT THOSE ROOTS! No dome, No pump, No power, No maintenance. This is 11 days after these were cut from the plant. I had to fill up the cup with water once during that time period, and look at these results!:jawdrop:

I took the cuts off the plants, put them in a cup of water, and left them there for 24 hours. No real reason for this, I just wanted to get them in water as soon as I cut them, I thought that might've been a reason for failure in the past.

So I left them there for 24 hours, then poured a shot glass full of Hormex. It says to use at full strength, does that mean at the highest does (10ml/gallon) or just straight hormex? I'm pretty sure I used it straight. Anyways, they sat in water for 24 hours, then 100% Hormex for a couple minutes, and then into the cup of vermiculite. I didn't touch or disturb them at all until I had to refill their water, about a week after they were put into the cloner. I took one out a few days ago because curiosity got the better of me, and it had roots. I definitely was not expecting these results though. I know how I'm going to be cloning from now on! :D


St. Elsewhere
Right now I'm using 50% FFOF with 40% coco, 5% perlite, and 5% vermiculite.

However, I'm thinking of hitting the mix with more coco, and I'll probably go straight coco eventually. How often do you water in various container sizes?

That blockhead is well-named. Bulky fucker. Hahaha.


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Well right now I'm running some plants in pure coco, and some in Hempy Bucket type coco containers.

The main flowering ones are in large containers, about 2" of perlite on the bottom covered by at least a foot or more of pure coco. The perlite on the bottom holds water that the coco wicks up as it needs it, allowing me to go up to 5-7 days between waterings. More frequent waterings will result in better growth, but it's great knowing you can not pay any attention to your girls for three or four days and not worry about a thing.

In my veg cab, I've got some 20oz bottles filled with pure coco that some Sour Diesel are filling up with roots right now. At this stage they can probably go 2-3 days without water, but pretty soon they'll need watering daily. When they get to that point I'm going to be putting them into some sort of Hempy Bucket type setup.

If you check out my test grow thread in my sig I made a couple big posts in the last 24 hours about how I'm going to set up a new watering system, which, if it works the way I'm envisioning it, will allow me to go a week with no interaction easily. Since there won't be any top feeding with this new design, they'll require a weekly flush to clear out any accumulated salts in the coco, but I have high hopes for the design. I might have to turn my veg cab into a flower cab until the big girls are out of my big cab. Too many ideas, too little space. :bashhead:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, nice roots on those clones. My buddy grows in straight perlite/vermiculite, he swears by it. Blockheads look happy in that coco. One thing I notice about coco is that plants just love it, and happy plants = much-o bud-o.



DAMN! You gonna have some sweet smoke this time! lol. It'd be kool
if you could run that SourD ibl in the big pots like that,but
you got the test grow and all...o well. Next time!
about 10days or so you should start see something real nice:D
thanks for the show, n Keep em coming

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Black Ra1n - Yeah I was shocked, I still can't believe it. 10 days, no cloning gel/powder, they just sat in water, got a quick Hormex dip, and that's it. EASY AS HELL. I swear by it for cloning, that's for sure. I'm all about the inert mediums, which is probably why my grow has come to consist of nothing but perlite, vermiculite, and coco. It just makes it so much easier knowing exactly what your plant is getting, and being able to fix anything at a moments notice.

krushonkush - Yeah I definitely was not looking forward to harvest anywhere near as much on any of my last grows. The girls just started throwing out pistils in the past couple days, which leads me to believe they're about done stretching. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they respond to the weeks that I add in the Liquid KoolBloom. Eh, who am I kidding, I look forward to seeing them every day! :D:D:D

Thanks for stopping by guys! :wave:


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I think they're done growing up, time to start growing out. I'm not too happy with the single plant, there's nothing wrong with it, I just feel I'd get a lot better use of the space if I had two of the double plant buckets. Who am I kidding, I've got nothing to complain about, I couldn't be happier! :wave: :D

Mr Stinkweed

bounty29 said:
I'm at a loss for words right now. I accidentally knocked over my passive vermiculite cloner, so figured then was as good a time as any to take out all the clones and survey the results. Boy was I in for a surprise.

Here's the parts list for the cloner...
1 Plastic Cup, quarter sized hole in the bottom
1 Paper towel, ripped lengthwise into shreds, stuffed through the hole
1 drinking cup, to hold the water to keep the vermiculite moist
1 Plastic Cup's worth of vermiculite

LOOK AT THOSE ROOTS! No dome, No pump, No power, No maintenance. This is 11 days after these were cut from the plant. I had to fill up the cup with water once during that time period, and look at these results!:jawdrop:

I took the cuts off the plants, put them in a cup of water, and left them there for 24 hours. No real reason for this, I just wanted to get them in water as soon as I cut them, I thought that might've been a reason for failure in the past.

So I left them there for 24 hours, then poured a shot glass full of Hormex. It says to use at full strength, does that mean at the highest does (10ml/gallon) or just straight hormex? I'm pretty sure I used it straight. Anyways, they sat in water for 24 hours, then 100% Hormex for a couple minutes, and then into the cup of vermiculite. I didn't touch or disturb them at all until I had to refill their water, about a week after they were put into the cloner. I took one out a few days ago because curiosity got the better of me, and it had roots. I definitely was not expecting these results though. I know how I'm going to be cloning from now on! :D

Ive been doing vermiculite wick cloners for a few years and cant imagine doing it any different...

You might make yours simpler by getting rid of the wick...

try small holes around the bottom and sit the container in about a half to 1 inch of water the vermiculite will serve as its own wick...


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Yeah but then you'd have to maintain that water level within a range of a couple inches. I guarantee you wouldn't be able to leave it for as long as I left this.

It's looking like I'll have a couple good sized colas, really looking forward to seeing them fill in! :wave: