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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Hiya Blimey.
Things chugging along for you, I see.
Do you ever take clones? I don't remember seeing any clones in your tent....never found a girl you wanna settle down with, even for a bit?
Gonna flip my shit into 12/12 in the next week and wait to see if the gods are smiling on me for girls.


Take A Deep Breath
Things are going fine....temps holding up in the tent, and most plants growing very well.

I'm not really set up for clones/mothers at the moment....with limited veg space.

I'll attempt some revegging as time goes on, maybe dabble a bit with cuts of those, but, although I've grown some nice smoke, I've yet to produce some "Oh My Fucking God, that is the best weed I ever smoked" herb....although I've certainly smoked a very few buds like that over the long years....if I should happen to stumble across such a girl, I'll certainly be making clones.

But you never know.....every time you pop a seed, it might be something special.....

Good luck with the flip.....


Well-known member
Curried goat, rice and peas for me today but I am partial to the full Sunday roast.

Those foxtail buds look sweet Blimey.


Yeah, I like the unknown quantity that is the seed, and also like the idea of making some hybrids. Have always instictively murdered the males on first sight of knackers!
On the other hand, I think running a couple of bansai mums and a few clones in veg will take up less space with less hassle than vegging and then having to deal with a bunch of males.
Having only recently relocated myself and getting back into growing, I'm a bit unsure of which direction to head. For sure to start with I'm gonna have to pop a lot of seeds in the quest for a keeper or 2, but I hope it won't take too long to find something worth sticking with for a bit.
Definately gonna get some DP blueberry seeds next, as I used to have a beautiful mum of that before an unfortunate run-in with the man. Was years ago now. When was it that cannabis was grade c over here? Was during those years, luckily.
Anyway, looking good mate. Keep them ladies coming.


Take A Deep Breath
One of those cheap but nasty turkey round things (no bones, no structure, like turkey spam for roasting) with roasties, yorkshires and cabbage here....I do like a good curried goat...but certain aged family members won't eat anything "foreign". :moon:

Ok....more pix.

The top of that BJ #2. Too soon after her accidental topping to say how she's reacting. Notice the candelabra buds....minus the "sprouts". All the nodal buds are like that.



The Spoetnik x DC (top) and Power Black (bottom). PB refusing to show sex, whereas the S/DC dropped her panties with indecent haste. But barely a pistil to be seen on the S/DC...like she wanted to grow more after sexing before starting the show...most plants I flower from tiny start flowering straight after the preflowers show.

You can also see I need to find somewhere to put/hang my little circulation fan...I need that primo floorspace.


The Cali-o x MS is putting on mass.....but well seeded, so it's deceptive....you can see where I've been naughty and picked off the bottom. :spank:


Thanks everyone for taking the time to stop by....I appreciate it :D


Take A Deep Breath
Spoetnik x DC.....day 22



The Power Black is not to be outdone, stretching a bit more than the S/DC, as you would expect. Day 20. It's a girl, btw. Had quite a few girls show sex the last few days :jump:


GP24 ((Northern Lights x California Orange) x Mexican Sativa) x Power Black. Just getting on getting on. Day 31.



Looking good in there mate. Nice to see the tent full of female flowers. That GP24xPB is kickin out pistils. Happy days.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
a few girls showing themselves? great stuff.

so whats the flowering line-up now blimey???

im interested in how the spoetnic DC come out. and the rest lol


Take A Deep Breath
@Daoboxer - the Power Black was the father of the GP24, not crossed with it.

GP24 = GP12 x Power Black
GP12 = (Northern Lights x California Orange) x Mexican Sativa

GP24 as of today. A bit underfed, scavenging a lot of the lower fans at day 35. Frostier already than the photo would have you think.


@VerdantGreen - yes, more girls, still behind the curve, but getting there. Still finding my way. Want to start recycling my soil. Thinking of starting a small worm bin or two, as can't find a local source for EWC.

Spoetnik x DC....starting to get into serious bud formation. Enormous fans, biggest I've ever had by quite a way.


What's in the flowering tent?

BJ #2 (seeded w/ LTxDC and CheesexDC) : Day 42
GP24 : Day 35
Power Black (ultra-dark) : Day 29
Power Black (big) : Day 24
Spoetnik #1 x DC : Day 26
BJ #1 (seeded w/ White Widow) : Day 20
GP25 (GP12 x Blue Mystic) : Day 19

All the above are female.
Also have a Blue Mystic male (thinking of doing a male bx with the GP25 girl), and a Super Silver Haze male (thinking of dusting one of the Power Blacks)

Unsexed, but in the tent: 2 x (Afghani x NL), NL x Deep Chunk, NL x California Orange.

