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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Well-known member
Alrite Blimey....Good to see you up and running in your tent.

Worth taking a few clones mate, guaranteed females in reserve.

How you doing with the temps under that HPS? I'll be joining you with HPS soon enough, ordered a 250 today.


Take A Deep Breath
Hope your GH smoke is treating you well RD....Cannabiogen NL iirc?

Re: clones......the "plan" was to attempt reveg on any particularly impressive girls, and then use those as mothers....so we are a way off that. The veg cab is perpetually full at the moment, but I was intending to use that for any revegging mothers in the future.....the old cat box is just too small for that sort of thing.

I remain optimistic that the genetic dice will roll the other way any day now and I'll get a nice long streak of girlies.

Temps are great at the moment! I just checked.....72F after about 45mins of lights on and it's bloody cold outside.....last week with those warm days it was up in the high 80s in there. So I'm not worried at all for cold spells.

Good news on the 250! Ever onwards and upwards!

Certainly no regrets here on upgrading my setup......I've noticed that the deals I've been getting recently off Mr DealerMan have been getting smaller and smaller, although the quality seems to have improved over the last year or so. Haven't seen any Viet Wet for a long time now.


Take A Deep Breath
Darko G - Thanks, man :)

Just splashed out and got some bits and pieces.....a pH pen, some regen-a-root (having seen what cheesey's roots look like!), and 50 litres of coco.....which weighs a lot more than I expected....but should tide me over for a while.

Edit to add: Another girl showed today.....that's more like it!


Well-known member
Hope your GH smoke is treating you well RD....Cannabiogen NL iirc?quote]

LOL Blimey.....I was lead to believe they were NL, also Early Queen was mentioned. They weren't NL and there was nowt early about them. Just sampled one chopped on haloween, took some typing this post...


Take A Deep Breath
I always find the length of time it takes to write a post is a good barometer of how fine a sample of weed is.....I think I took about 2 hours to write a post when sampling my finished Free Tibet lol.

Lemon Thai x Deep Chunk.....male...boo hiss.


Blueberry x Deep Chunk.....not 100% sure, but looking more male than female at the moment. Boo hiss.


Accidentally bought a load of 10 litre pots instead of 6.5 litre last time I was down the garden centre....good job I bought 50 litres of coco.

This is a Black Cheese just put into 75% coco/25% John Innes #2, the perlite is from the mix I had in the BC's seedling pot.......hopefully this will grow well....and female (fingers crossed). My first time with coco in the mix, so into unknown territory now.


Everything getting regen-a-root in the water now....we shall see what difference it makes.

Tent is getting fuller with these big pots......another few weeks and we may be nearly there :)


Fine show Blimey, great to see Black Cheese back on the menu. It's always positive pushing the boundaries too brother, how do you plan to feed the new coco mixes?


Take A Deep Breath
At the moment, I'm just going to pretty much keep on my usual feeding "schedule" (in quotes as it's not really that organised).

A feed is about 1/2 strength of ye olde FITO Citrus feed (5-7-7 + micros), plus 1ml/litre of regen-a-root about once a week. Once we get later into flowering, I'll lower the FITO and add a bit of PK 13/14 and molasses into the mix. Currently, plants don't get fed until pre-flowers show. I imagine the pondwater (see below) waterings add quite a few nutrients into the soil....don't know if anyone knows what sort of nutrient profile pondwater has? The plants seem to like it (once they are past the seedling stage).

For general watering, I tend to cycle randomly between tapwater, rainwater and pondwater, plus regen-a-root.....pH'ed down to between 6 and 7 with a bit of lemon juice. I'll keep mixing the coco with regular compost for a while yet, until I get used to how it plays out. Eventually, I'll probably move to 100% coco.....but "baby steps" for now.

The funk is starting to get going now. Not sure what is generating all the smell...but I noticed the Black Cheese was very stinky for such a small plant as I was repotting it. The tent got a longer night than usual last night, and there was definitely a certain something in the air this morning......time to start running the extractor 24/7 methinks.

