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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Take A Deep Breath
The GP24 will come down for Xmas, ready or not.....

Edit to add.

This beauty will be allowed to go full term. Spoetnik x DC. We are go for snow.




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Take A Deep Breath
Getting some autumn colours on the big fans on the Spoetnik x DC. I think this pheno leans more towards the Spoetnik mother, in which case she should really start packing on the weight any day now (not to mention the trichomes). We shall see. Plant doesn't have much smell at all yet...bit of solventy funk with a hint of something fruity.



The Power Black was getting too close to the lamp, and had a bit of burn on the main cola, so I moved things around. The (shorter) GP25 is now next to the S/DC...


...while the Power Black (L) is next to the BJ # 1 (R). There's actually the smaller PB between the two, but it's dwarfed by them.


Changed my main nute. Ran out of the FITO, so am now using Phostrogen All-Purpose. 14-10-27 plus Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, S, and B.


Looks like the spoetnikXdc is starting to do her thing now. Do you ever train your girls, or you just leave them as nature intended?


Take A Deep Breath
I've dabbled a bit, but nothing serious or regular. I normally just let them do their thing. As I increase veg times, I'll probably do some topping to see how strains perform topped vs untopped.

Took a couple snaps of the S/DC. Day 40 today.




A while back, I chopped the Cali-O x Mexican Sativa F1 I was making F2's with. I put it into reveg, and although it didn't get as long as I'd like (due to overcrowding), It's back in the tent for round #2. Has a strong orange funk. Day 9.



Yeah, see there's another thing I've never done before is get more than one crop off a plant. I've heard people say that the bud gets stronger as the plant matures. What d'ya reckon to that?
I ended up following in your footsteps and have 2 confirmed males out of 3. Still waiting for 1 to show, which I'm hoping suggests a female, being a bit later to get going. Cross your fingers for me.


Take A Deep Breath
I've heard that too.....never heard the opposite, so I assume it's true. This is only my second try at a reveg, so I can't really speak from experience. It's basically the clone vs from seed argument. Again, not run clones before, so can't speak first-hand. I'm certainly looking forward to quicker flower development, with the plant being sexually mature, and with a nice root system already in place.

I went by the book, and did the whole trim-rootball, downpot, reveg, up-pot again thing.

This was really just a practise run, reassure myself I know what I'm doing. If it doesn't pan out, no big deal, I'll just know I need to give reveggers more veg time.

Fingers crossed for a girl for you. The longer the wait, the more likely it's a female. Always got a plant or two just at that 6 - 7 node stage where I'm checking with the loupe a couple of times a day.


I've thought about it a bit, and have started to germ 2 more seeds. Got hold of a couple of fem seeds. 1 black diesel from advanced, and one dutch passion blueberry.
I'll have to wait for this one to show sex (surely a day or two, its been over a week), then go back to veg. I know it'll be stressful for it, but better that than flower 1 plant which will leave 2/3rds of the space unused.


Take A Deep Breath
That DP blueberry can do good things - VG's cut for example. I've got a DP Blueberry x DC in veg at the moment....

Black Diesel is new on me.....SD x Black Domina? SD x Blackberry?

Sounds stinky though....and the BB can be well pongy....got carbon?


Couldn't find out about black diesel other than that its NYCD (not SD) crossed with dunno what. Could be ok. Yeah I had a lovely BB cut when I grew previously. More indica dom than VG's though. Whatever they do, it'll be better than an empty space!
No carbon yet. Will maybe have to address that situation further down the line! Really need to sort my whole shit out from the ground up... Need to get some cash together first though, so will be in the new year.
The wife has bought me some chemdXsourdiesel for crimbo.:dance013: Will run them in the spring when I've built a propper growbox or 2.


Take A Deep Breath
I'll probably chop the Spoetnik/DC in the next couple of days....which will be a bit early, but I need the smoke. Lower test buds have been very promising - mucho calming for frayed Christmas nerves.


That main cola is about the size of a large coffee mug. Very dense to the touch.

Smell has a burnt fruit tone to it...like sherry maybe with an earthy component....difficult to place, but very pleasant.


Take A Deep Breath
Yes....it's all a game of catch-up in re having something to smoke, and I'm gradually getting there.....

Still need to work a couple of kinks out with the tent....airflow around the tent. Had a couple of plants burn tops cos they got too near the light....6 to 8 ins. Guess I have dead air spots.

Plus I have a few pests......and maybe a plant with TMV.....but in the grander scheme of things, it's ever upwards and onwards.

Watering/feeding schedules are where I tend to fuck up. Lots of plants at different stages, and me being a lazy stoner. Things tend to get underfed and overwatered a bit.

But infinitely better than the last setup.


Take A Deep Breath
So....having burnt a couple of tops.....the end of the tent furthest away from the light resembles a jungle, with the space nearer the light having all small plants.

GP25....day 41......you can see the burnt top......otherwise this one is browning pistils and putting on weight.



The BJ #1, dusted with White Widow pollen. Day 42.



The Power Black....Day 46.....just starting to think about the concept of fattening up.





Take A Deep Breath
Stylah - thanks, man.

I've been surprised at how many plants have been getting to troublesome heights, even with the minimal veg I give them. I'm going to have to think about either trying to hang the light a bit higher (it's on those roller things, at the shortest setting), or getting organised with topping and/or training to get as many tops as possible at the sweet-spot height.

The Spoetnik x DC is drying out to rock-hard nugs.....densest I've ever grown. Heavy-duty indica smoke. Nice stuff.


Hiya B,
Looking stinky in there(!), give it 3 weeks and you'll be spoilt for choice. The BJ1 looks like its gonna fatten up nicely, loads of pistils.
As for the burning tips, topping/LST sounds like the answer, like you say. If you're a hands-on kind of bloke then I'm sure it'll bring more enjoyment from your garden. Have you got the time to spend 30mins/day faffing around with your plants? I really enjoy the time spent tying 'em down and bending 'em round.
Peace mate.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looking good blimey, the spoetnicxDC was a handsome plant by anybody's standards....

as for topping, i would say that for anything (especially more than 20-40% sativa) you will get a better yield and the stretch will be more diluted. try topping down to 4-5 nodes with a seed plant, making sure there is a mature leaf on the top node that you leave. it may slow sexing a tiny bit so better to do it early, but not too early.



Take A Deep Breath
Dao - less stink now the Spoetnik x DC is gone.....but got plenty of plants coming through that I suspect will ponk.

Firefox - thanks man. Stop by anytime.

VG - I'm well chuffed with how the S/DC has gone. Rock hard buds. Never thought I could get buds that dense off a 400. Lovely smell of burning....something...Cloves? In that ballpark. Really heavy thick buzz, like a head full of molasses. Not like the Spoetnik buzz at all. Not smoked DC, so can't compare, but the buzz reminds me of Sensi Star more than anything else.
Not very good weed for lively socialising with relatives at Christmas. More the sort of weed for listening to "Wish You Were Here" while collapsed in a beanbag.

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