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bleech in rez


Homer J Pimpin

I have read that at a very small amount you can use bleech in your res. I run 5 gl dwc buckets and have discovered that the red homer buckets at HD let light through and I was getting algee. I switched over to black buckets and has helped but there is still traces of algee around.So for insurance and as a preventative measure I decided I'd give bleech a shot if it's actually a legitimate option.
Has anyone ever heard this before or am I just a idiot ? and how much is safe ? I read 1 ppm, can anyone help me convert that to a 5 gal dwc buckett.Hope to get some replys and thanks in advance.
mabey bro id say becareful. have you tried h2o2.(hydrogen peroxide) to help also look for other light leaks like the lid to rez. best of luck


Talk to krunchbubble about bleach he swears by it.

I believe his formula is 2ml per 10 gallons. That's for root rot though. You know me though my first impression was that it's root rot. If it's algae it should help as well.

Keep pimpin' homer. Good luck.

Homer J Pimpin

thanks guys.so krunch uses bleech ? know the name ,gotta check out the grows.The thing bout' bleech is it'll sterilize the water and change the ph which could potentially be a problem.but it'll also kill algee, bacteria,and just about everything else.and Temps have not been a issue plus h2o2 did nothing so Im sure it's algee and not rot allthough I had orginally thought that myself.1 plant got so bad in just 48 hrs that I had to remove by hand, all the gunk and dead roots and transplant it into soil.The other is doing fine but I see little traces of slime that looks like snot.thats algee and It's gettin' bleeched...I think


Crotchety Cabaholic
Bleach and H2O2 both work, but bleach will last 3-4 days while H2O2 will last a couple of hours. I've done testing on 27% H2O2 residence time with a DO meter. It doesn't last long.
Add bleach at 0.5 ml/gal every 3-4 days for a squeaky clean res.


Active member
i hear people swear by it, but it brought me nothing but trouble. i advise stay away or don't worry about it too much. i grow in clear containers, don't seem to bother em none.


but then again' you're in hydro and it depends on just how much algae are we talking here? enough to make a film on the water or just enough to notice a green tint?

also i would go the peroxide route before going to bleach.

thanks guys.so krunch uses bleech ? know the name ,gotta check out the grows.The thing bout' bleech is it'll sterilize the water and change the ph which could potentially be a problem.but it'll also kill algee, bacteria,and just about everything else.and Temps have not been a issue plus h2o2 did nothing so Im sure it's algee and not rot allthough I had orginally thought that myself.1 plant got so bad in just 48 hrs that I had to remove by hand, all the gunk and dead roots and transplant it into soil.The other is doing fine but I see little traces of slime that looks like snot.thats algee and It's gettin' bleeched...I think
yikes! you're complaining about algae and how to kill it when you don't even know how to identify it?

algae is green, blue or red the red kind is the worst. what you are describing sounds like root rot in the early stages, clear slime on roots. that's the begining of root rot, not algae. what you should do with that is rinse the roots with plain water by hand and try and rub off the slime, then refill your res with plain water and some peroxide and soak for a few minutes. a very low amount of peroxide like 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. after it soaks a few minutes like 3-5 then refill the res like you normally do with nutes at low strength.

Homer J Pimpin

i hear people swear by it, but it brought me nothing but trouble. i advise stay away or don't worry about it too much. i grow in clear containers, don't seem to bother em none.


but then again' you're in hydro and it depends on just how much algae are we talking here? enough to make a film on the water or just enough to notice a green tint?

also i would go the peroxide route before going to bleach.

yikes! you're complaining about algae and how to kill it when you don't even know how to identify it?

algae is green, blue or red the red kind is the worst. what you are describing sounds like root rot in the early stages, clear slime on roots. that's the begining of root rot, not algae. what you should do with that is rinse the roots with plain water by hand and try and rub off the slime, then refill your res with plain water and some peroxide and soak for a few minutes. a very low amount of peroxide like 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. after it soaks a few minutes like 3-5 then refill the res like you normally do with nutes at low strength.

wait up here bro. your tone annoy's me...Some of your info is correct but you are over simplifing the problem and slime on roots can be either rot or algee figured such a pro like yourself would know that.And you think that plant you posted is happy and w/o problems ? you honestly do ? then that explains the rest....

heres a "happy" plant just so you can see the difference


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Well-known member
Bleach and H2O2 both work, but bleach will last 3-4 days while H2O2 will last a couple of hours. I've done testing on 27% H2O2 residence time with a DO meter. It doesn't last long.
Add bleach at 0.5 ml/gal every 3-4 days for a squeaky clean res.

Thank you for posting up some truth.

