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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Take A Deep Breath
Every time I say "Temps are getting better" in this thread, snowclouds form, and the mercury plummets, so no more weather discussion.....

Spoetnik #1:


Cali-O x Mexican Sativa:


And....*drumroll*.... presenting Black Forrest F2 and Power Black (Power Plant x Black Forrest F1), courtesy of VerdantGreen (who has a brilliant future).

They seem a little camera shy....I keep telling them that it would be a good idea to lift their heads up, but I'm sure they'll get the idea soon enough.

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Take A Deep Breath
Thanks, THC_Decap! VerdantGreen grew an absolute monster with the Black Forrest over in his Grow Diary. I'm hoping that by keeping mine in a tiny 1 litre pot, and some merciless training, I can keep mine under 28" or so. Being an F2, I may even get something that is a bit more sativa than the originals, and still be flowering come September lol

I may of course be suffering from a bad case of Walter Mitty syndrome, convinced that I'm some sort of master grower, but whatever happens, it should be entertaining, and the high sounds like something very special indeed.

Coco coir and perlite being non-existant in this locale, I strolled down to the aquarium shop this morning, and picked up a big bag of "tropical forest substrate", more commonly known as orchid bark. Hopefully, this will have similar properties to coco, and I've mixed it 50/50 with ye olde J. Arthur Bower's claggy compost. We shall see.....

Inspired by indifferent's experiments, I also had a look at the UVB reptile bulbs....£22.50 for 13W!!!! Cue (tight-fisted) Blimey fainting dead away and having to be revived by worried shop assistant (j/k)....I can get a 125W CFL for that price!


Take A Deep Breath
So the White Widow boy turned out to be a hermie too. Damn Nirvana genetics....that or something in my setup is causing all my boys to cross over to the dark side.

Wouldn't normally be all that bothered, if not for the fact that I was hoping to stick some fairy dust on what is turning out to be a most frosty girl (the Spoetnik), and these things are rather time-sensitive :


The Power Black (L) and Black Forrest f2 (R) are coming along. Very stretchy at this early stage, the most so I've yet had in the veg cab:


And finally.....The Stump reveg seems to be successful. No sign of any new flowering growth at all. Guess I do have the occasional spot of luck :)


Stay warm, everyone, and be safe! No hurtling down near-vertical ice slopes on a tea-tray. Good way to get yourself killed, as that Georgian guy discovered.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hey Blimey :)

Stumpy's looking pretty good mate, much better than I thought she would .... especially with it being so cold... must be getting some good good Blimey loving ;)

stay lucky
j :)


Take A Deep Breath
Thanks Jamie!

I'm just hoping that once she (eventually) makes her triumphant return to the flower cab, those leaves will get a bit bigger....she's like a midget ganja plant with the new growth. Makes me think more of rosemary than anything else at the moment.
just had a read through Blimey:yes:

very informative diary mate with good detail....
are you still having problems with temps?
have you thought about using a vivarium heat mat? they come in differing wattages depending on the size of mat,and you could wrap it round the inside since there flexible
i use 1 or 2 in the loft sometimes to warm the roots a bit during early growth



Take A Deep Breath
Hey, TLS! Thanks for taking the time to read through....

Temps are up and down like a tarts drawers at the moment.....I've definitely been thinking about various heat solutions, and sort of decided that some side lighting might pay off as well as "underfloor heating" (got 88 watts per sqft at the mo, but it's CFL light, and I know how you feel about that lol).....but cash has been so scarce recently, that I'm pretty much restricted to what I can scavenge most of the time. I've also been thinking about moving the cab further away from the cold air coming in through the window (it's not like I have a sophisticated exhaust and intake system)....that one or two degree change could make all the difference). But the pre-war wiring here is totally fucked up, and both of the power outlets are in one end of the room.....which complicates things. I'm a total loss when it comes to wiring/anything electrical. We shall see...will certainly take action if we get another serious snowfall.

On the positive side....having never grown in these cold temps before...I was worried that the cold temps would slow growth/cause lockouts while leaving flowering time unchanged....this doesn't really seem to be the case...haven't seen any signs of ripening (pistils or trichomes) that I would have expected given the elapsed time....so the end product may simply be delayed rather than drastically reduced in amount. But we shall see....most things I'm growing are either first time round, or a different pheno from what I've previously run....which makes judging things a bit harder.

The more I grow, the more I can understand why so many peeps do monocrops from clone, even if they aren't commercial.

Just waiting on my last two unsexed plants in flower to show, in the desperate hope to get some pollen to dust on the Spoetnik....