That Black Cheese is the last of them.....let's hope for a lady.


Well-known member
Got a mate who's singing the praises of coco, he gets some good bud. I was thinking of trying some in me soil for a couple of plants.

Can't beat the smell of funk in the air first thing in the morning, fresh coffee thown into the mix....Heavenly.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey blimey the black cheese looks a picture of health! the seeds are getting low this end too, but i recently sent some to S. Africa where a friend really liked the cross and wanted to do some more work on it. personally im not sure if making a line out of it would be worth it as it started with a single male/female cross and maybe doesnt carry enough genetic diversity. perhaps i should bx it to the cheese??

pondwater sounds good. im pretty sure i read a post from Mr.Greengenes where he said that he'd run a DWC from seed to harvest with nothing but pondwater - pretty cool.

coco in the soil mix - watch out for lower levels of P as it tends to lock that up a little. conversley it tends to make N go further...

lastly, the males. here are some ways of supposedly getting more females from your seeds
deeper seedling pot - 4" of soil or more
higher humidity
Higher N, lower K
temps below 75C

you're a paper towel germ guy arent you??? its important that the taproot gets to go down undisturbed because if it senses that it's in shallow soil it makes it more likely to come out male. not sure how you can do this as ive never pre-germed but when you plant germed seeds do you make sure the root is pointing down and undisturbed??




Take A Deep Breath
RD - Totally agree re coffee and funk. I'd just crawled back into bed with my 6am cuppa joe and breathed in the lingering funk. A spliff would have been better, but time will sort out that problem lol

VG - I saw those pix by oldbootz.....Oh to have those sort of lumens at work, eh? I seem to recall him crossing BC with White Rhino or similar? Maybe a bit too poly for predictable results. But with your bean and mother collection....deciding what next to run and/or cross must be an agonising process.

I considered bxing the BC to the BF.....as I had a BC male recently....but I went for using a (Afghani x NL) pollen on the BF, as I thought the combo might be more interesting, and as you say, starting from 1 male and 1 female is a "I wouldn't start from here if I was you" scenario for an IBL.

Bx'ing the BC to the cheese again sounds like a good idea....as recessive traits from the cheese are more likely to be expressed imo.....but I'm no geneticist ;) I do think people get too hung up on X and Y.....the sex chromosone is only one of 10? Certainly the discussions get very "lively" up in those threads in S&H/the Breeders Lab.

While we are on the subject.....one thread that has me glued to every update is THE_PABLOS' "A World On A String" up in the Test Varieties forum. He tends to take an approach where he blends strains by outcrossing and recombining. I was thinking of maybe crossing the (Cheese x Black Forrest) with the (Cheese x Deep Chunk).....or similar, but that "one shared parent" approach.

I suspect that the root temps for the small pots in the tent may get a bit warm....especially the black pots.....I've been up-potting things earlier and earlier in an attempt to alleviate this, and this problem should go away as I gradually increase the veg time I'm giving plants before they enter the tent. A bigger veg cab would help (so I can up-pot while still in veg)...but I have to work with what I have.

Pondwater is definitely too hot for seedlings. Burnt more than one with it. Once they hit veg, they seem to love it, though. My pond is chock-full of various fishes, frogs, toads, newts etc etc. A veritable guano-fest lies in that green sludge. Plus microbes a-plenty, of course.

I think my NPK ratios should be ok for a coco heavy mix.....as I've been a little worried that I have too much P and not enough N with my 5-7-7 feed. Was thinking of moving over to good old Baby-Bio, which is more N and less P.....but let's see how we progress.

In re the paper towel germing.....as soon as I see the whites of their tails (even if the tail isn't out yet), the seed goes in the pot, tail down (usually), the ones in the square 1.4 Litre pots probably get 4" of depth, although the ones in the smaller round 1 Litre pots don't....but at what moment the plant decides to choose it's gender....is (I guess) usually a while after I've up-potted. That part of my process hasn't changed in 2 years now...and I've had 15 girls in a row before.....so I think it's in the tent that any issues start in the sex dept.