Also, a little green algae is good. If I didn't see any, I might be concerned. :tiphat:


Crotchety Cabaholic
To be honest, I really didn't need the bleach when I was dumping the res every week. If I let it go more like two weeks, I would drop some bleach in there to keep the nasties away.
Like THMF said, a little algae isn't bad.
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Homer J Pimpin

yea guys I know all that I have actually spent lots of time researching and reading it's just too bad that every thread has contridicting info in it and everyone thinks they are right.
I dump and refill bout every ten days.I have allready delt with the problem and things are fine.The bleech like I said is just to kill any remaining algee I may have missed and to insure that I dont get more or rot.Like a preventitive measure.If it dose not hurt the plant in such small amounts I dont see any reason not to use it as a preventitive measure.Thanks for all the help and information.It helped me decide that Im gonna give it a go.


bleach should only be used SPARRINGLY to clean hydro equipment. peroxide is a much more tried and true agent, substantially less toxic than bleach.


Active member
wait lemme get this straight. you don't know the difference between root rot and algae yet im wrong for telling you you should know what you are looking at before you start applying fixes and im the bad guy? and my plant isnt happy why? because its not in 6 weeks of flower yet? is that the only time plants are happy? when theres bag appeal.

anyway what you are describing is root rot, algae doesnt start on your roots it starts in water and develops as a film on the surface or the walls of the container. algae is green or sometimes blue and sometimes red, i have yet to encounter red algae anywhere but in pictures of the ocean. root rot is a clear slime that develops on the roots as a function of some kind of bacteria breaking down your roots. when you apply the peroxide or bleach you kill this bacteria that is eating your roots.

you can continue killing your plant if you like but i suggest you take the advice of someone who has already been there and done that.
wait up here bro. your tone annoy's me...Some of your info is correct but you are over simplifing the problem and slime on roots can be either rot or algee figured such a pro like yourself would know that.And you think that plant you posted is happy and w/o problems ? you honestly do ? then that explains the rest....

heres a "happy" plant just so you can see the difference
all of my info is correct because unlike some people i only say shit i know to be accurate as i don't want to mislead anyone. whats wrong with my tone exactly? the fact that its correct? i heard truth hurts...i guess its true. yeah my plant is happy, it is all green the branches are coming in nicely for a 5 week old plant from seed and it just showed sex a couple days ago so now i will be scrapping it as that one is a hermi. i would just like for you to tell me what about that plant looks unhappy aside from the fact that it's in a clear container and there is algae staning the perlite in the bottom?

lemme guess all the old wives you've been listening too told you that just because you see some algae its automagically an unhealthy environment? lol

Homer J Pimpin

wait lemme get this straight. you don't know the difference between root rot and algae yet im wrong for telling you you should know what you are looking at before you start applying fixes and im the bad guy? and my plant isnt happy why? because its not in 6 weeks of flower yet? is that the only time plants are happy? when theres bag appeal.

anyway what you are describing is root rot, algae doesnt start on your roots it starts in water and develops as a film on the surface or the walls of the container. algae is green or sometimes blue and sometimes red, i have yet to encounter red algae anywhere but in pictures of the ocean. root rot is a clear slime that develops on the roots as a function of some kind of bacteria breaking down your roots. when you apply the peroxide or bleach you kill this bacteria that is eating your roots.

you can continue killing your plant if you like but i suggest you take the advice of someone who has already been there and done that.

all of my info is correct because unlike some people i only say shit i know to be accurate as i don't want to mislead anyone. whats wrong with my tone exactly? the fact that its correct? i heard truth hurts...i guess its true. yeah my plant is happy, it is all green the branches are coming in nicely for a 5 week old plant from seed and it just showed sex a couple days ago so now i will be scrapping it as that one is a hermi. i would just like for you to tell me what about that plant looks unhappy aside from the fact that it's in a clear container and there is algae staning the perlite in the bottom?

lemme guess all the old wives you've been listening too told you that just because you see some algae its automagically an unhealthy environment? lol

yer fucking nodes are too far apart.thats improper lighting.
your leaves are curling or wilted thats improper feeding. you grow in soil in soda bottles under cfl's but you come at me like your some kinda hydro expert.and again genius if you have slime on the roots it could also be algee not just rot.thats whats wrong.with yer tone.I get yer trying to help and thats cool. but my ALGEE issue is now resolved.And I am done with this thread.


Bleach works really well for me

Bleach works really well for me

Hey i run a small rdwc system and i use bleach ever few days in the rez. It helps kill any algae and root rot. At such small amounts its totally safe and my roots are very white. Peroxide is just as harmful if used in high concentrations, but doesnt last nearly as long as bleach.

They are both very useful in low doses, but ive used both and bleach seems to be much more effective and cost effecient. It costs a dollar for a years supply.

Homer J Pimpin

thank you LadyDog that is the excat conclusion Ive come to from alot of reading.And have allready started using 1 ml per 5 gallon.

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