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Blockhead F2s and Hawaiian Snow Diesel


Well-known member
Hello primobud. So far, a very uneventful crop. They're at 41 days 12/12 (about half way). The 4 big ones at the back are the HSD and they're really looking good. You can see one Blockhead on the front left in a couple of the pics. I'm not highlighting the BHs anymore as I'm a bit disappointed in them. Even with the long veg and big pots they are underperforming the HSD by a long shot. I decided not to cross the HSD to the BH as I feel the yield, potency and flowering duration wouldn't add anything to the HSD. Oh well, it's still good weed, just not as good.






Well-known member
This is the nicest of the 4 Blockheads at day 49 12/12. I know I said I wasn't going to highlight the BHs anymore, but I say a lot of things. I'll be chopping the BH a just over 11 weeks of flower. The buds are dense, resinous and fruity, but with a 100 day veg, I'm disappointed with the apparent yield. Looks like this one will be 40 - 50g when harvested and the plant is only about 40 inchs tall. Still, good smoke and exotic flavor.



Well-known member
And here's some HSD pics at day 49 12/12.

The 4 HSDs are all over 6ft tall and the buds are starting to swell. Normally, I'd give these plants a min of 12 weeks of flower but I'm travelling at Easter and will chop them at about 80 days instead. If the HSD finish the way I'm hoping, this will be my largest 8 plant crop ever even with the 4 BHs keeping down total yield. Next year I may grow the Hawaiian Snow Diesel only, I really like it.







Well-known member
Here's apic of the final crop for this season. They're all HSD at 20 days 12/12 in the veg room under a 360w conversion bulb. They'll get 5 weeks there and then next to the 600hps for the final 7 weeks. It won't be a huge crop but looking good nonetheless.



Well-known member
Blockhead Day F61

Blockhead Day F61

So I've been dissing the BH for a while and I think I'm not being totally fair to it. I've got 2 of this pheno and they look like they may trim out to a ouple of zips each, maybe a bit more. The buzz is a little milder than the HSD but sometimes that's ok. The other pheno isn't nearly as big. All in all, the BH is a respectable strain with decent yield potential, Still, not a cash cropper at 11plus weeks of flower.





Well-known member
Thanks silver, the girls are in the home stretch now. The real stars of the show are the HSD. At 6 1/2 ft tall, they've formed a wall of weed at the back of the flower room. The pics don't really do them justice but the buds are really packing on the weight now. Here they are at day 62 of 12/12.






silver hawaiian

Active member
Looking just great smilley. How are the screens working out?

Really really good lookin' man. The HSD donut is just tits lookin'!

Edit: Forgot - are you still rockin' the lone 600 W bulb in that donut?

I'm getting rid of my second level, just going to focus on fewer, larger bushes. Wondering if you're able to tackle all 6.5' with the lone 600.

Decent enough smattering o' lumens?



Well-known member
Thanks for popping in W89.

Silver - I cleaned off the bottom 21/2 ft of the HSDs. Also, the buds on the bottom foot of foliage are popcorny and wispy. Great for hash and oil but not "A" quality bud. The top 3 ft is the sweet spot. I believe I can achieve as good a yield as what this crop appears to have with shorter plants. These plants vegged 3 weeks longer than planned. All this time I've been admiring your two bulb setup, thinking that I should be doing that and now you're going to scrap the 400. Funny, the grass always looks greener on the other grow thread. :)

silver hawaiian

Active member
Thanks for popping in W89.

Silver - I cleaned off the bottom 21/2 ft of the HSDs. Also, the buds on the bottom foot of foliage are popcorny and wispy. Great for hash and oil but not "A" quality bud. The top 3 ft is the sweet spot. I believe I can achieve as good a yield as what this crop appears to have with shorter plants. These plants vegged 3 weeks longer than planned. All this time I've been admiring your two bulb setup, thinking that I should be doing that and now you're going to scrap the 400. Funny, the grass always looks greener on the other grow thread. :)


Yeah man - it's a nice setup, but it's just too much for me to keep up with - not to mention it's more than I need..


Edit: The screens? How's they workin'? :)
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Well-known member
Silver - The screens were a godsend for the HSD. They're such a stretchy/branchy plant that late in flower everything wants to fall into the lamp. Of course the plants outgrew the sreens and I had to attach some of the upper colas to the wall behind but all is well. Now I'm just tying the heavy bending branches back to the main stalks and branches.


Well-known member
Blockhead Day F68

Blockhead Day F68

The Blockheads have one more week and then they'll be chopped. They could really go 2 more weeks but logistically they have to be cut soon. I have visitors coming from out of town right in the sweet spot of harvest and I'll have to harvest around them. So the BHs will be chopped just before my guests arrive and the HSD wil be chopped 5 days later after the guests leave. Not a big deal.






Well-known member
Hawaiian Snow Diesel 69 Days 12/12

Hawaiian Snow Diesel 69 Days 12/12

Coming down the home stretch. The HSDs are really bulking up nice and showing no stress as they near the end of their life cycle. Not much indica in this strain.


