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Black Lives Matter "protest" lol...

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There is NO excuse for violence and CRIME.

what about smoking weed in america? that's a crime... what about shooting an intruder? that's violence...

like i said, im not saying its right, i'm saying i understand why sometimes some of those things happen. u got any other comments about my wall of text?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- First of all you would have to remove Tribalism, then all Supremacist religious/political ideologies from politics and religion - then you wouldn't have much left to go with - lol - because they all think they are better than each other - in some way or another - so they all have Supremacist leanings - Whether that's based on skin colour - national/racial identity or who you might pray to or vote for or not - or what football team you support -

- if we were to try and dismantle this human need to feel superior over his fellow man or woman - the need itself would have to be removed - and that might take millions of years of human evolution to accomplish - it all has to do with brain chemistry/anatomy - and the evolution of that - unless some bright spark can find a short-cut -

Racism is systematic in most of the world, in order for racism to be removed the system that allows for it and props it up needs to be dismantled. When a movement against this system gets adopted by the same system you can count me out. I also can't say I've ever seen a system of oppression and control be dismantled by peaceful means, you can't destroy something and be peaceful about it. I was going somewhere with this but the brownie has just kicked in and my minds going to happier places...


what about smoking weed in america? that's a crime... what about shooting an intruder? that's violence...

like i said, im not saying its right, i'm saying i understand why sometimes some of those things happen. u got any other comments about my wall of text?
Are you in America ?? Doesnt seem like it but I cant tell. Im not sure what you mean about shooting an intruder but I can and will with no hesitation shoot an intruder into my home thats in a criminal act. Mozambique drill style. Not sure what your trying to angle for here as in a CNN reporter looking for some kind of cumo the clown thing maybe ? Or if I misjudge at least tell me what your fishing for.


Racism is systematic in most of the world, in order for racism to be removed the system that allows for it and props it up needs to be dismantled. When a movement against this system gets adopted by the same system you can count me out. I also can't say I've ever seen a system of oppression and control be dismantled by peaceful means, you can't destroy something and be peaceful about it. I was going somewhere with this but the brownie has just kicked in and my minds going to happier places...

maybe changing the system in 1 go requires revolution and violance, but the incremental changes canbe done without violent revolution. but i hear whatyou say, most power structures won't give up their power voluntarily. the question is, what will replace the present system? 99% of all revolutions make things much worse for the population. the violent revolutionaries turn into violent leaders. its worth thinking carefuly before you tear down everything you have for some hope in a better future.

1 thing is clear, we all seem to agree that something has to be done about the ghettos, youths need opportinities to suceed in life. as Rogan said in that interview i posted, if you grow up surrounded by crime, gangs and poverty and you don't have 1 positive roll model, its very hard to make better life descisions.


The situation where the Feds are fighting the County is awful. A Nation SO divided! I watch on, appalled!

if you listen to the feds side of the story you might re think things a bit. there was 50 nights of protests and vandalism and the portland mayor did fuck all, then when the fed start protecting federal building, he says all the trouble is the fault of the feds, what a shmuk. he even stopped the pd from defending federal buildings.

normal peoples lives are totally screwed over when chaos and lawlessness rules the night. civilisation depends on the rule of law. protest peacfully all you like, but smash windows, grafitti buildings, burn houses and cars and you are a fucking criminal not a protester.


Active member
WTF are they protesting about now ?

it can't be the same shit, if it is, give up being a protester its not working for ya

ALL ya doing is annoying other HUMANS, STOP IT ya dickheads, or we will annoy YOU


Well-known member
There is NO excuse for violence and CRIME.

violence begets more violence. there will always be crime. most "crime" today is the result of morons wanting to make everything they don't like against the law, and LEO enforcing that arbitrary victimless bullshit. a lot of THAT plays into removing minority folks from the voters list. as has already been pointed out here & elsewhere, systemic racism is what is driving most of our problems. equal opportunity for ALL (not just the rich who buy their kids unwarranted free rides to top schools/jobs) in education will, eventually, bring minority populations up with the rest of society. but, the rest of society (white "overlords") do not want that to happen. they see black /brown folks moving up, and they want them held down. or else they move out..."i don't want my kids around them... " very nice, Karen.:biglaugh:


Are you in America ?? Doesnt seem like it but I cant tell. Im not sure what you mean about shooting an intruder but I can and will with no hesitation shoot an intruder into my home thats in a criminal act. Mozambique drill style. Not sure what your trying to angle for here as in a CNN reporter looking for some kind of cumo the clown thing maybe ? Or if I misjudge at least tell me what your fishing for.
born and raised in the u.s.a.

