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New member
I don't remember any Kush burning when I went to church!
Now, there was some kids burning "incense" in the parking lot.

Go to church and sit through Maas when they walk up and down the
Ile with the incencense container swing it back and forth tell me what you smell hash haze kush etc. Some time the truth is not what you expect!!!
Only a little related, but don't African growers have their own special processing methods? Like burying weed to let the non psychoactive cellulose rot, and using the remains, and a similar process of feeding a starving goat the weed and drying the weed-manure to smoke. Not saying I'd try this myself, but it's still somewhat intriguing.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Both methods are used, the goat digestion one for sure.. have a look in the african strains thread for more detail.

Baba Ku

Active member
Myths and legends always carry a good bit of mystique.
I remember when I was a kid, there was some weed floating around the US. This particular weed was almost exactly as some of the folks have mentioned they remember, including the accounts provided by DJ.
This particular weed carried lots of stories too, including the african thing. It was very nasty and harsh, and looked very unlike most of the mexican or colombian cannabis that was common at at that time.
What this weed actually was became known after a short period. It was what we coined as "seaweed". See, there had been some sort of pot smuggling gone wrong on one of the coasts and many kilos of supposedly killer colombian hit the ocean saltwater. Apparently everyone and their brother was collecting these sea soaked bales of pot from the beaches and selling it all over the nation.
It took a hook story of bullshit to get it sold, and it did indeed get you high.
Due to the obscure nature of this whole thing, I would bet large money that the elusive black african could easily be sea soaked commercial colombian in reality.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Myths and legends always carry a good bit of mystique.
I remember when I was a kid, there was some weed floating around the US. This particular weed was almost exactly as some of the folks have mentioned they remember, including the accounts provided by DJ.
This particular weed carried lots of stories too, including the african thing. It was very nasty and harsh, and looked very unlike most of the mexican or colombian cannabis that was common at at that time.
What this weed actually was became known after a short period. It was what we coined as "seaweed". See, there had been some sort of pot smuggling gone wrong on one of the coasts and many kilos of supposedly killer colombian hit the ocean saltwater. Apparently everyone and their brother was collecting these sea soaked bales of pot from the beaches and selling it all over the nation.
It took a hook story of bullshit to get it sold, and it did indeed get you high.
Due to the obscure nature of this whole thing, I would bet large money that the elusive black african could easily be sea soaked commercial colombian in reality.

Only if some of it floated over the atlantic to Italy man.


Well-known member
Myths and legends always carry a good bit of mystique.
I remember when I was a kid, there was some weed floating around the US. This particular weed was almost exactly as some of the folks have mentioned they remember, including the accounts provided by DJ.
This particular weed carried lots of stories too, including the african thing. It was very nasty and harsh, and looked very unlike most of the mexican or colombian cannabis that was common at at that time.
What this weed actually was became known after a short period. It was what we coined as "seaweed". See, there had been some sort of pot smuggling gone wrong on one of the coasts and many kilos of supposedly killer colombian hit the ocean saltwater. Apparently everyone and their brother was collecting these sea soaked bales of pot from the beaches and selling it all over the nation.
It took a hook story of bullshit to get it sold, and it did indeed get you high.
Due to the obscure nature of this whole thing, I would bet large money that the elusive black african could easily be sea soaked commercial colombian in reality.

Your theory is interesting, and it is indeed true that there was "sea weed" floating around, as I certainly smoked my share of it, along with unburned diesel soaked herb retrieved from LEO burn sites. Blech!

But, none of the sea weed I ever encountered had that particular black look and earthy taste I recall the African having. Other than being black, African had a very earthy taste sea weed never had.

Some of the sea weed was certainly once primo grass, because I encountered a batch that was real fire, but the look and taste was very different. Salt leaves a residual nasty taste.

Still, your theory should not be discounted. It could very well be true, since memories change over time and facts tend to get distorted with many re-tellings.

