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Black Ra1n's Grow Journal ~2008~

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
all shinny and stuff, nice shots man, the trics are glowing off the page

Just about to do some choppin right now, just having a relax smoke first then into choppin and hanging
Hey B/R


:woohoo: Looks like Christmas already! :wink:
I'll be :lurk: to see Big M in action, does that one smell like Bubblegum?? :yummy:
:wave:, Low
PS: what camera are ya using? Those close-ups are really really nice..
and i'm repeating myself..:bat: :smoker:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
TML16, thanks man. These two phenos are awesome, have a nice sweet smell. Had a little nug the other night, taste was green but sure packed a nice punch.
Have 5 big M's growing up right now. Tangerine, has been cloned and is going in the room soon.

ZeusOGrefugee, thanks.... hope those HH do you justice. I haven't tried any yet, how was the taste on the last batch you had?

Dr Dog, nice bro.... I'm counting the days... another week to go and these are get'n the axe.

High Lowlander, yeah they smell a bit like gum. I'm also interested in the big M, I'll give it a go along with a few close friends... if all goes well there will be some freebies floating around.

Sammet, hey mate.... thanks for stopping in... I'll be over to check out your pad soon....

Well it's flush week one.... everything is doing well. It's been humid as hell here lately.. almost 80% in the basement and no dehumidifier as of yet. Hope to find one this week-end. Well on with the pics....

Clone chamber...houses clones off all the vegging plants as well as a flat of bumbleberry pheno 1's for dog.

Veg area 1...

Veg area 2...

Pheno 1, she's flushing out nicely.

Pheno 1 closeup

Pheno 2 closeup

That's all for now.. have a good one... stay out of the heat!!!



Registered Medical Patient
can u say resin-crusted???they look super sticky bro, I bet they're gonna be some great smoke!!!

As far as the HH...they smell kinda sweet & sour when ground up, with a sort of peppery spicy thing goin on..As far as the taste..earthy, hashy, a little skunky, and just a hint of mintyness!!!Not the most potent, as TML said, but great daytime smoke, and I think if I let them go 2+ weeks longer, they would realy pack a wallop..Nice heady high, kinda makes your head feel like its been blown up with air like a balloon!!!All in the head though, no body @ ALL...good for w&b...Peace bro

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Whoo hooo a whole flat, sweet

Buds look great bro, cant wait to smoke on some


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Those are coming to a very impressive finish :bow:

Wish I could make the trip with Dog bro :ying:

I think Zeus has a pretty damn good description of HH. I'm planning on seeing how she works outside. I have a feeling it's more of an outdoors strain :canabis:

I'm dealing with same RH issue :confused:

I'll bump into you soon :wink:


Registered Medical Patient
Ahemmm...pics???...WTF, some guys just dont realize how important an update with pics is?!!!!LOL

Just kiddin bro, lookin forward to the chop shots...theyre close, huh???

HH outdoors I think would be a fuckin monster...hmmm, maybe Ill just throw a couple in my yard!!!Dangerous proposition thoiugh, my wife might cut off my balls if I do that...I can just see her goin into the backyard one day and seein a monster ganja plant!!!She'd flip her shit!!!Anyhow, Im done...Peace bro

have fun with Dr Dog....

- Z


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
very nice BR you have my mouth watering with a few of those. always green in here

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
ZeusOGrefugee, hey man. I found the MxA to be a tad on the weak side too, great for hash though. Hope you enjoy the show man.

Dr Dog, hey bro you'll end up with a nice care package of genetics, talk to you soon man.

TML16, you said it man, humidity was crazy the last two weeks. It's a bit better now, but it won't be long and it will be back up. I'm counting the days now till these come down, talk to you soon.

NZjay, thanks man, pheno one is the keeper from the bunch. I have cloned the mom and they'll be heading into the room at the end of the month.

ZeusOGrefugee, HH would be a good outdoor strain. I think it would be a tall one. Sorry for the lack of updates, but my pic gallery is getting full and I can't part with many pictures lol....

SirSmokalot, thanks man... can't wait to get some cola's off this 1000....

High Lowlander, I'm pretty happy with the looks of these from a simple 150. It will be interesting to see how the clones off these originals fare under the 1000.

Well Sunday is chop day, been flushing for 2 weeks now. First week with molasses and now just straight water. I got the 1000 cranking, put the three pheno's under it to finish up. I also put in another 8 bumbleberries, all 3 pheno's cause I had em and want to see if the nanners on 2 and 3 were from environmental problems. I took some clones off the bubs and the one ECSD x Straw that is an amazing looking plant. The other two are scraggly and sparse to say the least. I have turned the 150 part of my cab into another veg box cause I'm running out of room. I have 2 cell packs of clones rooting and ready for soil, and another cell pack of freshly cut ones. I'm going to now concentrate on getting the mumbles going next. I plan on putting another batch to flower in 2 weeks, then another 2 weeks after that. I have one confirmed bog cross female, it will go in the room next round. Well hope you enjoy these pics, love the black background and I'll be using that for now on.

Pheno 1

Pheno 2

Pheno 3 (first pics of this one, it's a weird plant)



Med grower
ICMag Donor
That pheno 1 really is a show-stealer. Your upcoming plans sound good too, it'll be great to see that new room in action :joint:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Pheno #1's colours set it off from the rest :canabis:

Looks like we'll be chopping together this weekend :woohoo:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looking great bro. Have any pics of your ecsd, would be interested in seeing it, as I have 2 goin now

So looking forward to hanging out man, less than 2 weeks now, get your sticks shinned up!!

Great pics man, talk soon

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Sammet, yes I agree with you, pheno 1 is the keeper, thanks for being a constant contributer to this thread bro.

TML16, yeah the colors reminds me of fall cropping. I chopped pheno 3 last night and I'm about to chop the other two shortly.

Dr Dog, have a few pics I'll post later when they're bigger. Countdown is on bro, sticks are shined up and ready to fly.

Well as stated above I chopped pheno 3 the other night, other two are ready to go shortly. Here are a few pics before the chop. I'll have a flower room update this week, have a bunch of plants to get transplanted then they're going in.

Pheno 1

Pheno 2


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Nice buds brother, nice colors too

What you gonna have in there when I get there, hopefully I full room, always cool to see that man.

Looking forward to it, gonna start ripping all my gear out of storage probably tonight.


looks awesome BR.. looking forward to harvest shots (my favs! :D) and will we be getting a smokey report on pheno 1?? :D


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey black rain, nice to see u busy as always:yes: getting hard to keep up lol
have to agree that pheno 1 is sure nice eye candy ,and looks very tasty
look foreward to seeing ur flower room in full swing



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Congrats on the harvest bro

Some great harvest colours on them fine looking frostilicious buds :yummy:

Always great to have a first successfull harvest in a new garden :ying: