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Blockhead and friends

How do you think mine are looking so far, this is my favorite pheno of the two. She's on day 27 i believe, since they went into flower on the 15th of july. I will be using the flora nova, and some pk 13/14 (only using the 13/14 for 1 or 2 waterings). I'm hoping to harvest her between 50-65 days, but only the triches will tell lol. What day did you cut yours down if you don't mind me asking, and do you know the trich colors when you harvested?





You will not be forgotten
mmmm banana og.... *drools*

banana is such tasty smoke no matter what... some of my favorites have been banana diesel and banana kush... i cant wait to see you do her up!

you certainly are rollin with the dank strain, cant wait to see them all finished out.

Keep that dank coming and i will be watchin on the side lines :joint:


hey Sweeyindica2, a good PBP formula that will fully feed your plants is called the "PBP 3 part" which is: 10ml PBP, 3ml CalMag+, 5ml Liquid Karma(per gallon). Comes out about 1.6EC and 5.8PH, up the PBP to 15ml for heavy feeders. Skip the LK if you are growing Hydroponically.
Neptune- I am not using PBP anymore, i grabbed some Flora Nova and PK 13/14 to use for flowering, since i just ran out of PBP bloom the other day. It's a little too weak for me, i was using way too much nutrients and spending alot more in the long run, i have found that with chemical nutes (or partially chemical, like the nova) that i end up with a slightly better yield and they still have a good taste as long as i flush properly. I was using up to 20ml or so of PBP per gallon of water, i have been told 5 to 7ml of flora nova is the max you need to use per gallon of water.

Does anyone know of a good feeding regimen for my flowering blockheads using Flora Nova Bloom + PK 13/14. I have read to use 5 to 7ml of the Nova per gallon of water as my main bloom supplement, and to add 3-5ml of PK 13/14 per gallon of water for 1-2 waterings. Does this sound good? I was also using mollasses while i was using PBP bloom, should i cut out the mollasses completely when using the PK and Nova?


SweetIndica, sorry for taking so long to get back at you, I've been out of town for a while. Your blockheads are looking great. Really healthy. Never used the PBP but it doesn't look like there was anything wrong with it. But, one thing I can bet is that you'll like the FloraNova. I never make just one gallon mix, I have a 30 gallon res. and water with a hose attachment. But I like to run it at 1.6 EC by the time they're at this point in bloom and keep it there pretty much. At around the 35-37 day mark I'll start with a little koolbloom and bump it up with the next few waterings.(I usually leave out the molasses when I use the koolbloom, but still use it when not feeding the plants) With the koolbloom I usually just set the FloraNova to 1.6 and then add the koolbloom to make it 1.8 EC. Do that till around day 50-53 then flush for the next 10 or so days. This last run I harvested plants all the way from day 52 (more up, motivating-15-20%amber) to day 71(becoming one with the couch-70%amber). If you have the patience you will be well rewarded. She really beefs up after the 57 day mark. Please keep me updated on your progress. Would love to see how they turn out. Anything else you need, don't hesitate.

Neptune, hopefully someone will find something they like out of those things. We'll see. What do you think so far about the Floranova compared to the PBP? From the looks of SweetIndica's plants I can't really see much wrong with it. I've always heard good things but haven't taken the plunge.

Dimebag, thanks bro. I've heard so many good things about the banana but haven't tried any yet. Hoping good things come from her. She's looking pretty good though so far. To be honest, I really am super stoked for this go round. Rez's chem crosses are looking kill so far. Just started the room going yesterday. I'll get some updates up in the next day or two, lots going on. :headbange

Herbalistic, how's everything? Hoping everything is looking good so far. I've got a friend who started about 50 of each and he said they're looking good. I'm going to see if I can't get some pics so we can have a little comparison. Wishing you the best. :rasta:
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krome- thanks alot for the info. Yea, i figure i'll use the Flora nova as my main bloom nutrient, like 5-7ml per gallon or as directed on the bottle and then i will add a little of the PK 13/14 for 1 or 2 waterings, i'll use the molasses when i'm not feeding the PK. I'm gonna flower them for 50-55 days and then flush for 10, what trich color percentage did you find smoked the best, or your personal favorite? Sorry for all the questions, but you are the master of blockhead lol.


GangstaLean, best of luck with the grow man. I don't think you can go wrong with the blockhead/floranova combo. Keep me posted.

SweetIndica2, that sounds about right. I would probably go a little lighter at first and then bump up to the bottle recommeded dosage. Let me know how what you think of the floranova. I like it best right around the 65 day mark. When it's picked earlier I find myself smoking and taking the dog for a nice walk or something like that. When it's toward the 70 day mark it can get a little heavy in the head. Very much of a mind worker. Then you just fade off and lose track of your day. Why don't you harvest a plant at different intervals. Leave a little branch til 70 days just so you can see the differences and go with what you like next time? I like trich % at least 50% amber. But that's just me. I'm humbled, really. Wishing you a fat harvest in the near future. Keep me posted for sure.