On a side note, a friend that lived on the beach in Alabama found 5 bales of Colombian commercial washed up on the beach early one morning. He made tons of money, but was eventually giving it away.

I believe the Black African existed. It may be lost to time, or may be still alive deep in equatorial Africa, but I do believe there was/is such a strain.

Just my 2 cents. Take it with a grain of salt.

Baba Ku

Active member
Folks were washing the crap out with the garden hose. That is probably when the blackish coloring came about. Just about any pot that gets too moldy moist will blacken up.

I am not discounting that rare african fire was floating around, and I had also smoked some fabled "african" smoke in the late 70's. I can't remember what it was they were calling the stuff at the time? It was legitimate smoking buds with a very exotic look and taste, and great buzz. No holy grail that I remember. More a novelty that hit the projects at one time...

lol...all this memory lane shit...I remember this being about the time many of us were scared of paraquat.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
It might be what was going round the states, but from here in europe to africa isn't that far, and some of the ports around here things like 250 kilos of hash a day (mostly moroccan ) pass through, so some african weed isn't in any way an impossibility..


Back in the early 80's I was visiting my friend Herbie who's mom worked the night shift. His house was the place to hang out and smoke while listening to vinyl on a pretty sweet pioneer system with the round end table type speakers. One night several of us where hanging out listening to the Doors, when another friend showed up. He said that his brother just got back from Jamaica and had managed to smuggle back some killer "Black Jamaican Creeper". He had about ten pinners for sale and I managed too snag a "two for five" deal. Which was pretty pricey at the time. Between ten of us we smoked three joints or so. This was the first time I felt like I was gonna die, I had chest pains shortness of breath, ect.. The next day I called my friend and usual smoking bud Steve boasting about how good this weed was. A short while later we met up behind the local IGA market. He basically laughed at me saying I had got ripped off, saying it didn't look, smell or taste like weed. He was kinda pissed off that I woke him up early on a Saturday morning with the promise of being the best weed ever. I too was convinced that I must have been stoned from the other weed we had smoked prior. We then headed uptown to score a real joint, and Steve said I was buying, as it was the least I could do for waking him up to smoke some fake weed. We made it uptown about ten minutes later. We were standing at the curb waiting for the traffic to slow so we could cross, when a police car appeared and motioned for us to cross, I think... Thats when it kicked in.... one step back, two steps forward all the way across the street. The whole time the cop is yelling something at us shaking his fist and screaming out the window. After making it across the street we were chased by imaginery cops for the next hour or so, met up with a really talkative and hot deaf girl and informed on the real reason to wear a leather jacket by some crazy biker dude.


Active member
some real authorities in the mj breeding scene believe in it (black magic). the stuff is crumbly bottom of nasty swag bag looking and pin joints put stoners on the ground. i believe the buried in the ground sweat cure has a lot to do with appearance and performance. if you read the curing threads there is obviously a lot to learn and reveal in the super critical cure stage of mj processing.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
This DC x Haze looks almost black when cured and gets you very high :dance013:

two days drying :)



Awesome bud raco, Ive grown a few strains that have been that black, sometimes black with green bits underneath the leaves mostly indicas and they have all been the best smoking, in every respect taste/high etc thers something to it but I dont know what...


before i ever heard of icmag or new much about cannabis, my dad told me a story that is parallel to so many of the anecdotes in this thread: one day back in the late 70's (don't quote me on the date) a friend of his brought over a bag of this black rotten looking weed, rolled a pinner joint that floored the whole party. he said people literally passed out in place coming-to hours later. he also described the thick harsh white smoke...

i believe that no one should dispute the existence of this stuff. it is rather odd that it is still such a mystery of the cannabis world. it is rather nice that there is still stuff for legends to be made of though. in this era of technology and information overload, it's great to know that no one really has a finger on what goes into this african black magic...

it sounds very fascinating. i can't say i really want any though....

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