Whew! I need a smoke after all that typing.....must be a male I can chop somewhere....or take a snippet off the bottom of something *cough cough*


Take A Deep Breath
The (Cheese x Deep Chunk) male, having just sown his wild oats, and about to be led to the executioner's block. Day 29 of 12/12. This guy was in no rush to open his flowers. Just wanted to make lots and lots of new ones. Apologies for the slightly fuzzy pic.


The (Lemon Thai x Deep Chunk) male is 9 days younger, but should drop his pollen in the next day or so. Not as DC-dominant, certainly nowhere near as dark as the (Cheese x DC). Day 19 of 12/12 for him.


Both boys are doing lower-branch pollination of this girl.....a BJ #2 (bagseed).....lots of vigour, a bit lanky, good branching for minimal veg, now the tallest thing in the tent, stinky.



Take A Deep Breath
Most things are growing very well.....I think the regen-a-root is having a positive effect....and everything in a coco mix seems to be going gangbusters.

The weed the BJ #2 was from (I got a male previously....in a pic earlier in the thread) was lots of very small, rock-hard dark green buds. High was a nice mix of body and head.....one of those weeds where you are glued to the couch, but your thoughts are racing along.....the smoke smelt like diesel fumes....just like walking behind a bus, not overpowering, but quite pleasant.

This girl grew very tall very fast - I thought it was a male until I saw preflowers....and at day 22 of 12/12 today (36 days from seed), she's already taller than everything else in the cab, and buds are developing very quickly. Internode length has reduced dramatically.

The cross with the Cheese/DC will be called "Brigitte Nielsen" ;)


Hiya Blimey. I'm subscribed. I'm a fellow ghetto stylist at the moment, although I see you've moved up in the world! New tent looking good.
I'm rocking a hastily thrown-together 'tent' of mylar in the loft. Will build a cab eventually, although decent genetics are a priorty.
I just finished a cure with a cross of Cherry slider(Female) & Deep Chunk(Male) myself. The odor is quite an intense grapefruit & turpentine mix.


Take A Deep Breath
Hey there, daoboxer...thanks for dropping in.

Nothing wrong with just throwing something together. As long as you met the ladies' needs, they'll treat you well enough.

My only problem with the CFL....was that I just couldn't grow enough quantity under it to stop me seeing Mr DealerMan. Quality was fine - those big CFLs seem to have a good light spectrum.

Genetics are key, though......having said that, I don't think any weed I've grown myself has been worse than most of what I've bought over the years.

Captain Ginyu - Thanks for stopping by. I do love making seeds and growing them out. Just been sampling an early lower bud off a California Orange x Mexican Sativa I'm just making the F2s with......pleasantly surprised.....so far all my Deep Chunk X's have turned out male.....but plenty left to play with....and a new set of hybrids in the bud.

Had to move things about as the BJ #2 is just about to touch the reflector. This thing is growing like a flash.

Ok....got off my backside and took some snaps....

Here's the BJ #2, next to the next tallest plants for scale....this plant is day 38 from seed.


This is the Cali-O x Mexican Sat I mentioned. I love it when plants do the "hands up" thing. I can use the leaf angle like a clock with this girl as to when I should water.


Finally....here's the black cheese I showed on the last page, 1 week later. Growing well, no sign of sex yet.....so I'm hoping it's a girl.



Well-known member
That Cali-O x Mex is loving it in your tent mate. Those thin leaves look sharpe man, like they are protecting the young flowers.

I got a couple of Trainwrecks doing the 'hands up thing'.
The cross I mentioned earlier is called Detroit Lean. I guess because the father came from Detroit, and if you smoke it, you will be leaning, hence the name. Three of the five females I had were truly stellar, (wish I took a pic). A Deep Chunk trait: You will see so many trichomes covering the top leaves, they will curl over. I even left some of these leaves alone on the final trim.