I'll be back later with some pics of some of the deep chunk crosses. Looking killer!

krome :rasta:
Thanks for your info. I'm going to start off slow on the nutes, considering my blockheads have been a little finicky with nutes. Will cutting off branches at seperate times hurt the plants bud production or trich production? I've trimmed off small buds for testing, but never branches. Just a thought. I usually like 20-30% amber triches, with the rest cloudy, depends on the strain though. Is the high more couchlocky or is it more sativa leaning? I do like indicas, but if they are too couchlocky i get too tired and can't get things done. Although, at the same time i don't like very heady and racy sativas, a mixed high that isn't too couchlocky or racy is perfect for me. I think 60-65 days should be perfect.

I am going to use my microscope to harvest at around 20-30% amber most likely. So far a good amount of the triches are fairly milky, about 35% are clear and the rest are cloudy. I'm hoping for a fat harvest, she is already the most vigorous plant i've grown as far as bud production, i hope she just keeps going and gets even frostier lol. Thanks for the nice words, and good luck in your future grows...although you won't need it lol.



Trimming buds is really what I meant to say, although I have trimmed whole branches off with no adverse reaction to the rest of the plants bud or trich production. There's a chance that it might do a little harm to the plant, but you're in the very end stages by this point. I've harvested all of the lower branches at an earlier time while leaving the main cola to just get completely done. You'll see, the density and frost will literally start pumping out after day 60.

As far as the trichs, that all depends on personal preference. When I run my plants, I tend to have a decent number of them. This enables me to experience the whole spectrum of highs. However, if you ask me which harvest time I like the best, I would definitely say the 67 day mark is just perfect. A little over and it can be too couchy feeling. Too early and it really can have a little racy/paranoid feel to it. Anywhere from 63-67 days is really ideal for the particular cut I run. Though, waiting to 70 days really adds the weight, plus it's always good to have some nighttime medicine around. I personally smoke the early blockhead when I start my day. Get's me thinking about the day's activities and what not. I tend to save the longer harvested blockhead for night time. Really, once I run out of triangle is when I get really serious about the blockhead. I play in a soccer league on sunday's and blockhead is what I smoke before games. It just does something to my mind state that I just don't get with others. Kind of hard to explain, but it really seems to help to stir up creativity when you can focus it on the task at hand. If not, you're just stoned to the bone. Either way you can't go wrong. From the looks of it, you definitely have a nice harvest not too far off. You're going to be surprised at how fat those buds really get. They just seem to keep on pumping up as each day goes on. You should be stoked before you know it.

Well, I put up a thread in the test grows section of these plants, and figured it was time to debut them in the blockhead and friends thread. These are all crosses using a deep chunk male - Chem #2, Chem #4, Sour Diesel, Bubba Kush. I was gifted these from a reliable source so I'm positive they're from the real chemdawg family. I'm just honored to have the opportunity to work with these killer genetics.

Sour Diesel x Deep Chunk

Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk



Sorry for so many pics. That's what happens when I get backed up a little bit. Well, I just wanted to do a little update of something a friend of mine has going on at the moment. During my last grow, I tried a few new strains. I ended up with a really nice looking male from sugenite's NL/Leopard Kush x Pure Kush. Just for shits and giggles I dusted 1 blockhead and 1 triangle. I ended up with enough seeds to mess around with to see what happens. I gave a friend 50 of each to test out and see what comes of this cross. I have really high hopes because the triangle is the best thing I've come across, and the blockhead is just such a performer. I'm hoping to find something special here, but only time will tell.

Red and clear cups- triangle X
Blue cups - blockhead X



Hey your plants look bad. I got some BH too at around 8 weeks now. I don't know if anyone asked this yet but was the purps you were running from THseeds or clone? Also whats yours temps in there with the lights on/off?
Yea, I noticed the smaller/lower buds are getting more mature faster, they already have about 90% cloudy triches. I'm going to harvest the smaller/lower buds a little earlier, i'm gonna let her plump up nice like you suggested, so probably around 65 days or so. I have another blockhead, that i didn't take pictures of, but she doesn't seem to be doing as good. Well, she's growing fine...but she is alot slower in bud production and trich production. Her stature and formation are perfect, she has 6 main colas...all are even and she is perfect in height and nice and bushy.

She looks alot more sativa dominated though, do you think this is why she is slower in growth? The leaves are very skinny compared to the other blockhead, and her buds are definately airer and more pointy shaped rather than dense thick colas. Some of the buds on her are getting pretty frosty though, but some branches not so much. Have you had any experience with other phenos, like some that didn't grow as fast? I'm hoping she turns out to be a beauty, but she looks like she will go atleast 75-80 days, maybe more.