Got the Cali-O x Mexican Sativa in reveg at the moment....slow going, the cold has slowed everything in the veg cab to a crawl.

BJ #1...another bagseed, may or may not be the same as BJ #2....I got them a week apart from the same guy, but not sure if they are from the same batch of weed.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
cool, another month or so and you should have a nice rake o' buds to smoke on.


Onwards and upwards, gonna be a frosty crimbo then! Bummer about the SSH, though. Still, if you can use the pollen its not a lost cause.
Are you keeping the GP24 hungry on purpose?
The low temps are playing havoc my end, too. I found an old electric heater in the shed at the weekend, so I've upgraded from ghetto to plain naff. Let's see if it helps. Still no sign of sex at mine, but maybe things will speed up a bit now they're not trying to grow in a LED-lit fridge.


Take A Deep Breath
mellow - always nice to see you.

DB - No worries on the SSH, that was just the first out of a pack, another 15-odd to go.

Re the GP24.....not underfed on purpose, more just my first run with her, and being overcautious with the feed. Next run, I'll be a bit more agressive with the nutes.

Plus, you know, my feeding regime is a bit ghetto.....no "x ml of this, plus y ml of that in z litres of RO water, every n days". Every now and again, I mix some nutes up, very approximately, sometimes I add molasses, sometimes I use pondwater. Sometimes, I'll even remember to check the pH and find something acidic to add in it, if needed. (My tapwater tends to be quite chalky, pH 7.7 or so, so I don't usually need to mess with it too much).

My camera doesn't like taking pics of the lower buds on the GP24....best I could do, but you can see the leaf senesence.

Lower seeded buds on the BJ #2. Seeds will be ready in a week or so, and I will probably take the plant down ready for Xmas smoke. Already had a few testers, and very promising.



Looks like spider mite bites on the little bud leaves....a couple of plants have this, nothing serious at the moment.

Spoetnik x DC.....trying to get a couple of better shots. Think this plant will finish relatively quickly.



Finally......NL x DC.....time for an up-pot. The seedling to the right (NL x CO) was just getting hammered by the cold in the veg cab, so I stuck it in the tent before it pegged out entirely.


Just saw Prof Nutt on breakfast TV. :) Our man on TV. The Govt is announcing the "new" drugs policy today. Same old, same old......
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Take A Deep Breath
GP24. Forming a nice budsicle. Plenty of frost.



Spoetnik #1 x Deep Chunk. Seems to have stopped stretching now. Not that there was much.

The Power Black is a stretchy thing. Let's see where she ends up.

Northern Lights x Deep Chunk. Now in one of the big pots. Always seems a bit droopy.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looking nice blimey. im thinking of trying some powerblack F2's and trying to back-cross a short powerplant dom f2 boy back to the powerplant cut i have, as well as trying to pick shorter ones for continuing the line.

NLxDC looks good. i think Oldbootz got a herm from that batch, hope yours is stable. the DC does have intersex traits that pop up from time to time apparently.


Take A Deep Breath
I just had a Blue Mystic male go hermi. I never seem to get females that grow balls/nanners, always males that throw pistils.

Loving the big growth I'm getting in the 6.5L and 10L pots. A couple of plants are going to be real monsters, I think.


I was having a conversation with someone the other day who swore blind that (some) breeders select males that show hermi traits, for breeding. I think the logic was that you increase the number of female seeds... sounds like screwy logic to me. Ever heard of this?
Personally, I would've thought that eradicating all hermies would be much more beneficial.
I don't know the bloke very well, mind you, so he could've been pulling me pisser!


who swore blind that (some) breeders select males that show hermi traits, for breeding
maybe he was talking about forcing males to reverse and flowering them out to help selection-i think i read SkunkmanSam on that recently

you've got an interesting op there Blimey

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Take A Deep Breath
Afternoon, gents :tiphat:

I'm not convinced that using the male/hermi- plants for breeding is a wise decision, although my limited experience makes me think that a dodgy dad gives more female offspring.

I culled the Blue Mystic in question, but went ahead with dusting the small Power Black with some SSH pollen.

BJ #1 is getting big in the big pot. Day 25. Just over 2 feet, still a bit of stretch to go, I think. Branchy.



More snow coming. Bollocks.


Hey Eddie,
How would that work, exactly? As in to smoke the forced female flowers from a male to determine high/flavour that may be imparted to the offspring? Thats a very interesting idea! Did you read that on ICmag?
Sorry to hijack your thread Blimey, as a newbie I'm PM-incapable!