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looking good Blimey! - wow all my seedlings stretch more than that!

the Power Black is the first 'premeditated' cross i made. my thinking that the clear speedy high of the powerplant wouldn't pollute the sativa high of the BF. also the PP is a high yielding and fast flowering sativa IBL so the progeny should be fairly uniform. i just chopped a couple in my cab at 9 weeks - they could perhaps have gone a week longer but the trics were cloudy. this is good news as the one thing i was worried about was the flowering time. smells are coconut/sweet lemon almost pineapple. havent smoked it yet.

what are the genetics of your spoetnic?? - looks nice

i think the small pot idea is a good one for the sats - should keep them small and speed up the flowering.

the F2 - like you said - may throw up some crazy phenos. may be worth cloning them in case you get a killer

ill be watching...



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
oh yes, you could look into using kitty litter - presumably fuller earth? as a perlite substitute. Mr Greengenes - a grower of some experience, mentioned a while back that he prefers it

you might want to check though - i might just have dreamed it up


Take A Deep Breath
My house is perpetually overflowing with kitty litter! 2 geriactric cats with an intense dislike of going outside when it's cold.

I had considered it previously.....for it's anti-odour properties in some sort of fashion....I will have to check Mr G's expert opinion. It certainly has unbelievable water absorption properties.

Thanks! :)

EDIT: Spoetnik #1 is Apollo 13 x Black Russian

A13 = Genius (JH sport?) x Princess 88
BR = Black Domina x White Russian (Ak-47 x White Widow)

Or so I believe.....assuming it's a Paradise S1 of Sputnik 1.0. Paradise themselves don't mention the pedigree at all, and of course, have no presence on icmag.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
A13 sounds insane mate.... or like it should be anyway :D

how about that late equaliser eh?.. shame, but not so bad with the draw I spose..nice gate at least ;)


Take A Deep Breath
From what I've read on the boards, the A13 is better in the crosss than by itself, much the same thing people say about White Widow. Think I'm going to get a shit yield off the Spoetnik this first time round, but I have 2 more in veg at the moment, and they will go into flower a lot bigger than this first one.

A draw wasn't too bad a result....pity we don't have video-replay tech in use....the corner that never should have been!

Let's hope O'Neill plays it safe on the replay, and fields a second-string side, as he has the League Cup Final about 3 days afterwards.

The Winter Olympics are killing my body clock.


Take A Deep Breath
Ok....enough sports talk...back to the weed.

Culled one of the Cali-O x Mexican Sativas tonight. I'd overwatered and overfed her slightly, and as I have another about 3 weeks behind that is performing much better, I decided to be strong and eliminate her at Day 57. I will shed no tears. She will be given a proper Viking funeral, being consumed by the cleansing flames ;)

I've taken a couple of shots comparing the BF f2 and the Power Black with a Spoetnik #1 that is one day older than them.

Black Forrest on the left:

Power Black on the right:

Bit early to draw any conclusions yet, but I guess the Spoetnik prefers the low light conditions in my veg cab, or it's possible the BF pair are getting busier with root development at this early stage.

The Spoetnik..sorry about the crap pic, but the battery on the cam died before I could get a decent shot. She's still growing up rather than out, but I doubt I'll get much off her, especially with the possibility of some pollen being blown many miles on the wind... :chin:

Thank you all for taking the time to have a gander!
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Spoetniks frosting up nicely at least :)

will be very interested to see a power plant cross in action too mate... I plan on making some of my own and havent really seen many things crossed to it (or at least that are admitting to it :) ) I figure it should be a pretty good addition to most genetics though... at least to my unedumacated mind :)


Take A Deep Breath
Hehehehe , thumbs up! Those gals were all over the shop! I love that sh*t. Square eyed already at 4 days in.

Yeah...PP....I'm sure there's a few crosses been done.......but you don't see them on the boo. We need VG to tell us how much the high differs from pure BF....get his expert opinion.

Never tried powerplant, but a quick fat sativa would seem a good thing to cross other sats with?

Perhaps you could start the Shooey Seed Company? Just do a load of 1x1 crosses? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened lol


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I'll get my single x18 male sorted and start the "I can't believe its not Soma seed co"

hehehehehe (that was so bitchy of me, but I couldnt help myself) :D

p.s girls luge was disappointing...


Take A Deep Breath
Yeah.....the luge has been shite honestly. All the events shortened. Bloody figure skating on now. Boo.

I wonder if the every Olympic site reeks of good BC herb?

I was just pondering how much financial activity that one male (completely hypothetically let's say an Afghani-Hawaiian) can produce. Via cloning, hundreds of thousands of seeds, crosses from those seeds....just in the seed sense, let alone the weed grown from those seeds.

Buzz off the Cali-o x MS isn't bad. All in the head. Feel like I have a wet towel on top of my head.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
poxy figure skating indeed... bloody robin cousins in tears last night... me too... of sheer bloody bordem :D

does make you think doesnt it though? add a second male to that first (lets hypothesise its a g13) and then take all the preselected scene clones from 100s of plants grown out for commerical suitability and hit em with it and I'm thinking "BINGO!"

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