Again, sorry for all the questions lol. If i'm clogging up your thread, just let me know.


ShortStackz, the purps I'm running is from BCBD. Got the seeds some time around the beginning of the year. This is the pheno I kept out of only 5 beans that I started. The last run with her, she was in the warmest place in the room. Daytime temps were right at 80 while nightime was 67. It's definitely not the cold that's bringing out the colors you see. By day 14 she'll start putting out purple. Once the new plants start to progress a little more I'll put up some pics for you. They've just been flipped to flower on Saturday so it won't be long. Give me another week or so and I'll get em up.

SweetIndica2, to be honest with you I was gifted this blockhead years ago. I do know that my friend who I got it from had picked this one out of only 5 beans. Not sure what the other phenos were like, but he definitely picked a winner. There's another guy around IC that's done a lot of work with blockhead. Steele Savage is his name and he's been working the blockhead for a while, developing his own line out of it- blue sonja. I remember seeing in his thread that there was a very sativa looking pheno that he had run across. I think if you look in the strains and hybrids forums there's a thread titled blockhead f2's in which you can find a good bit of info about SS blockhead. He's doing great work. I don't think you can go wrong with either of them. I'm pretty curious to know how the more sativa leaning pheno turns out. Get some pics up if you get a chance. And don't be silly about clogging up this thread. If you're the only person who gets any kind of benefit from this thread then it's done it's job. Like I said before, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Take it easy.


MAN! you got your room going fulllllon now man...look at all those babies!
those deep chunk crosses look especially awesome. Thank you for affording us the opportunity to follow along.


Active member
Awesome selection Krome. You can see the DC dominance quite clearly in the first set of pics.

Your babies sound really nice as well, look forward to seeing your results!


damn krome, you are the current seed champion!! holy moly that is a lot of projects and work! I am very excited to see what jeweled rubies you discover from all of those... definatly something worthy from those parents! How long do you veg the Blockhead total? Preveg, plus veg? I am thinking she is slow like GDP by the looks of the mother I have.. I may need to touch her with some VHO cuz she is a slug ;P

sweetIndica said,
I was using up to 20ml or so of PBP per gallon of water, i have been told 5 to 7ml of flora nova is the max you need to use per gallon of water.

PBP also requires calmag to keep it balanced. So, a Gallon of FNb is about $60. and a Gallon of PBP is about 40, with $15 for calmag is about $60 also, so same price and you do end up using more PBP.. it's true. But I am really stoked with the quality of the buds with PBP so far.. esp with coco. I do like that there are organics mixed in with it for full flava flav! FNb is showing me the light aswell, both of these 1 part nutrients are pimp daddy when compared to the 3 parts and other complicated programs.


wordtree, just glad to be able to have something to show. Thanks for coming by. Hope it turns out to be a good show.

Stretchpup, the same can be said for you my friend. A great selection is always nice to have. The DC is clearly expressing itself in these crosses. Definitely stoked to see how they turn out.

Neptune, you're too funny. It is a lot of work, but it's fun and keeping me focused. No time for slacking right about now. Yeah, I've got a feeling there'll be something that'll be worth keeping around. You know I got you. About the blockhead. Yeah, she takes her time. It all really depends on the health of my clones atm. Sometimes the transition is super smooth, others not so. When not so a 3 week veg min. is necessary. Really healthy clones veg for about 2.5 max and will give you 2 oz plants for sure. I think this last go round I vegged for about 3.5 weeks because my clones weren't the best going into it and I'm glad I did. :rasta: And I've never done the PBP but have heard a lot of good and not so much bad. One thing is that once I used the floranova it really seemed to work for me and I would definitely recommend it to anyone.


Herbal relaxation...
Hola :wave:

I was just about to ask how long you Blockhead should be vegged if growing singlecola typoe of plant? Remember, I started mine at least three weeks ago? They have just now started to grow. I did plant them into 1.5 L pot, so maybe they have done good roots.. I just managed to get two beans up, but it´s the problem with summer heat & coco..

Here´s something I just had to try, even one :redface:

Motarebels Purple Kush:

I am going to take clone from this one and do the last ones in the nextrun, I am also going to start more of thoseBlockhead x ([NL x Leopard Kush] x Pure Kush) & Triangle x ([NL x Leopard Kush] x Pure Kush). I really do think that almost every plant of those is going to have at least good potency, but well see was I right..

And btw, I received couple female Purp´s clone´s from a friend. so im going to get some Purp´s samples :D After seeing pics of yours I really anticipate them to root, so I can plant them..