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Blazeoneup hits the dirt again.


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seaofvert said:
hi blaze,
i m concerned about your watering schedule;when and how much?
the water cannot evacuate at all but sucked by the roots .Is that correct?
if it is the case don t you notice a lack of oxigen ?

all the best

The water cannot evacuate? Where did you come up with that? These bags have holes in them they have plenty of holes in the bottom of the bags and as well a few a couple inches from the bottom of the bags. This is where the runoff and drainage accurs lol...


Again great job Blaze!

How long did you grow in soil before switching to hydro?


The Helpful One
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I have grown soil for atleast 3 years steady but I actually started growing both soil and hydro at the same time lol. I had a 3 gallon container and a plant in soil as well as a emily's garden for my first grow. So my first grow was combination of soil and hydro so I cant really really say before I started hydro lol. Or before I made the switch lol.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on man plants lookn very nice, noticed ya said ya like to cut few slits in the sides of the grow bags :) me also. he he them bags are great nice and strong approx 5/16th drainage holes along the bottom and reusable


Blaze breaking up the rootball is something I've never considered during transplant,I can see where the roots could grow throughout the media that way.I transplant when having to water every other day,the rootball is fully formed throughout the soil but not rootbound,thats a state of zero growth.I'll "scarify" the rootball along the sides when transplanting with my fingertips when I'm pushing in the new dirt,but I've never tried actually breaking the rootball apart when transplanting.It seems to work great for you.I've always had a chuckle when people have mentioned transplant stress,I've personally never experienced it myself and if you can molest the rootball like that its obvious that it doesnt even exist.I'm going to try breaking up the rootball during transplant and transplanting normally in a controlled experiment,hell I've tried just about everything else I can think of lol.Boy I wish I could find a pic of the "swirl" so you'd know what I'm talking about,its never happened to me because I dont put seeds or new cuts in 3 gal pots lol but I've seen a half dozen pics of the syndrome.


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Yeah man give it a try once, Im sure you will be pleased with the results. I am by no means saying multiple transplants isnt reccomended "for most" its probly best they do a couple transplants. But I have this method working great so I dont see the need to do more transplants because its simply more work with no major difference in the outcome.

I wont say transplant stress doesn't accur, But I think 90% of the time the actual transplant wasnt the reason for the stress. Because my plants take off rather quick after transplanting, and continue rapidly developing and yeah I do kinda molest the root system so to say, You do need to be gentle as possible and you may rip a few roots out but its never stopped or hurt my progress. Plus the end results speak for them selfs. People who notice severe transplant shock probly done something wrong like transplanting while the media was wet, and then soaking them down again after the transplant or put them in a soil with high or low ph, Poor drainage hard soil with poor airation. Usually something other then the actual transplant is at fault. So yeah I guess there is such a thing as transplant shock but its generally not because of actually transplanting.
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There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Looking VERY good blaze... Thanks for the discussion in chat too, you were EXTREMELY helpful... Kudos bro


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Ok guys quick update I took some pics of the babies when I was watering today, Im going to post them up with pics of them at day 1 in the bags as wellas day 8 so you can compare how well they grow and progress weekly.

Day 1

Day 8

day 16


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..? man those girlas are looking great i also like that you are running yer grow with pics from day1 till present on same page... Nice dont have to go back pages to compare thanx for that.. Nice noticeable growth id say all is full steam ahead blaze.. Thanx for the updates.. bbl to peep yer girlas.. peace..



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Yeah its moving along, stick around the roots are developed and the plants are growing great, Wont be long and we will see these bitches in bloom :)


Active member
Welcom back to earth, Blazeboggie

I also dont think that transplanting is very hard on the plant, if one is working properly
I always put the plant a littel higher than tha last pot


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blazeboggie LMFAO

Yeah the higher up you put them the more developing they can do...


New member
Awesome thread. I'm parking my indian to observe.

two questions though blaze;
how long from taking the cutting to transplanting into the 3g ?
Any vegging?


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I do around 7-10 days pre veg in the cups just long enough to allow them to root the cups...


The Helpful One
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Ok guys time for an update. I ended up having a pm problem, Simply because I didnt install a dehumidifier or a carbon scrubber/hepa filter. Got the dehumidifier in there now, carbon scrubber and hepa filter soon to come. But for now I had to set the lights to 24/7 and get the de-humdifier cranking. Now the humidity is in check, I hit them with some Concern multipurpose Fungicide, Insecticide,Miticide that killed off the pm, Now I just have to get a carbon scrubber and hepa filter and then PM will never return.

Long story short had powder mildew outbreak but problem solved. Sure didnt slow the progress of the plants, However even though I turned the hid lights off. The Concern burnt a few leafs but its not a big deal didnt burn them to bad...

Now for the progress pics...

Day 1

Day 8

day 16

Day 21

Now for some random pics including a pic of the mutlipurpose concern spray I used for the pm outbreak.



good deal blaze//

id worry more about humidity then keeping the air sterile...spores will find their way in one way or another...if not thru the HVAC system then on your clothing, skin, hair, insects, pets, etc....shit happens ;) a low RH will prevent those spores from germinating at all....:)

great work and hope it never bothers ya again :)

ps- for what its worth, pH 8 water as a foliar feed will also keep them at bay for those of you who foliar spray regularaly :) i dont, just sayin :) milk, alchohol, peroxide, listerine,,,,cinnamon....:biglaugh:all these things take out powdery mildew on leaves, also...


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Thanks for the reply ethereal,Im sure your post will be useful to some of the growers who view this thread. I agree on the spores getting in no matter hwat but in my experience proper air filtration does a great job in sucking em up as fast as they can enter the room. Until next time be safe and take care!
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ICMag Donor
Looks to be another great grow I see Blaze! Always a pleasure to sit in on your shows!