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Black Lives Matter "protest" lol...

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Kiss My Ring
this excruciatingly long article i wouldn't post, but points out the other side of the argument rather unambiguously.


Senekal o’ Senekal: Outrage at South African Communists & Farm Murders Explodes
By Harry Booyens 16 hours ago

Anger against communist terror and horrific farm murders is boiling over after a murder in Senekal, uniting South Africans of all colors and beliefs while drawing international attention on the unfolding disaster.

lots of photos and links to have to remove for it to migrate intact.


Kiss My Ring
Leftists Suggest "Re-Education Camps", "Firing Squads", & Banning Talk Radio To "Deprogram" 75 Million Trump Supporters

by Tyler Durden
Thu, 11/19/2020 - 22:20

Leftists responded to a Twitter thread asking “how do you deprogram 75 million people?” by suggesting Trump supporters should be interned in “re-education camps” and that all conservative talk radio should be banned.

“No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?” asked David Atkins (pronouns in bio), a regional director for California Democrats. “We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South,” he added.
Atkins went on to frame Trump voters as a “conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency” before issuing a veiled threat by stating, “People are gonna try to figure out how to defend themselves.”
While asserting the moral high ground, many of the response in the thread demanded outright tyranny or yet more censorship as a means of ensuring “the good guys” have their way.
One verified user called for “Nuremberg trials.”
“I would look at Germany and see what they did about Nazis. Because you’re dealing with the same mentality,” said another.
“Reeducation camps for those salvageable,” said another. Firing squad for irredeemable malcontents. Round up entire families to ensure the disease doesn’t spread.”
Reeducation camps for those salvageable.

Firing squad for irredeemable malcontents.

Round up entire families to ensure the disease doesn't spread.
— Sari Not Sari GigaCharlatan Dr. Musk for Prison (@xenomorpher1) November 19, 2020
“Generally speaking, I believe re-education camps are a good thing,” added another.
Another called for the removal of “radio talk show hosts from airwaves through rigorous application of hate speech laws.”
“Cut them off completely. End the flow of false information suddenly and immediately,” said another, calling for all right-wing news outlets to “die.”
Another respondent called for “banning Trump flags.”

Start by banning trump flags like we should have done with the confederate flag. One of our many mistakes and why we failed at Reconstruction. We should not allow a hate symbol to be flown with pride in our democracy. Germany got that one right after WWII
— philadelphiamoderate (@philade92850022) November 19, 2020



Well-known member
Leftists Suggest "Re-Education Camps", "Firing Squads", & Banning Talk Radio To "Deprogram" 75 Million Trump Supporters

by Tyler Durden
Thu, 11/19/2020 - 22:20

Leftists responded to a Twitter thread asking “how do you deprogram 75 million people?” by suggesting Trump supporters should be interned in “re-education camps” and that all conservative talk radio should be banned.
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“No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?” asked David Atkins (pronouns in bio), a regional director for California Democrats. “We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South,” he added.
Atkins went on to frame Trump voters as a “conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency” before issuing a veiled threat by stating, “People are gonna try to figure out how to defend themselves.”
While asserting the moral high ground, many of the response in the thread demanded outright tyranny or yet more censorship as a means of ensuring “the good guys” have their way.
One verified user called for “Nuremberg trials.”
“I would look at Germany and see what they did about Nazis. Because you’re dealing with the same mentality,” said another.
“Reeducation camps for those salvageable,” said another. Firing squad for irredeemable malcontents. Round up entire families to ensure the disease doesn’t spread.”
Reeducation camps for those salvageable.

Firing squad for irredeemable malcontents.

Round up entire families to ensure the disease doesn't spread.
— Sari Not Sari GigaCharlatan Dr. Musk for Prison (@xenomorpher1) November 19, 2020
“Generally speaking, I believe re-education camps are a good thing,” added another.
Another called for the removal of “radio talk show hosts from airwaves through rigorous application of hate speech laws.”
“Cut them off completely. End the flow of false information suddenly and immediately,” said another, calling for all right-wing news outlets to “die.”
Another respondent called for “banning Trump flags.”

Start by banning trump flags like we should have done with the confederate flag. One of our many mistakes and why we failed at Reconstruction. We should not allow a hate symbol to be flown with pride in our democracy. Germany got that one right after WWII
— philadelphiamoderate (@philade92850022) November 19, 2020


Imagine how thirsty for power you have to be to think this way. I'm sure Cannavior and Gry will be pleased with this article.


Well-known member
Well,I must say.thats a nice bike.whats the specs on that thing? Now I really want one.but defunding the police doesn't make sense.i just happened to watch the movie colors a few hours ago.watch that movie and then tell me we should defund police.but yeah that's a nice bike.$38 grand easy.id be a hog in heaven.pun intended lol and holy fuck those bags are premium! Some of the nicest I've seen! Damn that's a nice bike! I take it back! Fuck the police! J/k ! Just joking!


