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New member
Now this is a strain from the 80s 90s. It looks like hash
on a stick, very tar like look, when smoked it burns white smoke
and has this very strong high higher than any strain I've smoked
and I have tried the best this is the best, just need to know exactly
it's origin, if it grows that way or is it a curing process.
want this strain more than any, it doesn't even look like
weed it looks like black hash but it's not it's that good old BLACK MAGIC (Oji JuJu).


New member
No hype don't even know who breeds this besides in Africa
This is the most powerful strain I think.no haze no kush has
the effects that this has. Had some in the early 90s was very
black like tar like black hash. This train does exist, if you come across some bud that
looks compressed black as black can get and the smoke is white
that's that old BLACK MAGIC. And yes it's a very strong high
don't recommend as very day use might lead to loss of job etc
this I believe is the original two dog plant from the two dog star
look it up. This strain is the origin of hemp that's why it's hard to
come buy and is truly used for cerimonies in certain cultures.

el dub


We came across some COMPRESSED bud from Jamaica in the 80's that we called the Black Plague. Strong shit. I'm guessing the color was due to the triches releasing oil during pressing.


el dub

Thank you, cannatopia.

Looks like we have a spammer in aisle two!


el dub

Who wants to bet that synthetic cannabis shite Black Magic looks like hash on a stick?

I'm guessing dude is trolling for young newb-tards.



lol, I knew I have heard of this crap, if it is the same thing he is talking about that I found. I cant help but read up about it in the head shops lol. The shit kids will do now a day. If marijuana were legal, I probably never would have had to read about kids sniffing poop in a bag to get high lolol.

Baba Ku

Active member
One hit of salvia from some dipshit head shop and you won't even know what planet you are on. I imagine this black magic is the same sort of poisonous bullshit.
Find some good weed to smoke, kid. And try to avoid shit on a stick when offered to you.

el dub

baba ku: Salvia isn't poisonous bullshit, imo. However, it does demand respect. I only smoke plain salvia leaf. No extracts.



Salvia divinorum has a long and continuous tradition of religious use by Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship. Its active psychoactive constituent is a structurally unique diterpenoid called salvinorin A,[9][10] a potent κ-opioid and D2 receptor agonist.[11][12] Salvia divinorum is generally understood to be of low toxicity (high LD50)[13][14] and low addictive potential;[11][15] as a κ-opioid agonist.


Baba Ku

Active member
I don't care about the descriptions, it is something that kids should not have. It is far too potent for anyone but an adult to mess with.
And wiki descriptions are to always be taken with a grain of sale, as they can be edited by anyone and their brothers. The people who sell salvia are the ones who submit the mystical shaman bullshit...as if.


Just posting what I found off the net friend & have heard for some time now. I don't use nor care much about the stuff personally just thought it would be an interesting post. :)


New member
The Black magic I'm talking about is not that Internet
fake herbal crap this is from Africa. Some say Congo some say
other places in SA. This stuff is real it's not fake it's for cerimonies etc
used by certain tribes for meditation etc. There is very little info
on it because no breeders are breeding it outside Africa for one main
reason is the soil then the sun, so breeding it will be hard out side the African hemisphere
But it exist Dj short said something about it in stains of yester year something like that
I smoked this shit before and Dj shorts description fits it to a T


New member
No dude no spam none of that just posting the strongest strain ever
has nothing to do with the fake herbal s on the net you can't buy
this stuff from the net you have to go to Africa and no the right people
might be able to find it in NYC as they have every thing. That's about the only
Local place that might have this strain floating around.


Well-known member
Waaaay back in the 70's, a kid I knew stole a pocket full of herb from his brother. His brother called it African Black. It was black and clumpy, like mexi-brick, but black. It reeked and a hit expanded so bad it made you hack and gag. One hit and it made you droopy eyed. The taste was earthy.

I have no idea what it really was, only what the kid told us. His brother was a big time grower and always had lots of different smoke he traded his own product for. I got to sample a lot of exotic stuff thanks to that kid.

Take from it what you will, but it was some of the most evil smoke I've ever had

el dub

I don't think kids should have reefer either, baba ku.

However, I do believe as adults we should be free to ingest the sacrament of choice and from time to time, that does include salvia for me.


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