i was trying to highlight your black and white thinking. you claim there's no excuse for violence, yet you would light an intruder up like a christmas tree.

that's good, i agree. i guess there is some excusable violence.

and smoking weed and doing drugs are crimes i MUST do, it's my civic duty to break unjust laws.

excuse for crime, too.

that was my point, aside from also highlighting what i thought was a moot point you made about a minor part of my post.


if you listen to the feds side of the story you might re think things a bit. there was 50 nights of protests and vandalism and the portland mayor did fuck all, then when the fed start protecting federal building, he says all the trouble is the fault of the feds, what a shmuk. he even stopped the pd from defending federal buildings.

normal peoples lives are totally screwed over when chaos and lawlessness rules the night. civilisation depends on the rule of law. protest peacfully all you like, but smash windows, grafitti buildings, burn houses and cars and you are a fucking criminal not a protester.
feds following people off federal property, feds following people for miles, even all the way to their house, feds arresting randos that weren't even part of any crime (just walking), holding them overnight only to release them without charge... using batons and pepper spray against peaceful protesters, attacking a group of moms...

is that your "rule of law"? cause that sounds like police state shit.


Well-known member
feds following people off federal property, feds following people for miles, even all the way to their house, feds arresting randos that weren't even part of any crime (just walking), holding them overnight only to release them without charge... using batons and pepper spray against peaceful protesters, attacking a group of moms...

is that your "rule of law"? cause that sounds like police state shit.

Look at this drama queen making shit up now.


Well-known member

All left wing sources that always side with your cause.

From your NPR link...

"I fully expect that as long as people continue to be violent and to destroy property that we will attempt to identify those folks," he added. "We will pick them up in front of the courthouse. If we spot them elsewhere, we will pick them up elsewhere."


with videos and eyewitness accounts. i could have kept going, but i don't feel the need for spoonfeeding trolls...

and since when is the new york post, run famously by rupert murdoch's news corp, left wing?

you're not even a good troll.


Well-known member
with videos and eyewitness accounts. i could have kept going, but i don't feel the need for spoonfeeding trolls...

and since when is the new york post, run famously by rupert murdoch's news corp, left wing?

you're not even a good troll.

New York Post is trash, and if we didn't have anarchy in major cities people wouldn't be getting rounded up. Facts.


feds following people off federal property, feds following people for miles, even all the way to their house, feds arresting randos that weren't even part of any crime (just walking), holding them overnight only to release them without charge... using batons and pepper spray against peaceful protesters, attacking a group of moms...

is that your "rule of law"? cause that sounds like police state shit.

the fed press conference i posted explains what happened and why. if you march in a protest and then chuck a petrol bomb threw a broken window during the march, then after woods leave the march and get arrested its your own damn fault for throwing the molotov cocktail in the first place. it's not peaceful to throw frozen water bottles at cops, its not peacful to point hi powered lazers at their eyes and it certainly isnt peaceful to try and set fires. if you do that shit the police needs to hunt you down and make you face the consequences of your actions. anything else leads to chaos and the complete break down of society. the fed explained very well what they were doing and why exactly they did it, not my fault if you only watch msnbc and think you are getting the whole story. i watched the accusations made by them and cnn and i watched the fed answer. feds made much more logical sense then the pro blm main stream tv imo.


video footage, you adorable old coot you.

anyway, one of those links is a search result for 'wall of moms portland'

you could have done the five minute search yourself, but it's easier for you orange cultists to cry 'fake news' from your ragged lawnchair and skip the grey matter workout

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
My understanding is that these are people being arrested for Federal Crimes, such as defacing statues and firebombings on previous dates, as well as acts of violence. These people were identified and tracked and are now being rounded up and prosecuted. Many are likely going away for the next ten years. Plenty of time to think about their actions.


and what of the nonviolent protesters getting attacked by feds? just collateral damage?

they swooped in and demonstrated our need for criminal justice reform.


Well-known member
My understanding is that these are people being arrested for Federal Crimes, such as defacing statues and firebombings on previous dates, as well as acts of violence. These people were identified and tracked and are now being rounded up and prosecuted. Many are likely going away for the next ten years. Plenty of time to think about their actions.

painting with that broad brush with a boot in your mouth


here's your peaceful protesters paying their respect to their mayor, lmao.

Portland Mayor Photo Op Backfires Horribly as Antifa/BLM Attack Him!

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