Active member
Imagine being such a snowflake that a few goofball leftists scare the shit out of you..... Must really suck to be such a big baby about super scary leftists and imaginary reeducation camps. How are they going to put you in camps? Cops and soldiers? What are they going to do about the fact that most of those people are either far-Right or at least sympathetic to such.

You're so obsessed with your guns, but what would be the point of stockpiling all those guns if the government never comes to get ya? If nobody ever tries to oppress you, we're just looking at a bunch of talk from a bunch of posers. If they really are going after you, they're helping give a purpose to your weapon fetish.


Ah, Herman. Straight to the Existential centre of things! I think three wheels simply because they could. And doesn't it look nice? Even when pissed as a parrot Sergeant Stedenko could probably get home on that without falling off.

Bob Dylan came from Duluth, was my 1st thought and my 2nd, why just 3 wheels?:D

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Don't know what bike you're talking about Shithawk, I don't watch youtube posts here, but if it's got three wheels as Herman implied in his post, that shit is for pussies. Also baggers are for pussies too, real bikers don't need to carry shit.


Well-known member
Well,I must say.thats a nice bike.whats the specs on that thing? Now I really want one.but defunding the police doesn't make sense.i just happened to watch the movie colors a few hours ago.watch that movie and then tell me we should defund police.but yeah that's a nice bike.$38 grand easy.id be a hog in heaven.pun intended lol and holy fuck those bags are premium! Some of the nicest I've seen! Damn that's a nice bike! I take it back! Fuck the police! J/k ! Just joking!
to each his own but the point is that's what we are looking at is a taxpayer funded vehicle(s) that they most likely do not need, which you pointed out at possibly being $38k per vehicle. we're funding police budgets to have tanks and militaristic stuff to ultimately fuck us in the butt. at that point why would you not want to defund the police budget?


Well-known member
it's becuase there is a movement titled defund the police that people (plus the giant propaganda campaign behind BLM to discredit the movement above all else) find abraisive. yet say nothing when the state defunds education, welfare, etc.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
it's becuase there is a movement titled defund the police that people (plus the giant propaganda campaign behind BLM to discredit the movement above all else) find abraisive. yet say nothing when the state defunds education, welfare, etc.

- Ehh - maybe its because people might think that before they can have a safe educational environment for students to thrive in - they need to have security within those educational institutions? - <thinks of all the mass school shootings>

- 'praps a case of priorities - eh?


Active member
- Ehh - maybe its because people might think that before they can have a safe educational environment for students to thrive in - they need to have security within those educational institutions? - <thinks of all the mass school shootings>

- 'praps a case of priorities - eh?

Guns to protect us from the police state. Police state in our schools to protect us from the guns.

Sounds like a workable solution. What could go wrong?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Guns to protect us from the police state. Police state in our schools to protect us from the guns.

Sounds like a workable solution. What could go wrong?

- Yeah - you are pretty much damned if you do - and damned if you don't - what's known as a Catch 22 situation -

- You could just have complete anarchy in the schools - then most of the teachers and students probably wouldn't bother to attend - due to not feeling very safe at all -


Active member
Most anarchists don’t go to school. However you could apply the same catch 22 to our cities. Guns to control the police who are controlling the crime. Like a deadly check and balance.


Well-known member
- Yeah - you are pretty much damned if you do - and damned if you don't - what's known as a Catch 22 situation -

- You could just have complete anarchy in the schools - then most of the teachers and students probably wouldn't bother to attend - due to not feeling very safe at all -

A major problem is the way the "news" purposely skews 'issues'

which gives completely inaccurate and false assessments of actual reality,,, thus creating the "problem" they want the public to percieve

The unwitting public absorbs these skewed reports and demand 'justice' , thus getting the "reaction" desired

and right on cue, politicians or 'activists' will roll out a 'new law or policy' thus presenting the "solution" ,

which is the very thing they wanted to do from the beginning, but had to make it palatable and acceptable to the people

School shootings are almost 100% staged operations,,, much like the current virus scenario,,, and there is a desired "solution" to both,, they are eager to enforce on the citizenry


Active member
A major problem is the way the "news" purposely skews 'issues'

which gives completely inaccurate and false assessments of actual reality,,, thus creating the "problem" they want the public to percieve

The unwitting public absorbs these skewed reports and demand 'justice' , thus getting the "reaction" desired

and right on cue, politicians or 'activists' will roll out a 'new law or policy' thus presenting the "solution" ,

which is the very thing they wanted to do from the beginning, but had to make it palatable and acceptable to the people

School shootings are almost 100% staged operations,,, much like the current virus scenario,,, and there is a desired "solution" to both,, they are eager to enforce on the citizenry

Tell it to the dead.
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